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Complete Solutions to Higher Order Thinking Skills of chapter KINETIC THEORY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSHigher Order Thinking Skills
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `N` molecules each of mass `m` of gas `A` and `2 N` molecules each of mass `2m` of gas `B` are contained in the same vessel which is maintained at a temperature `T`. The mean square velocity of the molecules of `B` type is denoted by `v^(2)` and the mean square of the x-component of the velocity of `A` type is denoted by `omega^(2)`. What is the ratio of `omega^(2)//v^(2) = ?`

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  2. Two cylinder having `m_(1)g` and `m_(2)g` of a gas at pressure `P_(1)` and `P_(2)` respectively are put in communication with each other, temperature remaining constant. The common pressure reached will be

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  3. A gas in a cylinder. Its temperature is increased by `20%` on kelvin scale and volume is reduced to `90%` how much percentage of the gas has to leak for pressure to remain constant?

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  4. A thin tube of uniform cross-section is sealed at both ends. It lies horizontally, the middle 5 cm containing mercury and the two equal end containing air at the same pressure P. When the tube is held at an angle of `60^@` with the vertical direction, the length of the air column above and below the mercury column are 46 cm and 44.5 cm respectively. Calculate the pressure P in centimeters of mercury. (The temperature of the system is kept at `30^@C`).

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  5. An insulated container containing monoatomic gas of molar mass m is moving with a velocity `V_(0)`. If the container is suddenly stopped , find the change in temperature .

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  6. A gas has molar heat capacity `C = 37.55 J "mole"^(-1)K^(-1)`, in the process PT = constant, find the number of degree of freedom of the molecules of the gas.

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  7. Calculate the mean free path of nitogen at `27^(@)C` when pressure is 1.0 atm. Given, diameter of nitogen molecule = `1.5 Å, k = 1.38 xx 10^(-23) JK^(-1)`. If the average speed of nitrogen molecules is `675 ms^(-1)`, find the time taken by the molecule between two successive collsions and the frequency of collisions.

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  8. Ten small planes are flying at a speed of `150 km//h` in total darkness in an air space that is `20 xx 20 xx 1.5 km^(3)` in volume. You are in one of the planes, flying at random within this space with no way of knowing where the other planes are, On the average about how long a time will elapse between near collision with your plane. Assume for this rough computation that a safety region around the plane can be approximately by a sphere of radius 10 m.

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  9. Two identical containers A and B with frictionless pistons contain the same ideal gas at the same temperature and the same velocity V. The mass of the gas in A is `m_A,` and that in B is `m_B`. The gas in each cylinder is now allowed to expand isothermally to the same final volume 2V. The changes in the pressure in A and B are found to be `DeltaP and 1.5 DeltaP` respectively. Then

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  10. Consider a rectangular block of wood moving with a velocity `v_(0)` in a gas at temperature T and mass density p. Assume the velocity is along x-axis and the are of cross-section of the block perpendicular to `v_(0)` is A. show that the drag force on the block is `4rAv_(0)sqrt((kT)/(m))` where, m is the mass of the gas molecule.

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Higher Order Thinking Skills questions and complete solutions for chapter KINETIC THEORY of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11