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Complete Solutions to Energy In Simple Harmonic Motion of chapter OSCILLATIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSEnergy In Simple Harmonic Motion
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In simple harmonic motion, at the extreme positions

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  2. The total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is proportional to

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  3. A particle of mass m executing SHM with amplitude A and angular frequency `omega`. The average value of the kinetic energy and potential energy over a period is

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  4. A simple harmonic oscillator has a period T and energy E. the amplitude of the oscillator is doubled. Choose the correct answer.

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  5. A particle executing simple harmonic motion with time period T. the time period with which its kinetic energy oscillates is

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  6. A particle executing SHM with an amplitude A. The displacement of the particle when its potential energy is half of its total energy is

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  7. A particle of mass m is hanging vertically by an ideal spring of force constant K . If the mass is made to oscillate vertically, its total energy is

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  8. Frequency of variation of kinetic energy of a simple harmonic motion of frequency n is

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  9. For a particle executing simple harmonic motion, the displacement x is given by x=`Acosomegat`. Identify the graph, which represents the variation of potential energy (U) as a function of time t and displacement x.

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  10. When the displacement of a particle executing SHM is one-fourth of its amplitude, what fraction of the total energy is the kinetic energy?

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  11. A block whose mass is 1 kg is fastened to a spring. The spring has a spring constant of 100N/m. the block is pulled to a distance x=10 cm from its equilibrium position at x=0 on a frictionless surface from rest at t=0. the kinetic energy and potential energy of the block when it is 5 cm away from the mean position is

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Energy In Simple Harmonic Motion questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATIONS of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11