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Complete Solutions to Problems for practice of chapter THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPProblems for practice
Number Of Questions54
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A cylinder containing one gram molecule of the gas was compressed adiabaticaly untill its tempertaure rose from `27^(@)C` to `97^(@)C`. Calculate the work done and heat produced in the gas `(gamma=1.5)`.

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  2. A sample of gas `(gamma = 1.5)` is taken through an adiabatic process in which the volume is compressed from `1600 cm^(3)` to `400 cm^(3)`. If the initial pressure is `150 kPa`, (a) what is the final pressure and (b) how much work is done by the gas in the process?

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  3. `200 cm^(3)` of a gas is compressed to `100cm^(3)` at atmospheric pressure `(10^(6) "dyne"//cm^(2))`. Find the resultant pressure if the change is (i) slow (ii) sudden Take `gamma= 1.4`.

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  4. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken around the cycle ABCDA, wher co-ordinates of A, B, C and D on and D on `P-V` diagram are A`(p,V), B(2p,V), C(2p, 2V) and D(p, 2V)`. Calculate work done during the cycle.

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  5. A quantity of air at `27^(@)C` and atmospheric pressure is suddenly compressed to half its original volume. Find the final (i) pressure and (ii) temperature.
    Given `gamma for air = 1.42`.

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  6. A cyclinder containing one gram mole of a gas was put on boiling water bath and compressed adibatically till its temperature rose by `70^(@)C`. Calculate the work done and heat developed in the gas, `gamma= 1.5, R= 2cal. mol e^(-1)K^(-1)`

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  7. One gram mole of an ideal gas at `N.T.P` is first expanded isothermally to twice the origional volume. It is then compressed at constant volume, till its pressure is raised to the original value. Calculate the total amount of work done. Given `R= 8.3 mol e^(_1)K^(-1)`.

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  8. A tyre pumped to a pressure of `6 atmosphere` bursts suddenly. Calculate the temperature of escaping air. Given initial room temperature is `15^(@)C` and gamma for air is 1.4`.

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  9. Find the final value of a gram molecule of a gas after an isothermal expansion at `127^(@)C`, if the original volume is `400 c.c` Given amount of work done by a gram molecule of a gas during expansion is `2302.6 "joule", R= 8.3 "joule mole"^(-1)K^(-1)`

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  10. A quantity of air at normal temperature is compressed (a) slowly (b) suddenly to one third of its volume. Find the rise in temperature, if any in each case, `gamma= 1.4`.

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  11. Two different adiabatic curves for the same gas intersect two isothermals at `T_(1), and T_(2)` as shown in `P-V` diagram, (figure). How does the ratio `(V_(a)//V_(d))` compare with the ratio `(V_(b)//V_(c))` ?

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  12. If at `50^(@)C` and `75 cm` of mercury pressure, a definite mass of gas is compressed (i) slowly (ii) suddenly, than what will be the final pressure and temp. of the gas in each case, if the final volume is one fourth of the initial volume? `gamma= 1.5`.

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  13. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken around the cycle ABCDA, wher co-ordinates of A, B, C and D on and D on `P-V` diagram are A`(p,V), B(2p,V), C(2p, 2V) and D(p, 2V)`. Calculate work done during the cycle.

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  14. Calculate net work done by the gas whose thermodynamical behaviour is represented by right angled triangle ABC on `P-V` diagram. The `P-V` diagram co-ordinates are : `A(20, 6), B(10, 12)` and `C(10, 6)` where `P` is in `Nm^(-2)` and `V` is in `m^(3)`

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  15. One mole of an ideal gas is heated from 273K to 546K at constant pressure of 1 atmosphere. Calculate the work done by the gas in the process.

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  16. Three moles of an ideal gas at `127^(@)C` expands isothermally untill the volume is doubled. Calculate the amount of work done and heat absorbed.

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  17. A volume of `10m^(3)` of a liquid is supplied with `100 kal` of heat and expands at a constant pressure of `10 atm` to a final volume of `10.2m^(3)`. Calculate the work done and change in internal energy.

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  18. At `0^(@)C` and normal atmospheric pressure, the volume of 1 gram of water increases from `1 c.c "to" 1.091 c.c` on freezing. What will be the change in its internal energy? Normal atmospheric pressure is `1.013xx10^(5)N//m^(2)` and latent heat of melting of ice `= 80 cal//gram`.

