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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE QUESTIONS (IV. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS) of chapter OSCILLATIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions6
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the Earth as a homogenous sphere of radius R and a straight hole is bored in it through its centre. Show that a particle dropped into the hole will execute a simple harmonic motion such that its time period is `T= 2pi sqrt((R)/(g))`

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  2. Consider a simple pendulum of length l = 0.9 m which is properly placed on a trolley rolling down on a inclined plane which is at `0 = 45°` with the horizontal. Assuming that the inclined plane is frictionless. Assuming that the time period of oscillation of the simple pendulum is T. Find the value of T.

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  3. A piece of wood of mass m is floating erect in a liquid whose density is `rho` . If it is slightly pressed down and released, then executes simple harmonic motion. Show that its time period of oscillation is `T=2pisqrt((m)/(Arhog))`

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  4. Consider two simple harmonic motion along x and y- axis having same frequencies but different amplitudes as `x=A sin (omega t+varphi)` (along x axis) and `y= B sin omega t`( along y axis).
    then show that `(x^(2))/(A^(2))+(y^(2))/(B^(2))-(2xy)/(AB) cos varphi = sin^(2) varphi` and also discuss the special cases when
    `varphi=(pi)/(2) and A=B`
    Note : when a particle is subjected to two simple harmonic motion at right angle to each other the particle may move along different paths.

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  5. Show that for a particle executing simple harmonic motion
    a. the average value of kinetic energy is equal to the average value of potential energy.
    b. average potential energy = average kinetic energy `=1/2` (total energy) (Hint : average kinetic energy = < kinetic energy >
    `=1/Tint_(0)^(T)` (Kinetic energy) dt and
    average Potential energy =
    `=1/Tint_(0)^(T)` (potential energy) dt

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  6. Compute the time period for the following system if the block of mass m is slightly displaced vertically down from its equilibrium position and then released. Assume that the pulley is light and smooth strings and springs are light.

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EXERCISE QUESTIONS (IV. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS) questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATIONS of SURA PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11