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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter SEQUENCES AND SERIES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `f:NtoR,` where `f(n)=a_(n)=(n)/((2n+1)^(2))` write the sequence in ordered pair from.

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  2. The Fibonacci sequence is defined by `1=a_1=a_2( and a)_n=a_(n-1)+a_(n-2),n >2`. Find `(a_(n+1))/(a_n),`for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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  3. If the sum of n terms of a series is`2n^(2)+5n` for all values of n, find its 7th term.

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  4. (i) Write `sum_(r=1)^(n)(r^(2)+2)` in expanded form.
    (ii) Write the series `(1)/(3)+(2)/(4)+(3)/(5)+(4)/(6)+"…"+(n)/(n+2)` in sigma form.

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  5. (i) 1,3,5,7,…
    (ii) `pi,pi+e^(pi),pi+2e^(pi),"...."`
    (iii) `a, a-b, a-2b,a-3b,"…."`

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  6. Show that the sequence `t_(n)` defined by `t_(n)=5n+4` is AP, also find its common difference.

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  7. Show that the the sequence defined by ` T_(n) = 3n^(2) +2 ` is not an AP.

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  8. Which term of the sequence `20 ,\ \ 19 1/4,\ \ 18 1/2,\ \ 17 3/4,\ dot` is the first negative term?

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  9. If mth term of an AP is 1/n and its nth term is 1/m , then show that its (mn)th term is 1

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  10. If `|x-1|,3 and |x-3|` are first three terms of an increasing AP, then find the 6th term of on AP .

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  11. In the sequence 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4,4,4,....., where n consecutive terms have the value n, the 150 term is

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  12. If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),a_(4)` and `a_(5)` are in AP with common difference `ne 0,` find the value of `sum_(i=1)^(5)a_(i) " when " a_(3)=2`.

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  13. The ratio of the sum of `m and n` terms of an A.P. is `m^2: n^2dot` The ratio of the mth and nth terms is

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  14. The sums of n terms of two arithmetic progresssions are in the ratio `(7n+1):(4n+17).` Find the ratio of their nth terms and also common differences.

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  15. The sums of n terms of two AP's are in the ratio `(3n-13):(5n+21).` Find the ratio of their 24th terms.

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  16. How many terms of the series `20+19(1)/(3)+18(2)/(3)+"...."` must be taken to make 300?
    Explain the double answer.

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  17. Find the arithmetic progression consisting of 10 terms , if sum of the terms occupying the even places is equal to 15 and the sum of those occupying the odd places is equal to `25/2`

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  18. If the set of natural numbers is partitioned into subsets `S_1={1},S_2={2,3},S_3={4,5,6}` and so on then find the sum of the terms in `S_(50)dot`

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  19. Find the sum of first 24 terms of on AP `t_(1),t_(2),t_(3),"....",` if it is known that `t_(1) + t_(5) + t_(10) + t_(15) + t_(20) + t_(24)=225.`

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  20. If `(1+3+5++p)+(1+3+5++q)=(1+3+5++r)` where each set of parentheses contains the sum of consecutive odd integers as shown, the smallest possible value of `p+q+r(w h e r ep >6)` is `12` b. `21` c. `45` d. `54`

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  21. If `S_1`,`S_2`,.......`S_p` are the sum of n terms of an A.P.,whose first terms are 1,2,3,...... and common differences are 1,3,5,7.....Show that `S_1`+`S_2`+.......+`S_p`=`[np]/2[np+1]`

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  22. Let `alpha` and `beta` be roots of the equation `X^(2)-2x+A=0` and let `gamma` and `delta` be the roots of the equation `X^(2)-18x+B=0`. If `alpha lt beta lt gamma lt delta` are in arithmetic progression then find the valus of A and B.

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  23. The digits of a positive integer, having three digits, are in A.P. and their sum is 15. The number obtained by reversing the digits is 594 less than the original number. Find the number.

