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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter OSCILLATIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Classify the following motion as periodic and non-periodic motion?
    Motion of Halley's comet.

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  2. Classify the following motion as periodic and non-periodic motion?
    Motion of clouds.

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  3. Classify the following motion as periodic and non-periodic motion?
    Moon revolving around the Earth.

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  4. Which of the following functions of time represent periodic and non-periodic motion?
    a. sin `omega t` + cos `omega t`
    b. ln `omega t`

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  5. Which of the following represent simple harmonic motion?
    (i) x = A sin `omega t` + B cos `omega t`
    (ii) x = A sin `omega t` + B cos `2omega t`
    (iii) x = A `e^(i omega t)`
    (iv) x A ln `omega t`

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  6. Consider a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion. The velocity of the particle at position `x_1` is `v_1` and velocity of the particle at position `x_2` is `v_2`. Show that the ratio of time period and amplitude is
    `(T)/(A)=2pi sqrt((x_2^2-x_(1)^2)/(v_(1)^2 x_2^2-v_2^2 x_(1)^2))`

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  7. A nurse measured the average heart beats of a patient and reported to the doctor in terms of time period as 0.8 s. Express the heart beat of the patient in terms of number of beats measured per minute.

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  8. Calculate the amplitude, angular frequency, frequency, time period and initial phase for the simple harmonic oscillation given below
    `y=0.3 sin(40 pi t+1.1)`

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  9. Calculate the amplitude, angular frequency, frequency, time period and initial phase for the simple harmonic oscillation given below
    `y=2 cos(pi t)`

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  10. Calculate the amplitude, angular frequency, frequency, time period and initial phase for the simple harmonic oscillation given below
    `y=3 sin(2 pi t-1.5)`

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  11. Show that for a simple harmonic motion, the phase difference between displacement and velocity is `pi/2` radian or `90^@`.

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  12. Show that for a simple harmonic motion, the phase difference between velocity and acceleration is `pi/2` radian or `90^@`.

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  13. Show that for a simple harmonic motion, the phase difference between displacement and acceleration is `pi` radian or `180^@`.

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  14. A spring balance has a scale which ranges from 0 to 25 kg and the length of the scale is 0.25m. It is taken to an unknown planet X where the acceleration due to gravity is 11.5 `ms^(-1)`. Suppose a body of mass M kg is suspended in this spring and made to oscillate with a period of 0.50 s. Compute the gravitational force acting on the body.

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  15. Consider two springs whose force constants are 1 N `m^(-1)` and 2 N `m^(-1)` which are connected in series. Calculate the effective spring constant (`k_s`) and comment on `k_s`.

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  16. Consider two springs with force constants 1 N `m^(-1)` and 2 N `m^(-1)` connected in parallel. Calculate the effective spring constant (`k_p`) and comment on `k_p`.

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  17. Calculate the equivalent spring constant for the following systems and also compute if all the spring constants are equal:

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  18. A mass m moves with a speed v on a horizontal smooth surface and collides with a nearly massless spring whose spring constant is k. If the mass stops after collision, compute the maximum compression of the spring.

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  19. In simple pendulum experiment, we have used small angle approximation. Discuss the small angle approximation.

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  20. If the length of the simple pendulum is increased by 44% from its original length, calculate the percentage increase in time period of the pendulum.

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  21. Write down the kinetic energy and total energy expressions in terms of linear momentum, For one-dimensional case.

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  22. Compute the position of an oscillating particle when its kinetic energy and potential energy are equal.

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EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATIONS of FULL MARKS PHYSICS(TAMIL) of Class 11