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  19. A sample of ideal gas `(gamma = 1.4)` is heated at constant pressure. If an amount `140 J` of heat is supplied to the gas, find (a) the changes in internal energy of the gas, (b) the work done by the gas.

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  20. One kg of water at `373K` is converted into steam at the same temperature. The volume `1 cm^(3)` of water becomes `1671 cm^(3)` on boiling. Calculate the change in internal energy of the system , if heat of vaporisation is `540 cal g^(-1)`. Given standard atmospheric pressure `=1.013xx10^(5) Nm^(-2)`.

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  21. When a gas is taken from one state `a` to another state `b` via one path, it absorbs `25 calories` of heat while doing `70J` of work. How much heat much heat has to be supplied in taking the same gas from state `a` to state `b` via another path when it performs `200J` of work?

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  22. `1 g` mole of an ideal gas at STP is subjected to a reversible adiabatic expansion to double its volume. Find the change in internal energy `( gamma = 1.4)`

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  23. If `1 gram` of oxygen at `760 mm` pressure and `0^(@)C` has its volume double in an adiabatic change , calculate the change in internal energy. Take `R=2 cal. Mol e^(-1)K^(-1)= 4.2J cal^(-1) and gamma=1.4`.

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  24. Ten mole of hydrogen at `N.T.P` is compressed adiabatically so that it temperature becomes `400^(@)C`. How much work is done on the gas? Also, Calculate the increase in internal energy of the gas. Take `R=8.4J mol e^(-1)K^(-1) and gamma= 1.4`.

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  25. Calculate the increase in internal energy of `1 kg` of water at `100^(@)C` when it is converted into steam at the same temperature and at `1atm` (`100 kPa`). The density of water and steam are `1000kg m^(-3)` and `0.6 kg m^(-3)` respectively. The latent heat of vaporization of water `=2.25xx10^(6) J kg^(1)`.

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  26. The internal energy of a monatomic ideal gas is `1.5 nRT`.One mole of helium is kept in a cylinder of cross section `8.5 cm^(2)`. The cylinder is closed by a light frictionless piston. The gas is heated slowly in a process during which a total of `42J` heat is given to the gas. If the temperature rise through `2^(@)C`, find the distance moved by the piston. atmospheric pressure `=100 kPa.`

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  27. A carnot engine has the same efficiency
    (i) between `100K and 500K` and
    (ii) between `TK`and `900K`. Caculate the temperature `T` of the sink.

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  28. A heat engine operates between a cold reservoir at tempreture `T_(2)=300 K` and a hot reservior at tempreture `T_(1)`. It takes `200 J` of heat from the hot reservior and delivers `120 J` of heat to the cold reservior in a cycle. What sould be the minimum temperature of the hot reservior ?

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  29. A carnot engine takes in `1000 K cal` of heat from a reservoir at `627^(@)C` and exhausts heat to sink at `27^(@)C`. What is its efficiency? What is useful work done//cycle by the engine.

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  30. A Carnot engine, whose temperature of the source is `400K` receives `200 calories` of heat at this temperature and rejects `150 calaroies` of heat to the sink. What is the temperature of the sink? Also, calculate the efficiency of the engine

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  31. The efficiency of a Carnot cycle is `1//6`. By lowering the temperature of sink by `65 K`, it increases to `1//3`. The initial and final temperature of the sink are

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  32. In a Carnot engine, the temperature of the source and sink are `500K and 375K` respectively. If the engine consumes `600xx10^(3)` cals./cycle, find
    (i) the efficiency of engine (ii) work done/cycle
    (iii) heat rejected per cycle.

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  33. A reversible engine takes in heat from a reservoir of heat at `527^(@)C`, and gives out to the sink at `127^(@)C` How many calories per second must it take from the reservoir in order to produce useful mechanical work at the rate of `750 wat t`? `1 cal. = 4.2J`.

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  34. A reversible engine converts one fifth of heat which it absorbs from source into work. When the temp. of sink is reduced by `70^(@)C`, its efficiency is doubled. Calculate the temperature of the source and sink.

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  35. Efficiency of a carnot engine is `0.4`, when temp. of sink is `300K`. What is temp. of source? If temp. of source is kept same and that of sink is lowered by `50^(@)C`, what would be the efficiency?

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  36. A perfect carnot engine has source temp. `227^(@)C` and sink temp. `127^(@)C`. Find the efficiency of the engine, If `10000J` of external work is to be done, find heat received from source and heat released to the sink.

