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Complete Solutions to SHORT ANSWERS QUESTION of chapter SOLUTIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Define PPM.

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  2. List out the factors that influence the solubility

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  3. What is `K_H "in " P_( "Solute ") =K_H X_("solute ") ? ` on what does the value of ` K_H ` depends?

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  4. Write down the limitation of Henry,s law.

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  5. Plot a graph with respect to Henry's law stating the solubility of HCl gas in the solution in cyclohexane

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  6. Define evaporation

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  7. What is condensation polymerisation? Write with an example.

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  8. Why is the deviation observed in the solution of accetic acid?

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  9. KCl in water deviates from ideal behaviour -why ?

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  10. Write a short note , Van't Hoff equation.

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  11. Define colligative properties.

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  12. What is obnormal molar mass?

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  13. How will you relate the Van't Hoff factors to association and dissociation?

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  14. Define Mass percentage?

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  15. Why a person suffering from high blood pressure is advised to take minimum quantity of common salt ?

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  16. Define solution.Explain with an example.

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  17. Write a brief (of a component ) (x)

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  18. Enlist the advantage using standard solutions.

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  19. Write a note on solubility of solute and brief out the formation of a saturated solution with an examples.

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  20. Explain the above vaiation in solubility with respect to temperature for selective compounds.

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  21. With the help of a graph discuss the variation of vapour pressure of benzene in toluence.

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  22. Discuss the comparison between Raoult's law and Henry's law.

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  23. Write a brief note on ideal solutions.

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  24. Distinguish between ideal and non-ideal solution.

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  25. How does the change in temperature pressure and concentration causes deviation from ideal behaviour ?

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  26. Define the Boiling point

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  27. Define the Elevation of boiling point

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  28. Define the Ebullioscopic constant

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  29. Write short note an freezing point depression in freezing point and cryoscopic constant.

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  30. On the account of osmotic pressure 'arive ' at the Van't Hoff equation.
    ` (##SUR_CHE_XI_V02_C09_E04_015_Q01.png" width="80%">

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  31. Discuss the significances of osmotic-pressure over other colligative properties.

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  32. Define Van't Hoff factor.

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  33. Write the value for ` CH_3COOH and NaCl .`

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  34. What does the following conditions reval ?
    ` i= 1 , lt 1 and I gt 1. `

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  35. Discuss the process of roasting with suitable example.

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SHORT ANSWERS QUESTION questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLUTIONS of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11