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  24. If three positive real numbers a,b,c are in AP such that abc=4, then the minimum value of b is

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  25. If a, b, c, d are distinct integers in A. P. Such that `d=a^2+b^2+c^2`, then a + b + c + d is

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  26. `1,2,4,8,16,"…."`

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  27. `9,3,1,(1)/(3),(1)/(9),"…."`

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  28. `-2,-6,-18,"…."`

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  29. `-8,-4,-2,-1,-(1)/(2),"…"`

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  30. `5,-10,20,"…."`

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  31. `5,5,5,5,"…."`

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  32. `1,1+I,2i,-2+2i,"…."i= sqrt(-1)`

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  33. Show that the sequence `t_(n)` defined by `t_(n)=(2^(2n-1))/(3)` for all values of `n in N` is a GP. Also, find its common ratio.

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  34. Show that the sequence `t_(n)` defined by `t_(n)=2*3^(n)+1` is not a GP.

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  35. If first term of a GP is a, third term is b and `(n+1)th` term is c. The `(2n+1)th` term of a GP is

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  36. In a `GP` if the `(m+n)th` term is `p` and `(m-n)th` term is `q` then `mth` term is

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  37. If `sin theta,sqrt(2) (sintheta + 1),6 sin theta +6` are in GP, than the fifth term is

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  38. The 1025th term in the sequence are `1,22,4444,88888888,"…"`is `2^(N)` find the value of N

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  39. If `a,b,c` are real numbers such that `3(a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2)+1)=2(a+b+c+ab+bc+ca)`, than `a,b,c` are in

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  40. Find the value of `0.3258.`

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  41. Find the sum upto n terms of the series `a+aa+aaa+aaaa+"......",AA a in N " and "1 le a le 9.`

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  42. Find the sum upto n terms of the series `0.b+0.b b+0.b b b +0.b b b b+"......",AA " b" in N " and "1 le b le 9.`

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  43. If N, the set of natural numbers is partitionaed into groups `S_(1)={1},S_(2)={2,3},S_(3)={4,5,6,7},S_(4)={8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15},"....",` find the sum of the numbers n `C_(50).`

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  44. If `S_n = 1+1/2 + 1/2^2+...+1/2^(n-1) and 2-S_n < 1/100,` then the least value of `n` must be :

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  45. If `X=1+a+a^(2)+a^(3)+"..."+infty " and " y=1+b+b^(2)+b^(3)+"..."+infty "` show that `1+ab+a^(2)b^(2)+a^(3)b^(3)+"..."+infty=(xy)/(x+y-1), "where " 0ltalt1" and "0ltblt1`.

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  46. If `1+ab+a^(2)b^(2)+a^(3)b^(3)+"..."+infty =(xy)/(x+y-1)` are the sum of infinire geometric series whose first terms are `1,2,3,"….",p` and whose common ratios are `S_(1),S_(2),S_(3),"....,"S_(p)``(1)/(2),(1)/(3),(1)/(4),"..."(1)/(p+1)` respectively, prove that `S_(1)+S_(2)+S_(3)+"....+"S_(p)=(p(p+3))/(2)`.

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  47. If `x_1, x_2` be the roots of the equation `x^2 -3x+ A=0` and `x_3,x_4` be those of the equation `x^2-12x + B = 0` and `x_1 , x_2, x_3, x_4` be an increasing GP. find find A and B.

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  48. Suppose `a,b,c` are in AP and `a^(2),b^(2),c^(2)` are in GP, If `agtbgtc` and `a+b+c=(3)/(2)`, than find the values of a and c.

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  49. If the continued product of three numbers in GP is 216 and the sum of their products in pairs is 156, then find the sum of three numbers.

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  50. Find a three digit numberwhose consecutive digits form a GP. If we subtract 792 from this number, we get a number consisting of the same digits written in the reverse order. Now, if we increase the second digit of the required number by 2, then the resulting digits will form an AP.

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  51. A square is drawn by joining mid pint of the sides of a square. Another square is drawn inside the second square in the same way and the process is continued in definitely. If the side of the first square is 16 cm, then what is the sum of the areas of all the squares ?

