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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter UNITS AND DIMENSION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Obtain the dimensions of the following physical quantities :
    (i)momentum, (ii)moment, (iii)impulse, (iv)power, (v)power, (vi)frequency, (vi)angular acceleration, (vii)velocity gradient, (viii)surface tension, (ix)moment of inertia, (x)`epsilon` , permittivity of a medium , (xi)thermal conductivity, (xii)stress , (xiii)strain, (xiv)Young's modulus.

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  2. Acceleration due to gravity in the fps system is 32.2. What is its value in SI units ?

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  3. The value of coefficient of viscosity in the cgs system is 12. What is its value of the same in SI units ?

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  4. Surface tension of water in the CGS units is 72 dyne/cm . What is its value in SI units ?

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  5. The value of acceleration due to gravity is 980 `cm//sec^2`.What will be its value if the unit of length is kilometer and that of time is hour ?

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  6. Obtain the formula `t=ksqrt(l/g)` by the method of dimensions.

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  7. Assuming that the largest mass that can be moved by a flowing river depends on the velocity of flow, density of river water and acceleration due to gravity , show that the mass varies as the sixth power of velocity of flow.

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  8. The velocity of sound in a gas depends on its pressure and density . Obtain the relation between velocity , pressure and density.

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  9. The viscous force on a spherical body, when it moves through a viscous liquid, depends on the radius of the body, the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid and the velocity of the body.Find an expression for the viscous force.

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  10. The rate of volume flow of water through a canal is found to be a function of the area of cross-section of the canal and velocity of water. Show that the rate of volume flow is proportional to the velocity of flow of water.

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  11. Show that the following are the dimensions of energy.
    (i)`mc^2` where m=mass and c=velocity of light
    (ii)`(mP)/rho` where P=pressure , `rho` =density of liquid and m=mass
    (iii)mB where m=magnetic moment and B =magnetic induction field.

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  12. Show that RC, where R is the resistance and C is the capacitance, is of the dimension of time.

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  13. Using force (F), length (L) and time (T) as base quantities , find the dimensions of (i)mass, (ii)surface tension and (iii)Young's modulus.

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  14. If the units of length and force be increased three times, show that the unit of energy is increased nine times.

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  15. A gas bubble, from an explosion under water, oscillates with a period proportional to `P^a d^b E^c`, where P is the static pressure , d is the density and E is the total energy of the explosion. Find the values of a,b and c.

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  16. If the time period `(T)`of vibration of a liquid drop depends on surface tension `(S)` , radius`( r )` of the drop , and density `( rho )` of the liquid , then find the expression of `T`.

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  17. In the formula `X = 3YZ^(2),X and Z` have dimensions of capacitance and magnetic induction respectively. The dimensions of `Y` in MKSQ system are ………………, ………………….

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  18. If the velocity of light c, the gravitational constant G and Planck constant h are chosen as the fundamental units, find the dimensions of length , mass, and time in the new system.

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  19. The viscosity `eta` of a gas is determined by its density `rho`, molecular velocity c and its mean free path `lambda`.Show that `eta=krhoclambda` where k is a dimensionless constant.

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  20. Assuming that the vibration frequency of atoms in a crystal depends on the atomic mass m, the atomic spacing a and compressibility `beta`, find an expression for frequency.

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  21. If the resistance experienced by a spherical body moving through a liquid is proportional to the square of the that it is independent of viscosity.

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  22. The critical angular velocity `omega_c` of a cylinder inside another cylinder containing a liquid at which its turbulence occurs depends on viscosity `eta`, density `rho` and the distance d between the walls of the cylinders . Find an expression for `omega_c`.

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  23. Find the physical quantity whose value depends on the velocity of light c, mass of electron m and Planck constant h and which has the dimension of distance.

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  24. The force of attraction between two points 1 kg masses `I_m` apart proposed as the unit of force and call it neodyne, the first Bohr orbit `(0.5xx10^(-10) m)` as the unit of length and call it neometre and the mass of electron `(9xx10^(-31) kg)` as unit of mass and call it neogram.Find the value of 'neosecond' in this system.

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  25. Find dimensionally the relation between reverberation period t of a room, its volume V , its surface area A and the velocity of sound C.Assume that period is proportional to the volume and inversely proportional to area.

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  26. The resistance R to the motion of a ship depends on the velocity v of the ship, l the length of ship, `rho` the density of sea water and g the acceleration due to the gravity.Show that R is proportional to `l^3`.

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter UNITS AND DIMENSION of BHARATI BHAWAN PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11