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Complete Solutions to (V I) Choose the Incorrect pair : of chapter HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SURA PUBLICATION(V I) Choose the Incorrect pair :
Number Of Questions3
Academic Year2023-24
  1. For which combination of working temperatures the efficiency of Carnot's engine is highest.

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  2. Choose the incorrect pair :

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  3. Assertion :When camphor is burnt it vapourises during heating .that is solid is converted into gas in this case. This is called sublimation.
    Reason.calorimetry means the meansurement of the amount of heat released or absorbed by thhermodynamic system during the heating process : It can be expressed as `Q_("gain") = Q_("loss")`

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(V I) Choose the Incorrect pair : questions and complete solutions for chapter HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS of SURA PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11