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  52. One side of an equilateral triangle is 24 cm. The midpoints of its sides are joined to form another triangle whose midpoints are in turn joined to form still another triangle this process continues indefinitely. The sum of the perimeters of all the triangles is

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  53. Let `S_1, S_2, ` be squares such that for each `ngeq1,` the length of a side of `S_n` equals the length of a diagonal of `S_(n+1)dot` If the length of a side of `S_1i s10c m ,` then for which of the following value of `n` is the area of `S_n` less than 1 sq. cm? a. 5 b. 7 c. 9 d. 10

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  54. The line `x+y=1` meets X-axis at A and Y-axis at B,P is the mid-point of `AB,P_(1)` is the foot of perpendicular from P to `OA, M_(1)` is that of `P_(1)` from `OP,P_(2)` is that of `M_(1)` from `OA,M_(2)` is that of `P_(2)` from `OP,P_(3)` is that of `M_(2)` from OA and so on. If `P_(n)` denotes theb nth foot of the perpendicular on OA, then find `OP_(n)`

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  55. Dipesh writes letters to four of his friends. He asks each of them to copy the letter and mail to four different persons with the request that they continue the chain similarly. Assuming that the chain is not broken and that it costs 25 paise to mail one letter, find the total money spent on postage till the 8th set of letters is mailed.

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  56. An insect starts from a point and travels in a straight path 1 mm in the first second and half of the distance covered in the previous second in the succeeding second. In how much time would it reach a point 3 mm away from its starting point.

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  57. The pollution in a normal atmosphere is less than `0.01%`. Due to leakage of a gas from a factory, the pollution is increased to 20%. If every day 80% of pollution is neutralised, in how many days the atmosphere will be normal?

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  58. If a, b, c are in HP, then `(a-b)/(b-c)` is equal to

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  59. Find the first term of a HP whpse secpmd ter, os `(5)/(4)` and the third term is `(1)/(2)`.

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  60. If `1/a+1/(a-b)+1/c+1/(c-b)= 0` and `a + c-b!=0`, then prove that `a, b, c` are in H.P.

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  61. If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),".....",a_(n)` are in HP, than prove that `a_(1)a_(2)+a_(2)a_(3)+a_(3)a_(4)+"....."+a_(n-1)a_(n)=(n-1)a_(1)a_(n)`

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  62. The sum of three numbers in HP is 37 and the sum of their reciprocals is `(1)/(4)`. Find the numbers.

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  63. If pth, qth and rth terms of a HP be respectively`a,b` and `c`, has prove that `(q-r)bc+(r-p)ca+(p-q)ab=0`.

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  64. If `a , b , c ,` are in `A P ,a^2,b^2,c^2` are in HP, then prove that either `a=b=c` or `a , b ,-c/2` from a GP (2003, 4M)

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  65. If `a,b,c` are in HP,b,c,d are in GP and `c,d,e` are in AP, than show that `e=(ab^(2))/(2a-b)^(2)`.

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  66. Given a,b,c are in A.P.,b,c,d are in G.P and c,d,e are in H.P .If a=2 and e=18 , then the sum of all possible value of c is ________.

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  67. If three positive numbers `a,b` and c are in AP, GP and HP as well, than find their values.

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  68. If `a,b,c` are in AP and p is the AM between a and b and q is the AM between b and c, then show that b is the AM between p and q.

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  69. Find the value of `n` so that `(a^(n+1)+b^(n+1))/(a^n+b^n)` may be the geometric mean between `aa n dbdot`

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  70. There are n AM's between 3 and 54.Such that the 8th mean and `(n-2)`th mean is 3 ratio 5. Find n.

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  71. If 11 AM's are inserted between 28 and 10, than find the three middle terms in the series.

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  72. If `a,b,c` are in AP, than show that `a^(2)(b+c)+b^(2)(c+a)+c^(2)(a+b)=(2)/(9)(a+b+c)^(3)`.

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  73. If a be one A.M and `G_1` and `G_2` be then geometric means between b and c then `G_1^3+G_2^3=`

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  74. If one geometric mean G and two arithmetic means p,q be inserted between two given numbers, then prove that, `G^2=(2p - q) (2q - p)`.

