Class 11 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Leeuwenhoek was the first observer of bacteria.
The kingdom Monera includes diverse kinds of mostly unicellular and primarily aquatic eukaryotes.
Actinomycetes belong to the kingdom Monera.
All autrophs are Monerans.
The plant kingdom consists of multicellular producers.
Give two examples of Crustose lichens
Fungi are termed saprobes when they live on decaying plant or animal matter.
Diatoms belong to the kingdom Monera.
Kingdom monera has two major groups-archaebacteria and eubacteria.
Endotoxins are water soluble, heat labile proteins.
Purple membrane occurs in some halophiles.
Methanogens are facultative anaerobes.
Oxygen liberation is absent in bacterial photosynthesis.
Obligate anserobes are killed by molecular oxygen.
Rhizobium is freely found living in the soil while Azolobacer in root nodules.
Transduction is phage mediated genetic transfer.
In bacteria, nucleoid represents the area in which all the genetic material of the cell is concentrated
Facultative anaerobes may live with or without oxygen
Bacerial cell has a true nucleus.
Gram stain is used to differentiate Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacteria.
Bacterial flagella consists of a pure protein, called flagellin.
Bacteria having no flagella are termed as lophotrichous.
Actinomycetes are microorganisms that link the bacteria with the fungi.
Bacteria having a tuft of flagella at both ends are called amphitrichous.
Typhoid is caused by Bacillus diplococcus.
Bacteria differ from plants in that they do not have a well defined nucleus.
Extra nuclear DNA in E.coli is termed as episome.
The common made of reproduction in bacteria is budding.
Diatoms have silica in their walls.
Malaria can be controlled by destroying the alternate host.
Plasmodium is a slime mould.
The protists from trichocysts to tide over adverse situation.
Both micronuclei and macronuclei are found in ciliates.
Euglena is always heterotrophic.
Most protozoans are photosynthetic.
All photosynthetic protisa posses chl-a.
Eye spots of euglenoids are able to sense movement as they lie close to the base of flagella.
The male anopheles mosquito synthesizes an anticoagulant to keep the blood of its prey flowing during feeding.
The fungus which grows within the root surface is called endomycorrhizae
Fungi that grow on skin and scalp are called dermtophytes.
The most common method of vegetative propagation is budding.
The hyphae without crosswalls are called aseptate.
Rhizopus from single spore culture can produce zygospores.
In Basidiomycotina well developed sex organs are present.
In mushrooms sex organs are complicated structures.
What is external fertilisation
Rhizopus is a gill fungus.
In case of Agaricus somatogamy takes place.
Potato spindle tube disease is due to a bacterium.
RNA-retroviruses have a special enzyme that trancribes vira RNA to cDNA.
Prion consists of both DNA and RNA.
Potato leaf roll or leaf curl of papaya are caused by viruses.
Lichens multiply by the production of soridia.
Symbiotic relationship between an alga and a fungus occurs in Mycorrhiza.
In lichens, sexual reproduction is usually performed by the fungal partner only.
Algal fungi are placed under basidiomycetes group.
The septum is between the cells of Spirogyra filament is replicate.
Germination of zygospore is indirect in Spirogyra.
Ulothrix is benthic.
A parastic colourless red alga living on other red algae is Harveyella.
Rhodophyta have motile reproduction organs.
Ectocarpus is a source of iodine.
Sea lettuse is Laminaria.
A red algae i.e. neither red in colour nor marine is batrachospermum.
Girdle shaped chlorroplast present in layer of Ulothrix.
Green layer is formed over the surface of fresh water pond is palmella stage.
Mosses are attached to the substratum by hold fasts.
Funaria differes from Pteridium in absence of root.
Riccia is a peat moss.
In Marchantia, structure protecting archegonia is perichaetium
Fern spores are always triploid.
Prothallus of fern produces gametes.
In Riccia, the shape of archegonium is flask-shaped.
In Funaria, rhizoids arise from the dorsal region.
Partially independent sporophyte is found in Riccia.
Antheridia and archegonia are sex organs of Moss.
Sporangia and spore-bearing leaf in fern is called as rementa.
Lycopodium is homosporous fern.
The main plant of pteridophyte is sporophyte.
Prothallus of Dryopteris is diplod.
The number of megaspore in Selaginella rupestris is 2.
Integument like covering of megasporatium occurs in selaginela sulcata.
Hurnea is ealiest land plant.
Amphiphloic sphonostele occurs in the stem of Marsilea.
Selagnella having pyrenoid in its chloroplast.
Development of embryo in fern is meroblastic.
Salvinia is floating fern.
Pteridophytes are also called as sparkling plant.
Pteris is eusporangiate type of petiophytic plant.
In case of Equisetum strobilus are found.
The gametophytes of Selaginella is endosporic type.
Seed bearing plants are spermatophytes.
Heterospory is common is bryophtes.
Endosperm in vymnosperm is haploid.
In Cycas, siphonogamy coupled with zooidiogamy.
Roots of Pinus seedling are associated with algae.
Pollens of Pinus cause hay fever.
Pines protect themselves from microbes and insects through resin.
The angiosperms are more ancient than the gymnoperms in the evoluntionary terms.
The gymnosperms form seeds within a fruit.
TRUE OR FALSE questions and complete solutions for chapter CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS of SANTRA BIOLOGY (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11