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Complete Solutions to Write Brief Answer of chapter HALOALKANES AND HALOARENES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Classify the following compounds in the form of alkyl, allylic, vinyl, benzylic halides

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  2. Classify the following compounds in the form of alkyl, allylic, vinyl, benzylic halides

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  3. Classify the following compounds in the form of alkyl, allylic, vinyl, benzylic halides

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  4. Classify the following compounds in the form of alkyl, allylic, vinyl, benzylic halides

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  5. Why chlorination of methane is not possible in dark?

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  6. How will you prepare n-proply iodide from n-propyl bromide?

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  7. Which alkyl halide from the following pair is (i) chiral (ii) undergoes faster `SN_(2)` reaction?

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  8. How does chlorobenzene react with sodium in the presence of ether? What is the name of the reaction?

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  9. Give reason for polarity of C-X bond in halo alkane.

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  10. Why is it necessary to avoid even traces of moisture during the use of Grignard reagent?

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  11. What happens when acetyl chloride is treated with excess of `CH_(3)MgI` ?

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  12. Arrange the following alkyl halide in increasing order of bond enthalpy of RX
    `CH_(3)Br, CH_(3)F, CH_(3)Cl,CH_(3)I`.

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  13. What happens when chloroform react with oxygen in the presence of sunlight?

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  14. Write down the possible isomers of `C_(5)H_(11)Br` and give their IUPAC and common names.

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  15. Mention any three methods of preparation of haloalkanes from alcohols.

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  16. Compare `S_(N)1 and S_(N)2` reaction mechanisms.

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  17. Reagents and the conditions used in the reactions are given below. Complete the table by writing down the product and the name of the reaction.

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  18. Discuss the aromatic nucleophilic substitutions reaction of chlorobenzene.

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  19. Account for the following: t-butyl chloride reacts with aqueous KOH by `S_(N)1` mechanism while n-butyl chloride reacts with `S_(N^(2))` mechanism.

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  20. Account for the following: p-dichloro benzene has higer melting point than those of o-and m-dichloro benzene.

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  21. In an exeperiment ethyliodide in ehter is allowed to stand over magnesium pieces. Magnesium dissolves and product is formed.
    Name the product and write the equation for the reaction.

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  22. In an exeperiment ethyliodide in ehter is allowed to stand over magnesium pieces. Magnesium dissolves and product is formed.
    Why all the reagents used in the reaction should be dry? Explain.

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  23. Write a chemical reaction useful to prepare the following: Freon-12 from carbon tetrachloride.

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  24. Write a chemical reaction useful to prepare the following: Carbon tetrachloride from carbon disulphide.

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  25. What are Freons? Discuss their uses and environmental effects

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  26. Predict the products when bromoethane is treated with the following

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  27. Predict the products when bromoethane is treated with the following

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  28. Explain the mechanism of `S_(N)1` reaction by highlighting the stereo chemistry behind it

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  29. Write short notes on the following
    (i) Raschig process.
    (ii) Dows process.
    (iii) Darzens process.

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  30. Starting from `CH_(3)MgI`, how will you prepare the following?
    (i) Acetic acid
    (ii) Acetone
    (iii) Ethyl acetate
    (iv) Iso propyl alcohol
    (v) Methyl cyanide.

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  31. Complete the reaction below:
    `CH_(3)-CH=CH_(2)=HB r overset("Peroxide")to`

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  32. Complete the reaction below:
    `CH_(3)-CH_(2)-Br+NaSH underset(H_(2)O)overset("alcohol")to`

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  33. Complete the reaction below:
    `C_(6)H_(5)Cl+Mg overset(THF) to`

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  34. Complete the reaction below:
    `CHCl_(3)+HNO_(3) overset(Delta)to`

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  35. Complete the reaction below:
    `C Cl_(4)+H_(2)O overset(Delta)to`

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  36. Explain the preparation of the following compounds
    (i) DDT
    (ii) Chloroform
    (iii) Biphenyl
    (iv) Chloropicrin
    (v) Freon-12.

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  37. An organic compound (A) with molecular formula `C_(2)H_(5)Cl` reacts with KOH gives compounds (B) and with alcoholic KOH gives compound (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C).

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  38. Simplest alkene (A) reacts with HCl to form compound (B). Compound (B) reacts with ammonia to form compound (C) of molecular formula `C_(2)H_(7)N`. Compound (C) undergoes carbylamine test. Identify (A), (B), and (C).

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  39. A hydrocarbon `C_(3)H_(6)(A)` reacts with HBr to form compound (B). Compound (B) reacts with aqueous potassium hydroxide to give (C) of molecular formula `C_(3)H_(8)O`. What are (A) (B) and (C). Explain the reactions.

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  40. Two isomers (A) and (B) have the same molecular formula `C_(2)H_(4)Cl_(2)`. Compound (A) reacts with aqueous `KOH` gives compound (C) of molecular formula `C_(2)H_(4)O`. Compound (B) reacts with aqueous KOH gives compound (D) of molecular formula `C_(2)H_(6)O_(2)`. identify (A), (B), (C) and (D).

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Write Brief Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter HALOALKANES AND HALOARENES of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11