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  37. An ideal engine operates by taking in steam from a boiler at `327^(@)C` and rejecting heat to a sink at `27^(@)C`. The engine runs at `500 rpm` and heat taken is `600 k cal` in each revolution. Calculate(i) efficiency of engine (ii) work done in each cycle (iii) heat rejected in each revolution and (iv) power output of engine.

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  38. Two carnot engines A and B are operated in series. The first one A receives heat at `900K` and rejects it to a reservoir at `T K`. The second engine B receives the heat rejected by the first engine and rejects it to a heat reservoir at `400K`. Calculate the value of `T`, when the efficiency ot two engines is the same.

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  39. A carnot engine is designed to operate between `480K` and `300K`. Assuming that the engine actually produces, 1.2 KJ` of mechanical energy per Kcal of heat absorbed. Compare the actual efficiency with the theoretiacal maximum efficiency.

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  40. A carnot engine absorbs `2000J` of heat from the source of heat engine at `227^(@)C` and rejects `1200J` of heat to the sink during each cycle. Calculate
    (i) Temp.of sink (ii) efficiency of engine
    (iii) amount of work done during each cycle.

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  41. In a refrigerator, heat from inside at `270K` is transferred to a room at `300K`. How many calories of heat will be delivered to the room for each joule of electrical energy consumed ideally?

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  42. Assuming that a domestic refrigerator can be regarded as a reversivle engine working between the temperature of melting ice and that of the atmosphere `(170^(@)C)`, calculate the energy which muct be supplied to freeze one kilogram of water already at `0^(@)C`.

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  43. In a cold storage, ice melts at the rate of `2 kg//h` when the external temperature is `20^(@)C`. Find the minimum power output of the motor used to drive the refrigerator which just prevents the ice from melting. Latent heat of fusion of `ice = 80 cal//g`

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  44. A refrigerator, whose coefficient performance `beta` is 5, extracts heat from the collingcompartment at the rate of 250 J per cycle.
    (a) How much work per cycle is required to operate the refrigerator?
    (b) How much heat per cycle is discharges the room which acts as the high temperature reservoir?

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  45. A refrigerator freezes 5 kg of water at `0^(@)C` into ice at `0^(@)C` in a time internal of 20 minutes. Assume that the room temperature is `20^(@)C`. Calculate the minimum power needed to accomplish it.

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  46. Calculate the least amount of work that must be done to freeze one gram of wate at `0^@C` by means of a refrigerator. Temperature of surroundings is `27^@C`. How much heat is passed on the surroundings in this process? Latent heat of fusion `L=80cal//g`.

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  47. Refrigerator A works between- `10^(@)C and 27^(@)C` while refrigerator B works between `-20^(@)C and 17^(@)C`, both removing `2000J` from the freezer. Which of the two is better refrigerator?

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  48. In a refrigerator, heat from inside at `277 K` is transferred to a room at `300K`. What is the cofficient of performance of the refrigerator. How many joule of heat will be deliverd to the room for each joule of electric energy consumed ideally?

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  49. One mole of an ideal gas undergoes a cyclic change ABCD where the (P,V) co-ordinates are A (5,1), B (5,3), C (2,3) and D (2,1). P is atmosphere and V is in litre. Calculate work done along AB, BC, CD and DA and also net work done in the process. Given `1 atmosphere = 1.01 times 10^5 Nm^-2`.

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  50. Calculate the heat absorbed by a system in going through the cyclic process shown in figure ,

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  51. A diatomic gas `(gamma =1.4)` does `200 J` of work when it is expanded isobarically. Find the heat given to the gas in the process.

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  52. Two Carnot engines are operated in succession. The first engine receives heat from a source at `T=800K` and rejects to sink at `T_(2)K`. The second engine receives heat rejected by the first engine and rejects to another sink at `T_(3)= 300K`. If work outputs of the two engines are equal, then find the value of `T_(2)`.

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  53. The adiabatic compression ratio in a carnot reversible cycle is 9, when the temperature iof the source is `227^(@)C`. Calculate the temperature of the sink. Given `gamma=1.5`

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  54. Five moles of an ideal gas are taken in a Carnot engine working between `100^circC` and `30^circC`. The useful work done in one cycle is 420 joule. Calculate the ratio the volume of the gas at the end beginning of the isothermal expansion. `R=8.4 J Mole^-1 K^-1`.

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Problems for practice questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMODYNAMICS of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11