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Complete Solutions to PHYSICS of chapter AIIMS 2010 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterAIIMS 2010
Number Of Questions60
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Transmission lines transmit a voltage of volt to our houses from power stalions, then the power P supplied by them is proporiional to

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  2. Whenever a stream of clectrons collides with a stream of photons, in this collision, which of the following is not conserved?

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  3. The logic gate represented in following figure is

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  4. For a person near point of vision is 100cm. Then the power of lens he must wear so as to have normal vision, should be

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  5. Two projectiles of same mass have their maximum kinetic encrgies in ratio 4: 1 and ratio of their maximum heights is also 4 : 1 then what is the ratio of their ranges?

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  6. An uncharged particle is moving with a velocity of in non-uniform magnetic ficld as shown.

    velocity `vecv` would be

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  7. Which of the following is true regarding dimagnetic substances (symbols have their usual meaning)

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  8. What is moment of inertia of a cylinder of radius r, along its height?

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  9. A uniform string is vibrating with a fundamental frequency 'f'. The new frequency, if radius & length both are doubled would be

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  10. Two spherical soap bubbles of radii a and b in vacuum coalesce under isothermal conditions. The resulting bubble has a radius given by

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  11. What would be the voltage across `C_(3)?`

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  12. What would be maximum wavelength for Brackett series of hydrogen-spectrum?

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  13. What would be the radius of second orbit of `He^(+)` ion?

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  14. The position of a particle moving in the xy plane at any time t is given by `x=(3t^2-6t)` metres, `y=(t^2-2t)` metres. Select the correct statement about the moving particle from the following

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  15. Two masses `M_(1)=5kg,M_(2)=10`kg are connected at the ends of an inextensible string passing over a frictionless pulley as shown. When masses are released, then acceleration of masses will be

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  16. A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal surface by applying a force at angle `theta` with the horizontal. The friction coefficient between the block and the surfasce is `mu`. If the block travels at a uniform velocity, find the work donen by this applied force during a displacement d of the blcok.

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  17. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas is shown in figure. Density of the gas at point A is `rho_(0)`. Density at B will be

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  18. The latent heat of fusion of a substance is always less than the latent heat vapourization or latent heat of sublimation of the same substace. Explain.

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  19. A reversible engine converts one-sixth of the heat input into work. When the temperature of the sink is reduced by `62^@C` , the efficiency of the engine is doubled. The temperatures of the source and sink are

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  20. Graph for specific heat at constant volume for a monoatomic gas

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  21. As shown in figure a dust particle with mass m = 5.0 × 10–9 kg and charge q0 = 2.0 nC starts from rest at point a and moves in a straight line to point b . What is its speed v at point b?

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  22. A galvanometer has a current sensitivity of 1 mA per division. A variable slhunt is connected across the galvanometer and the combination is put in series with a resistance of `500Omega` and cell of internal resistance `1Omega`. It gives a deflection of 5 division for shunt of 5 ohm and 20 division for shunt of 25 ohm. The emf of cell is

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  23. A circular coil with a cross-sectional area of `4cm^(2)` has 10 turns. It is placed at the center of a long solenoid that has 15 turns/cm and a cross sectional area of `10cm^(2)`, shown in the figure. The axis of the coil conicides with the axis of the solenoid. What is their mutual inductance?

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  24. If `K_(1) and K_(2)` are maximum kinetic energies of photoelectrons emitted when light of wavelength `lambda_(1) and lambda_(2)` respectively are incident on a metallic surface. If `lambda_(1)=3lambda_(2)` then

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  25. Two radioactive substance `A` and `B` have decay constants `5 lambda` and `lambda` respectively. At `t=0` they have the same number of nuclei. The ratio of number of nuclei of nuclei of `A` to those of `B` will be `(1/e)^(2)` after a time interval

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  26. The intensity of gamma radiation from a given source is `I`
    On passing through `36 mm` of lead , it is reduced to `(1)/(8)` . The thickness of lead which will reduce the intensity to `(1)/(2)` will be

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  27. An electric charge `10^-3muC` is placed at the origin (0, 0) of X-Y co-ordinate system. Two points A and B are situated at `(sqrt2, sqrt2)` and (2, 0) respectively. The potential difference between the points A and B will be

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  28. If the energy, `E = G^p h^q c^r,` where G is the universal gravitational constant, h is the Planck's constant and c is the velocity of light, then the values of p are q and r are, respectively

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  29. Four holes of radius `R` are cut from a thin square plate of side `4 R` and mass `M`. The moment of inertia of the remaining portion about z-axis is :

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  30. A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel which is being rotated about a vertical axis through the centre of the circular base. If the radius of the vessel is `r` and angular velocity of rotation is `omega`, then the difference in the heights of the liquid at the centre of the vessel and the edge is.

