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Complete Solutions to CREATIVE QUESTIONS (HOTS) of chapter OSCILLATIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Can a motion be oscillatory , but not simple harmonic. If your answer is yes , give an explanation and if not explain why ?

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  2. Every simple harmonic motion is periodic motion but me every periodic motion need not be simple harmonic motion. Do you agree? Give example.

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  3. What is the basic condition for the motion of a particle to be S.H.M ?

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  4. The maximum acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator is `a_(0)` and the maximum velocity is `V_(0)` . What is the displacement amplitude ?

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  5. A girl is swinging on a swing in the sitting position. How will the period of swing be affected if she stands up?

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  6. Will a pendulum clock lose or gain time when taken to the top of a mountain ?

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  7. How would the time period of a spring mass system change, when it is made to oscillate horizontally and then vertically?

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  8. Alcohol in a U tube executes S.H.M. of time period T. Now, alcohol is replaced by water upto the same height in the U-tube What will be the effect on the time period?

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  9. Whet is the ratio between the potential energy the total energy of a particle executing S.H.M, when it's displacement is half of its amplitude?

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  10. Why are army troops not allowed to march in steps while crossing the bridge?

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  11. How can earthquakes cause disaster sometimes?

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  12. Sometimes a wire glass is broken by the powerful voice of a celebrated singer why?

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  13. Glass window may be broken by a far away explosion. Explain why?

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  14. The body of a bus begins to rattle something, when the bus picks up a certain speed, why?

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  15. What will be the change in time period of a loaded spring . When to moon ?

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  16. In forced oscillations of a particle, the amplitude is maximum for a frequency `omega_(1)` of the force, while the energy is maximum for a frequency `omega_(2)` of the force. Then…………….

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  17. The maximum velocity of a particle , executing simple harmonic motion with an amplitude `7mm" is "4.4ms^(-1)` . The period of oscillation is

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  18. A hollow sphere is filled with water . It is hung by a long thread . As the water flows out of a hole at the bottom , the period of oscillation will

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  19. Two simple harmonic are represented by the equation `y_(1)=0.1 sin (100pi+(pi)/3) and y_(2)=0.1 cos pit`.
    The phase difference of the velocity of particle 1 with respect to the velocity of particle 2 is.

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  20. A simple pendulum has time period (T_1). The point of suspension is now moved upward according to the relation `y = K t^2, (K = 1 m//s^2)` where (y) is the vertical displacement. The time period now becomes (T_2). The ratio of `(T_1^2)/(T_2^2)` is `(g = 10 m//s^2)`.

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  21. The bob of simple pendulum executes S.H.M in water with the a period t, while the period of oscillation of the bob is `t_(0)` in the air , neglecting frictional force of water and given that the density of the bob is `(4000)/(3)kgm^(-3)` , Find the relationship between `t and t_(0)` ?

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CREATIVE QUESTIONS (HOTS) questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATIONS of SURA PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11