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  75. Find the value of `n` so that `(a^(n+1)+b^(n+1))/(a^n+b^n)` may be the geometric mean between `aa n dbdot`

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  76. Insert five geimetrec means between `(1)/(3)` and 9 and verify that their product is the fifth power of the geometric mean between `(1)/(3)` and 9.

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  77. AM between two numbers whose sum is 100 is ti the GM as ``5:4`, find the numbers.

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  78. If `a_1,a_2,a_3,....a_n` are positive real numbers whose product is a fixed number c, then the minimum value of `a_1+a_2+....+a_(n-1)+2a_n` is

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  79. If H be the harmonic mean between x and y, then show that `(H+x)/(H-x)+(H+y)/(H-y)=2`

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  80. IF `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),"...."a_(10)` be in AP and `h_(1),h_(2),h_(3),"...."h_(10)` be in HP. If `a_(1)=h_(1)=2` and `a_(10)=h_(10)=3`, then find value of `a_(4)h_(7)`.

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  81. Find n, so that `(a^(n+1)+b^(n+1))/(a^(n)+b^(n))(a ne b )` be HM beween a and b.

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  82. Insert 6 harmonic means between 3 and `(6)/(23)`

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  83. If `A^(x)=G^(y)=H^(z)`, where `A,G,H` are AM,GM and HM between two given quantities, then prove that `x,y,z` are in HP.

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  84. The harmonic mean of two numbers is 4. Their arithmetic mean `A` and the geometric mean `G` satisfy the relation `2A+G^2=27.` Find two numbers.

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  85. If the geometric mea is `(1)/(n)` times the harmonic mean between two numbers, then show that the ratio of the two numbers is `1+sqrt(1-n^(2)):1-sqrt(1-n^(2))`.

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  86. Statement -1: If a,b,c are distinct real numbers in H.P, then `a^(n)+c^(n)gt2b^(n)" for all "ninN`.
    Statement -2: `AMgtGMgtHM`

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  87. If `a,b,c,d` be four distinct positive quantities in AP, then
    (a) `bcgtad`
    (b) ` c^(-1)d^(-1)+a^(-1)b^(-1)gt2(b^(-1)d^(-1)+a^(-1)c^(-1)-a^(-1)d^(-1))`

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  88. If `a,b,c,d` be four distinct positive quantities in GP,then
    (a) `a+dgtb+c`
    (b) ` c^(-1)d^(-1)+a^(-1)b^(-1)gt2(b^(-1)d^(-1)+a^(-1)c^(-1)-a^(-1)d^(-1))`

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  89. If `a,b,c,d` be four disinct positive quantities in HP, then
    (a) `a+dgtb+c`
    (b)`adgt bc`

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  90. Find the sum of `n` terms of the series `1+4/5+7/(5^2)+10/5^3+dot`

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  91. The sum to infinity of the series
    `1+(4)/(5)+(7)/(5^(2))+(10)/(5^(3))+ . . . ,` is

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  92. If the sum to infinity of the series `1 + 4x + 7x^2 + 10x^3 +.............` is `35/16` then `x=` (A) `1/5` (B) `2/5` (C) `3/7` (D)`1/7`

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  93. Find the sum of the series `1+2^(2)x+3^(2)x^(2)+4^(2)x^(3)+"...."" upto "infty|x|lt1`.

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  94. Find the sum of the series `1^2+3^2+5^2+ ton` terms.

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  95. Find the sum to n terms of the series `1*2^2 + 2*3^2 + 3*4^2 + ...`

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  96. Find the sum of n terms of the series whose nth terms is
    (i) `n(n-1)(n+1)`.

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  97. Find the sum of n terms of the series whose nth terms is
    (ii) `n^(2)+3^(n)`.

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  98. Find the sum of the series `(1^3)/1+(1^3+2^3)/(1+3)+(1^3+2^3+3^3)/(1+3+5)+` up to `n` terms.

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  99. Show that `S_(n)=(n(2n^(2)+9n+13))/(24)`.

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  100. Find the sum of the series `1*2*3+2*3*4+3*4*5+"...." " upto n terms "` .

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter SEQUENCES AND SERIES of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12