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Complete Solutions to Short answer question : of chapter HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SURA PUBLICATIONShort answer question :
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An ideal gas heat engine is operating between 227°C and 127°C. It absorbs `10^4 J` of heat at the higher temperature. The amount of heat converted into work is ______`J`.

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  2. Efficiency of a Carnot engine is 50%, when temperature of outlet is 500 K. In order to increase efficiency upto 60% keeping temperature of intake the same, what is temperature of outlet ?

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  3. An ideal heat engine working between temperature `T_1` and `T_2` has an efficiency `eta`. The new efficiency if both the source and sink temperature are doubled, will be

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  4. A Carnot engine converts one-sixth of the heat into work. When the temperature of the sink is reduced by 62°C, the efficiency of the engine is doubled. The temperature of the source and sink are

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  5. What is a cyclic process ?

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  6. Write the conditions for reversible process

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  7. What is the value of sink temperature, when efficiency of engine is 100%.

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  8. A metal tube & a rod of same distance same material & same outer diameter are given same amount of heat. Which will show less expansion & why ?

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  9. How is skating possible on snow?

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  10. State that the coefficient of cubical ecpansion of an ideal gas at constant pressure is equal to the reciprocal of its absolute temperature .

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  11. How does the density of a solid or a liquid vary with temperature ? State that its variation with temperature is given by `P = P(1 - a Delta T)`
    where `gamma` is coefficient of cubical expansion .

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  12. Write the important properties of thermal radiations .

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  13. State the factors on which the conduction of heat through a substance depends .

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  14. Write any 3 phenomena which are based on thermal convertion.

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  15. A Carnot engine having an efficiency of `eta = (1 / 10)` as a heat engine is used as a refrigerators. If the work done on the system is 10 J, what is the amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lowest temperature ?

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  16. Describle an analytical method for a dtermining th work done during the expansion of gas.

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  17. The temperature of sink of Carnot engine is 27°C. Efficiency of engine is 25%. Then find the temperature of source.

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  18. The efficiency of Carnot's engine operating between reservoirs, maintained at temperature 27°C and -123°C is

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  19. Derive an expressionfor the work done during the isothermal expansion of an ideal gas.

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  20. If a heat engine absorbs 50 KJ heat from a heat source and has an efficiency of 40%, then the heat released by it in heat sink is

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  21. The efficiency of heat engine is 30%. If it gives 30 `KJ` heat to the heat sink, then it should have absorbed _____`KJ` heat from heat source.

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  22. What is meant by coefficient of linear expansion superficial & cubical expansion ?

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Short answer question : questions and complete solutions for chapter HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS of SURA PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11