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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS (MCQs) of chapter HALOALKANES AND HALOARENES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions49
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following is an example of aryl alkyl halide?

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  2. Hunsdiecker reaction is used to prepare alkyl chloride and alkyl bromide starting from

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  3. The best reagent for converting an alcohol into the corresponding chloride is

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  4. The order of correct bond energy of C-X bond is

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  5. Identify the compound possessing highest boiling point.

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  6. `CH_(3)-CH_(2)-Br overset(KCN) to X underset(Delta)overset("dil. HCl")to Z` Z is______

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  7. NBS is a specific reagent for

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  8. Which of the following does not form grignard reagent on reaction with Mg in the presence of ether?

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  9. Ethyl bromide reacts with sodium lead alloy to form____

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  10. Which of the following is secondary alkyl halide?

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  11. Identify the aryl halide among the following

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  12. The _____readily undergoes addition reaction with HBr.

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  13. `CH_(3)-CH=CH_(2) underset("Peroxide")overset("HBr")to`
    The above reaction undergoes

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  14. Which of the following halogen exchange reaction will occur in acetone?

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  15. An `S_(N)1` reaction at an asymmetric carbon of compound always gives

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  16. Grignard reagent is prepared by the reaction between_____

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  17. Among the following, which is not an allylic halide?

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  18. The order of stability of the carbonium ion is-

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  19. `CH_(3)CH_(2)Cl` undergoes hydrolysis by

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  20. Statement I: Primary alkyl halides on oxidation with DMSO gives aldehydes.
    Statement II: DMSO is used as polar aprotic solvent.

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  21. Write the IUPAC name of

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  22. When alkyl halides are heated with dry `Ag_(2)O` they give,

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  23. In `S_(N)1`, the rate of the reaction depends on the____

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  24. `H_(3)C-underset(C_(3)H_(7))underset(|)overset(C_(2)H_(5))overset(|)(C)-Cl+overset(ϴ)(O)H overset(S_(N^(2)))toH_(3)C -underset(C_(3)H_(7))underset(|)overset(C_(2)H_(5))overset(|)(C)-OH+overset(ϴ)(C)l`
    What is the stereo chemistry of the above reaction?

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  25. For reacting with HCl, the alcohol which does not requrie `ZnCl_(2)` is_____

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  26. Match the list I with list II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.

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  27. Which is a sweet-smelling liquid?

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  28. How does diazonium salt `(C_(6)H_(5)N_(2)^(+)Cl^(-))` decompose ?

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  29. ______is used in the treatment of goitre

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  30. _____is used is fire extinguishers

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  31. Chlorobenzene reactws with CuCN at 523 K in the presence of ____

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  32. Mild oxidation of bynzyl chloride with `Cu(NO_(3))_(2)` gives_____

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  33. Oxidation of `C_(6)H_(5)CH_(2)Cl` with alk, `KMnO_(4)` gives_____

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  34. Markovnikov's rule is followed for the addition of HCl to______

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  35. Chloropicrin is prepared by adding nitric acid to_____

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  36. Which one serve as starting materials for many organic synthesis?

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  37. Match the column

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  38. Mixture of Con. HCl and anhydrous `ZnCl_(2)` is called____

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  39. Assertion (A): Carbon halogen bond is a polar bond.
    Reason (R): Halogens are more elective negative than carbon.

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  40. `CH_(3)CH_(2)OH+SOCl_(2) overset("Pyridine")to CH_(3)CH_(2)Cl+SO_(2)+HCl`. The above equation is known as

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  41. Which of the following is incorrect?

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  42. Assertion (A): Pure haloalkanes are colourless.
    Reason (R): Bromo and iodo alkanes are colour in the presence of light.

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  43. Haloakane reacts with aqueous solution of KOH or moist silver oxide to form_____

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  44. Which of the following is incorrect statement about `S_(N^(2))` reaction mechanism?

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  45. Dehydrohalogenation reaction is also known as _____.

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  46. Which of the following is correct?

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  47. Formaldehyde reacts with grignard reagent to give____products.

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  48. Assertion (A): Chloro benzene is prepared by Sandmayer reaction or Gattermann reaction using benzene diazonium chloride.
    Reason (R): When aqueous solution of benzene diazonium chloride is warmed with `Cu_(2)Cl_(2)` in `HCl` give chloro benzene.

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  49. What is the name of the Freon which have the formula `C_(2)F_(3)Cl_(3)` ?

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ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS (MCQs) questions and complete solutions for chapter HALOALKANES AND HALOARENES of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11