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Complete Solutions to NUMERICAL PROBLEMS of chapter THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The entropy change in the conversion of water to ice at 272 k for the system is `-22.88 JK^(-1) mol^(-1)` and that of surrounding is `+24.85 jk^(-1) mol^(-1)` State whether the process is spontaneous or not ?

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  2. The heat of combustion of solid naphthalene. `(C_(10)H_(10))` at constant volume was `-4984kJmol^(-1) " at " 298K.` Calculate the value of enthalpy change. Given:
    `C_(10)H_(8_((s)))+120_(2_((g)))rarr10CO_(2_((g)))+4H_(2)O_((l)),DeltaU=-4984 kJ.mol^(-1)`
    `DeltaU=-4984 kJmol^(-1),R=8.314JK^(-1)mol^(-)`

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  3. Calculate the standard entropy of formation `DeltaS_(f)^(@) " of "CO_(2_((g)))` . Given the standard entropies of `CO_(2_((g))),C_((s)),O_(2_((g)))` as `218.8,8.740and 205.60Jk^(-1)` respectively .

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  4. The standard heat of formation of `H_(2)O_((l))` from its elements `H_(2) and O_(2)` is `-290.83 kJmol^(-1)` and the standard entropy change for the same reaction is `-330 JK^(-1)" at " 25^(@)C.` Will the reaction be spontaneous at `25^(@)C`.
    Given: `DeltaH^(@)=-290.83 kJmol^(-1)`

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  5. `DeltaH and DeltaS` for the reaction
    `Ag_(2)O_((s))rarr2Ag_((s))+1/2O_(2_((g))) " are "30.56 kJ mol^(-1)`
    and `66.0 Jk^(-1) mol^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the temperature at which the free energy for this reaction will be zero. What will be the direction of reaction at this temperature and at temperature below this and why ?
    Given: `DeltaH=30.56kJ mol^(-1)=30560 J mol^(-1)`

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  6. will the reaction, `I_(2_((g)))+H_(2)S_((g))rarr2HI_((g))+S_((s))` proceed spontaneously in the forward direction at 298K ? You are given with `DeltaG^(@)` for HI and `H_(2)` as 1.8 and `-33.8 kJ mol^(-1)` respectively .
    Given : `I_(2_((g)))+H_(2)S_((g))rarr2HI_((g))+S_((s))`
    `DeltaG_(HI)^(@)=1.8kJ mol^(-1)`
    `DeltaG_(H_(2)S)^(@)=1.8kJ mol^(-1)`

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  7. Calculate the standard free energy change `(DeltaG^(@))` of the following reaction and say whether it is feasible at 373 K or not `1/2K_(2_((g)))+1/2I_(2_((g)))rarrHI_((g)),DeltaH_(r)^(@) " is " 25.95 kJ mol^(-1)` standard entropies of `HI_((g)) , H_(2_((g))) and I_(2_((g)))` are `206.3 ,140.6 and 118.7 Jk^(-1) mol^(-1)`
    Given `S_(I_(2))^(@)=118.7 JK^(-1) mol ^(-1),S_(HI)^(@)=206.3JK^(-1)`
    `mol^(-1),S_(H_(2))^(@)=140.6 JK^(-1) mol^(-1)`
    Formula : `DeltaS^(@)=S_(HI)^(@)1/2(S_(H_(2))^(@)+S_(I_(2)^(@)))`
    `Delta G^(@)=DeltaH^(@) -TDeltaS^(@)`

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  8. Calculate the maximum % efficiency of thermal engine operating between `110^(@) and 25^(@)` .

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  9. Calculate the entropy change in the system, and in the surroundings and the total entropy change in the universe when during a process 75 J of heat flow out of the system at `55^(@)C` to the surrounding at `20^(@)C`.

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  10. Calculate the entropy change of process `H_(2)O_((l))rarrH_(2)O_((g))` at 373K. Enthalpy of vaporization of water is `40850"J Mole"^(-1)`

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  11. The boiling point of water at a pressure of 50 atm is 538 K.Compare the theoretical efficiencies of a stem engine operating between the boiling point of water at
    1 atm pressure

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  12. The boiling point of water at a pressure of 50 atm is 538 K.Compare the theoretical efficiencies of a stem engine operating between the boiling point of water at
    50 atm pressure , assuming the temperature of the sink to be `35^(@)C` in each case.

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  13. From the following data.
    `CH_(4)+2O_(2)rarrCO_(2)+2H_(2)O DeltaH^(@)=-890kJmol^(-1)`
    `H_(2)O_((l))rarrH_(2)O_((g))DeltaH^(@)=44kJ mol^(-1) " at "298 K`
    Calculate the enthalpy of the reaction
    `CH_(4)+2O_(2)rarrCO_(2)+2H_(2)O " "DeltaH^(@)=? `

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  14. Calculate the heat of glucose and its calorific value from following data :
    (i)`C_"(graphite)"+O_(2(g)) to CO_(2(g)) , DeltaH`=-395 KJ
    (ii)`H_(2(g)) +1//2O_2 to H_2O_((l)) , DeltaH`=-269.4 KJ
    (iii)`6C+6H_(2(g)) +3O_(2(g)) to C_6H_12O_(6(s)) , DeltaH`=-1169.8 KJ

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  15. Calculate the entropy change in the engine that reacives 957.5 kJ of heat reversibly at `110^(@)C` temperature.

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  16. Calculate the entropy change of a process possessing `DeltaH_(t)=2090 J mol^(-1).`

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  17. 250 J of work is done on the system and at the same time 100 J of heat is given out. What is the change in the internal energy ?
    Given `w = 250J " "["Work done on the system, " wgt0 "Heat given out of the system, " q lt0] `

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  18. The heat of combustion of ethyl alcohol is 34,600 cals. The heat of formation of `CO_(2)` and water are `-96.200 and -68.000` calories respectively at constant pressure. What is the heat formation of ethyl alcohol ?
    Given :
    `DeltaH_(f)^(@),CO_(2)=-96200 " cal" , DeltaH_(f)^(@),H_(2)O=-68000 cal `
    `DeltaH_(c)^(@),C_(2)H_(5)OH=34.600 cal `

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  19. Calculate the change of entropy for the process , water (liq) to water (vapor,373) involving `DeltaH_("vap")=40850 J mol ^(-1) " at " 373K.`

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NUMERICAL PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMODYNAMICS of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11