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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL SHORT ANSWERS of chapter THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Given the relation between enthalpy (H) and internal energy (U).

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  2. Calculate `DeltaH_(f)^(0)` for the reactions.
    `CO_(2_((g)))+H_(2_((g)))rarrCO_(2_((g)))+H_(2)O_((g)) " given that "DeltaH_(f)^(0) " for " CO_(2_((g))),CO_((g))and H_(2)O_((g)) " are " -393.5,-111.31 and -242 " KJ.mol"^(-1)` respectively .

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  3. Which law of thermodynamics deals with equivalence of different forms of energies?

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  4. One mole of an ideal gas is put through a series of changes as shown below in a cyclic process. Name the process `A rarrB, BrarrC and C rarrA.`

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  5. For a reaction `2 Cl_((g))rarrCl_(2)` What are the signs of `DeltaH and DeltaS` ?

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  6. Define the following terms.

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  7. Define the team thermodynamics process .

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  8. State zeroth low of thermodynamics.

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  9. Predict the change in internal energy for an isolated system at constant volume.

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  10. One mole of a gaseous system absorbs 100 J of heat and does work equivalent to 50 . J . Calculate the change in the internal energy of the system.

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  11. Bring out the difference between extensive and intensive properties.

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  12. Distinguish the thermodynamic process depending upon heat absorbed or evolved in the overall process.

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  13. Answer the following questions with respect to I law of thermodynamics.
    (i) State the law
    (ii) Give its mathematical expression
    (iii) List out its limitations

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  14. Segregated the following as open , closed or isolated systems.
    (i) Tiger
    (ii) The earth
    (iii) Tea in a thermos flask
    (iv) Tin in a carbonated drink
    (v) Hellium filled balloon.
    (vi) Ice cube tray filled with water.

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  15. Identify processes under the following conditions
    (i) dt = 0 (ii) dP = 0 (iii) dV=0

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  16. Identify the steps involved in the following cyclic process . Temperature at A , B and F is `T_(1)` , and at C, D and E is `T_(2)` Given `T_(1)gtT_(2)`

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  17. Define standard heat of formation .

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  18. Give the application of Hess's law.

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  19. Heat is considered as a path function, but in an endothermic process , the heat absorbed by the system under certain specific conditions is independent of path. What are those conditions ?

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  20. Give the relation between `DeltaU and DeltaH`.

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  21. Define enthalpy .

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  22. Define standard enthalpy changes .

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  23. Application of the heat of combustion ?

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  24. Define the following.
    (a) Molar Heat of fusion
    (b) Molar Heat of vapourisation
    (c) Molar Heat of sublimation
    (d) Heat of Transition

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  25. What are the applications of Bomb Calorimeter?

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  26. For an isolated system ,`DeltaU=0` What will bs `DeltaS` ?

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  27. What happened to work when
    (i) gas expands against external pressure
    (ii) gas is compressed
    (iii) gas expands into vacuum
    (iv) an ideal gas expands reversibly and isothermally .

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  28. what information is observed from positive , zero and negative volumes of change in entropy ?

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  29. Consider the following changes in the physical state of water and state whether orderliness has increased or decreased and consequently predict the direction of entropy of the system.
    (i) `H_(2)O_((l))rarrH_(2)O_((s))`
    (ii) `"Steam "rarr"water"`

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  30. what is the need for second Law of thermodynamics.

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  31. Define standard entropy change.

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  32. Define entropy of transition.

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  33. What is entropy of Vaporization?

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  34. Define entropy of transition.

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  35. What are spontaneous process ?

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  36. Predict the sign of entropy change in each of the following:
    A liquid crystallises into solid.

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  37. Predict the sign of entropy change in each of the following:
    C (graphite) `rarr` C (Diamond)

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  38. Predict the sign of entropy change in each of the following:
    Temperature of perfectly crystalline solid is raised from 0 K to 115 K.

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  39. Predict the sign of entropy change in each of the following:
    `AgNO_(3_((g))) rarr AgNO_(3_((aq)))`

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  40. what is the nature of the reaction for the following ?

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  41. what is the nature of the reaction for the following ?

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  42. what is the nature of the reaction for the following ?

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  43. Explain the relationship between free energy and equilibrium constant.

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  44. How does entropy vary when external pressure is less than internal pressure of the gaseous system ?

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  45. Give one example for spontaneous combustion.

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  46. Why `C_(p)` Is always greater than `C_(v)` ?

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ADDITIONAL SHORT ANSWERS questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMODYNAMICS of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11