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Complete Solutions to EVALUATION of chapter SOLUTIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions48
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The molality of a solution containing 1.8 g of glucose dissolved in 250g of water is

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  2. Which of the following concentration terms is are Independent of temperature?

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  3. Stomach acid a dilute solution of HCI can be neutralised by reaction with Aluminium hydroxide.
    ` Al(OH)_3 +3HCl(aq) to AlCl_3 +3H_2O `
    how many millitres of 0.1 M ` Al(OH)_3 ` solution are needed to neutralise 21 ml of ` 0.1` M HCl?

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  4. The partial pressure of nitrogen in air is ` 7.6xx 76` atm and its Henry's law constant is ` 7.6 xx 10^(6) ` atm at 300 k. What is the mole fraction of nitrogen gas in the solution obtained when air is bubbled through water at 300 K?

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  5. The Henry's law constant for the solubility of Nitrogen gas in water at ` 350 K` is ` 8xx 10^(4) ` atm. The mole fraction of nitrogen in air is ` 0.5`.The number of moles of Nitrogen from air dissolved in 10 moles of water at 350 K and 4 atm pressure is

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  6. Which one of the following is incorrect for ideal solutions?

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  7. Which one of the following gases has the lowest value of Henry law constant ?

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  8. `P_1 ` and `P_2` are the vapour pressures of pure liquid components , 1 and 2 respectively of an ideal binary solution if ` x_1` represents the mole Traction of component 1, and the total pressure of the solutions formed by 1 and 2 will be

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  9. Osmotic pressure `(pi) ` of a solution is given by the relation

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  10. Which one of the following binary liquid mixtures exhibits positive deviation from Raoults law?

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  11. The Henry's law constant for two gases A and B are x and y respectively.The ratio of mole fractions of A to B is 0.2 The ratio of mole fraction of B and A dissolved in water will be

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  12. At `100 ^(@) C` the vapour pressure of a solution containing 6.5 g a solute in 100 g water is 732mm.If ` K_b =0.52`, the boiling point of this solution will be

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  13. According to Raoult's law the relative lowering of vapour pressure for a solution is equal to

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  14. At same temperature , which pair of the following solutions are Isotonic?

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  15. The emplrical formula of a non-electrolyte (X) is ` CH_2O` A. solution containing six gram of X exets the same osmotic pressure as thet of 0.025M glucose solution at the same temperature. The moleculra formula of X is

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  16. The ` K_H` for the solution of oxygen dissolved in water is ` 4xx 10^(4) `atm at a given temperature . If the partial pressure of oxygen in air is 0.4 atm the mole fraction of oxygen in solution is

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  17. Normality of 1.25 M sulphuric acid is

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  18. Two liquids X and Y on mixing gives a warm solution. The solution is

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  19. The relative lowering of vapour pressure of a sugar solution in water is ` 3.5xx 10^(-3) ` The mole fraction of water in that solution is

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  20. The mass of a non-voltalle solute (molar mass 80 g `mol ^(-1)` ) which should be dissolved in 92 g of toluene to reduce its vapour pressure to ` 90 %`

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  21. For a solution the plot of osmotic pressure ` (pi ) ` verses the concentration ` ( c "in" mol L^(-1) ` ) gives a straight line with slope 310 R where 'R' is the gas constant The temperature at which osmotic pressure measured is

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  22. 200 ml of an aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.26 g of protein. At 300 K, the osmotic pressure of this solution is found to be ` 2.52xx 10^(-3) ` bar.The molar mass of protein will be
    ` (R=0.083 L bar mol ^(-1) K^(-1)) `

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  23. The Van't Hoff factor (i) for a dilute aqueous solution of the strong elecrolyte barium hydroxide is

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  24. What is the molality of a` 10% ` W/W aqueous sodium hydroxide solution?

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  25. The correct equation for the degree of an assoclating solute, 'n' molecules of which undergoes assoclation in solution is

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  26. which of the following aqueous solution has the highest bolling point?

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  27. The freezing point depression constant for water is ` 1.86 ^(@) K kg mol ^(-1) ` , I f ` 5g Na_2 SO_4` is dissolved in 45 g water the depression in freezing point as `3.64 ^(@) C` The Vant Hoff factor for ` Na_2 SO_4` is

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  28. Equimotal aquous solutions of NaCl and KCl are prepared If the freezing point of ` NaCl is -2^(@) C ` the freezing point of KCI solution is expected tobe

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  29. Phenol dismerises in benzene having Van,t Hoff factor 0.54 What is the degree of association?

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  30. Assertion : An ideal solution obeys Raoults Law
    Reason: In an ideal solution , solvent-solvent as well as solute-solute interactins are similar to solute-solvent interactions.

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  31. Define

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  32. Define

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  33. What is a vapour pressure of liquid ? What is relative lowering of vapour pressure?

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  34. State and explain Henry's law

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  35. State Raoult law and obtain expression for lowering of vapour pressure when nonvolatile solute is dissolved in solvent.

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  36. what is molal depression constant ? Does it depend on nature of the solute?

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  37. What is osmosis?

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  38. Define the term 'isotonic solution'.

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  39. You are provided with a solid 'A' and three solutions of A dissolved in water -one saturated one unsaturated ,and one super saturated. How would you determine which solution is which?

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  40. Explain the effect of pressure on the solubility.

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  41. A sample of 12 M concentrated hydrochloric acid has a density 1.2 ` g L ^(-1) ` Calculated the molality.

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  42. A 0.25 M glucose solution at 370 . 28 K has approxmately the pressure as blood does what is the osmotic pressure of blood?

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  43. Calculated the molality of a solution containing 7.5 g of glycine ` (NH_2 -CH_2 -COOH) ` dissolved in 500g of water

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  44. Which solution has the lower freezing point ? 10 g of methanol `( CH_3 OH_) ` in 100 g of water ( or ) 20 g of ethanol ` (CH_2 H_5OH) ` in 200 g of water

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  45. How many moles of solute particles are present in one litre of ` 10^(-4 ) ` M potassium sulphate ?

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  46. Henry's law constant for solubility of methane In benzene is ` 4.2xx 10^(-5) mm` Hg at a particular constant temperature At this temperature calculate the solubility of methane at
    (i) 750 mm Hg (ii) 840 mm Hg

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  47. The observed depression in freezing point of water for a particular solution in ` 0.093^(@) k ` calculate the concentration of the solution in molality Given that molal depression constant for water is ` 1.86 K KG mol ^(-1 ) `

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  48. The vapour pressure of pure benzene ` (C_6H_6) ` at a given temperature is 640 mm Hg . 2.2 g of non -volatile solute is added to 40 g of benzene. The vapour pressure of the solution is 600 mm Hg . Calcultaed the molar mass of the solute?

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EVALUATION questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLUTIONS of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11