Class 11 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What types of nutrition are found in Euglena?
Three kingdom classification includes
The extremaphiles are
Five kingdom classification includes
Incase of monera cell wall is made up of
The protistianorganisms are
Bacterial cell contains
The correct statements are
In gram staining of bacteria, the basic dye and mordant, used are
Sexual reproduction in bacteria occur by
Gram negative aerobic bacteria are
Archaebacteria differ from Eubacteria in
Vegetative reproduction in bacteria occurs by
In five kingdom system of classsification, the kingdom Monera comprises of
The chemosynthetic bacteria
The correct statements are
Mycoplasmas are
In rickettsiae, the following are not found
Mycoplasmas cause
Which of the following pair are not correct?
Which of the following matches are correct?
Which are the subkingdoms included in Protista according to Whittaker?
Whate are the different methods of sexual reproduction encountered the kingdom Protista?
Diastoms posses
Which of the following belong to Euglenoids?
Sarcodines are
Which of the following belongs to chrysophytes?
Which of the following are the general storage products of Protistans?
Which of the following are pathogening?
Slime mould are of the following types?
Mention the acellular slime moulds?
Name some Luminescent fungi
Which of the following causes ringworm?
Which are methods of sexual reproduction of Fungi?
Name the diseases caused by members of zygomycets
Which of the following matches are correct?
Which of the following are medical lichen?
Which of the following are used as biocontrol to trap nematodes infecting roots?
Which of these are bracket fungi?
Name the crustose lichen of the following
Which of the following lichens yield colouring matter?
Which of the green algae are involved in forming lichens?
How many types of ascolichens are found?
Which of the following are fruticose lichens?
Which of the these are crustose lichen?
what are heteromerous lichens
Which of the following are characters of viruses?
ss DNA viruses are
Name the diseases caused by viroids
Who disovered viroids?
Algae are characterised by
Parenchymatous thallus organization is found in
Characteristic pigments found in red algae are
The red algae are
Name the brown algae which are used as food
Name the algae, which are used in biological research
Name the algae that are used in sewage disposal
Falttened sheets of cells are found in
Additional substance material of algal cell wall are
The edible algae are
Vegetative reproduction in bryophytes occur by
The true mosses are
Which of the statements correct about sexual reproduction in bryophytes?
Mosses include
The correct statements about bryophytes are
Which of the following statements are correct?
Hornworts include
Pteriodophytes are vascular cryptogams. In pteridophytes
Secondary growth in not found in
The homosporous pteridophytes are
The fossil pterdophyte are
The floating fern are
Name the fern, those are taken as food
The correct statements about the roots of gymnosperms are
Gymnosperms are characterised by the
The mgasporangium (i.e. ovule) in gymnosperms is usually
Which of the following are correct?
Which one of the following are correct?
Pinus is
In gymnosperms xylem contain
The economically important plants of the family liliacea are
The monocot plants are
The dicot plants are
The vegetable angiospermic plants are
Name the oil yeilding plants are
Name the pulse crops
Which are millet crops?
Name the Timber yeilding plants are
What are the fruit plants?
Name the spice yeilding plants
The following types of pseudopodia are formed once only and afterwards their position and structure is more or less fixed
Transverse binary fission occurs in
The free distal end of Hydra body produced into a cone shaped structure called
The most recent theory, according to which the metazons had a polyphyletic origin from different unicellular groups is given by
Which is true about malarial parasite?
The Cleavage is equal and holoblastic in the case of poriferans. In general, first three divisions are vertical, with fouth one is horizontal resulting in
Pseudopodia are locomitory orgaeles in class
The species of Plasmodium that cause malaria in man are
Polyploid forms include
In the external apertures of body Hirudinaria granulosa