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  31. A block of mass 10 kg, moving in x-direction with a constant speed of `10ms^(-1)`, is subjected to a retarding force `F=0.1xxJ//m` during its travel from x=20 m to 30 m. Its final KE will be

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  32. A capillary tube of radius r is immersed in water and water rises in to a height h. The mass of water in the capillary tube is 5g. Another capillary tube of radius 2 r is immersed in water. The mass of water that will rise in this tube is

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  33. Out of the following pairs, which one does not have identical dimensions?

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  34. The wavelength of Lymen series for first number is

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  35. In the circuit shown in figure the current flowing through 25 V cell is

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  36. Five sinusoidal waves have the same frequency `500 Hz` but their amplitudes are in the ratio `2 : 1//2 : 1//2 :1:1` and their phase angles `0 , pi//6 , pi//3 , pi//2 and pi`, respectively . The phase angle of resultant wave obtained by the superposition of these five waves is

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  37. The second overtone of an open pipe has the same frequency as the first overtone of a closed pipe 2 m long. The length of the open pipe is

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  38. Let `T_(1) and T_(2)` be the periods of springs A and B when mass M is suspended from one end of each spring. If both springs are taken in series and the same mass A is, suspended from the séries combination, the time period is T, then

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  39. Alternating current can not be measured by D.C. Ammeter because

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  40. The core of any transformaer is laminated so as to

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  41. Assertion : Two balls of different masses are thrown vertically upward with same speed. They will pass through their point of projection in the downward direction with the same speed.
    Reason: The maximum height and downward velocity attained at the point of projection are independent of the mass,of the ball.

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  42. Assertion : In javelin throw, the athlete throws the projectile at an angle slightly more than `45^(@)`.
    Reason : The maximum range does not depends upon angle of projection.

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  43. Assertion : The apparent weight of a body in an elevator moving with some downward acceleration is less than the actual weight of body.
    Reason : The part of the weight is spent in producing downward acceleration, when body is in elevator.

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  44. Assertion : An electric field is preferred in comparison to magnetic field for detecting the electron beam in a television picture tube.
    Reason : Electric field require low voltage.

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  45. Assertion : A horse has to pull a cart harder during the first few steps of his motion.
    Reason: The first few steps are always difficult.

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  46. Assertion : The magnetic poles of earth do not coincide with the geographic poles.
    Reason: The discrepancy between the orientation of a compass and true north-south direction is known as magnetic declination.

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  47. Assertion : Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature
    Reason : The electric and magnetic fields in electromagnetic waves are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation.

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  48. Assertion : A wheel moving down a perfectly frictionless inclined plane will undergo slipping (not rolling motion)
    Reason : For perfect rolling motion, work done Reason against friction is zero.

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  49. Assertion : A hollow shaft is found to be stronger than a solid shaft made of same material.
    Reason : The torque required to produce a given twist in hollow cylinder is greater than that required to twist a solid cylinder of same size and material.

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  50. Assertion : Water kept in an open vessel will quickly evaporate on the surface of the moon.
    Reason : The temperature at the surface of the moon is much higher than boiling point of the water.

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  51. Assertion : A pure semiconductor has negative temperature coefficient of resistance.
    Reason: On raising the temperature, more charge carriers are released,. conductance increases and resistance decreases.

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  52. Statement-1 : At a fixed temperature, silicon will have a minimum conductivity when it has a smaller acceptor doping.
    Statement-2 : The conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor is slightly higher than that of a lightly doped p-type semiconductor.

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  53. Assertion : Communication in UHF/VHF regions can be established by space wave or tropospheric wave.
    Reason: Communication in UHF/VHF regions tosva is limited to line of sight distance

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  54. Assertion `:` If objective and eye lenses of a microscope are interchanged then it can work as telescope.
    Reason `:` The objective of telescope has small focal length.

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  55. Statement 1: If a proton and an `alpha`-particle enter a uniform magnetic field perpendicularly with the same speed, the time period of revolution of `alpha`-particle is double than that of proton.
    Statement 2: In a magnetic field, the period of revolution of a charged particle is directly proportional to the mass of the particle and inversely proprotional to the charge of particle.

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  56. Assertion : If momentum of a body increases by 50%, its kinetic energy will increase by 125%.
    Reason: Kinetic energy is proportional to square of velocity.

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  57. Assertion : The difference in the value of acceleration due to gravity at pole and equator is proportional to square of angular velocity of earth.
    Reason : the value of acceleration due to gravity is minimum at the equator and maximum at the pole.

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  58. Assertion : It is advantageous to transmit electric power at high voltage.
    Reason: High voltage inmplies high current.

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  59. Assertion: X-ray astronomy is possible only from satellites orbiting the earth.
    Reasion: Efficiency of X-rays telescope is large as compared to any other telescope.

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  60. Assertion: The de-broglie wavelength equation has significance for any microscopic or submicroscopic particles.
    Reason : The de-broglie wavelength is inversely proportional to the mass of the object if velocity is constant.

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PHYSICS questions and complete solutions for chapter AIIMS 2010 of AIIMS PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERS of Class 12

All Exercises from AIIMS PREVIOUS YEARS Class 12 PHYSICS AIIMS 2010