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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) of chapter SEQUENCES AND SERIES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the number x,y,z are in H.P. , then `sqrt(yz)/(sqrt(y)+sqrt(z)),sqrt(xz)/(sqrt(x)+sqrt(z)),sqrt(xy)/(sqrt(x)+sqrt(y))` are in

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  2. If `a_(1),a_(2),".....",` are in HP and `f_(k)=sum_(r=1)^(n)a_(r)-a_(k)`, then `2^(alpha_(1)),2^(alpha_(2)),2^(alpha_(3))2^(alpha_(4)),"....."` are in `{" where " alpha_(1)=(a_(1))/(f_(1)),alpha_(2)=(a_(2))/(f_(2)),alpha_(3)=(a_(3))/(f_(3)),"....."}`.

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  3. ABC is a right angled triangle in which `/_B=90^(@)` and BC=a. If n points `L_(1),L_(2),"…….",L_(n)` on AB are such that AB is divided in `n+1` equal parts and `L_(1)M_(1),L_(2)M_(2),"......,"L_(n)M_(n)` are line segments parallel to BC and `M_(1),M_(2),M_(3),"......,"M_(n)` are on AC, the sum of the lenghts of `L_(1)M_(1),L_(2)M_(2),"......,"L_(n)M_(n)` is

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  4. Let `S_n` denotes the sum of the terms of n series `(1lt=nlt=9)` `1+22+333+.....999999999`, is

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  5. If `a, b, c` are in `GP`, then the equations `ax^2 +2bx+c = 0` and `dx^2 +2ex+f =0` have a common root if `d/a , e/b , f/c `are in

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  6. The sum of the first n terms of the series `(1)/(2)+(3)/(4)+(7)/(8)+(15)/(16)+....` is equal to

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  7. If in a triangle `PQR; sin P, sin Q, sin R` are in A.P; then

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  8. Let `a_1, a_2, ,a_(10)` be in A.P. and `h_1, h_2, h_(10)` be in H.P. If `a_1=h_1=2a n da_(10)=h_(10)=3,t h e na_4h_7` is `2` b. `3` c. `5` d. `6`

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  9. If `I_(n)=int_(0)^(pi)(1-sin2nx)/(1-cos2x)dx` then `I_(1),I_(2),I_(3),"….."` are in

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  10. Show that If `a(b-c) x^2 + b(c-a) xy + c(a-b) y^2 = 0` is a perfect square, then the quantities a, b, c are in harmonic progresiion

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  11. The sum to infinity of the series
    `1+2(1-(1)/(n))+3(1-(1)/(n))^(2)+ . . .. . . .`, is

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  12. If `log_3 2, log_3 (2^x -5)` and `log_3 (2^x-7/2)` are in `A.P`, determine the value of `x`.

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  13. If x,y,z be three positive prime numbers. The progression in which `sqrt(x),sqrt(y),sqrt(z)` can be three terms (not necessarily consecutive) is

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  14. If n is an odd integer greater than or equal to 1, then the value of `n^3 - (n-1)^3 + (n-1)^3 - (n-1)^3 + .... + (-1)^(n-1) 1^3`

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  15. If the sides of a angled triangle are in A.P then the sines of the acute angles are

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  16. The `6th` term of an `AP` is equal to `2`, the value of the common difference of the `AP` which makes the product `a_7a_4a_5` least is given by

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  17. If the arithmetic progression whose common difference is nonzero the sum of first `3n` terms is equal to the sum of next `n` terms. Then, find the ratio of the sum of the `2n` terms to the sum of next `2n` terms.

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  18. The coefficient of `x^(n-2)` in the polynomial `(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)...(x-n)` is

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  19. Consider the pattern shown below:
    `{:(" Row ",1,1,,,),(" Row ",2,3,5,,),(" Row ",3,7,9,11,),(" Row ",4,13,15,17,19):}etc.`
    The number at the end of row 60 is

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  20. Let `a_(n)` be the nth term of an AP, if `sum_(r=1)^(100)a_(2r)=alpha " and "sum_(r=1)^(100)a_(2r-1)=beta`, then the common difference of the AP is

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  21. If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3),a_(4),a_(5)` are in HP, then `a_(1)a_(2)+a_(2)a_(3)+a_(3)a_(4)+a_(4)a_(5)` is eqiual to

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  22. If a,b,c and d are four positive real numbers such that abcd=1 , what is the minimum value of `(1+a)(1+b)(1+c)(1+d)`.

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  23. If a,b,c are in AP and `(a+2b-c)(2b+c-a)(c+a-b)=lambdaabc`, then `lambda` is

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  24. If `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3)"....."` are in GP with first term a and common rario r, then `(a_(1)a_(2))/(a_(1)^(2)-a_(2)^(2))+(a_(2)a_(3))/(a_(2)^(2)-a_(3)^(2))+(a_(3)a_(4))/(a_(3)^(2)-a_(4)^(2))+"....."+(a_(n-1)a_(n))/(a_(n-1)^(2)-a_(n)^(2))` is equal to

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  25. If the sum of the first ten terms of an `A.P` is four times the sum of its first five terms, the ratio of the first term to the common difference is:

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  26. If `cos (x-y),, cosx and cos(x+y)` are in H.P., are in H.P., then `cosx*sec(y/2)`=

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  27. If 11 AM's are inserted between 28 and 10, the number of integra AM's is

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  28. If `x >1,y >1,z >1` are in GP, then `1/(1+1nx),1/(1+1ny),1/(1+1nz)` are in (1998, 2M) AP (b) HP (c) GP (d) none of these

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  29. The minimum value of `((a^2 +3a+1)(b^2+3b + 1)(c^2 3c+ 1))/(abc)`The minimum value of , where `a, b, c in R` is

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  30. Let`a_(1),a_(2),"...."` be in AP and `q_(1),q_(2),"...."` be in GP. If `a_(1)=q_(1)=2 " and "a_(10)=q_(10)=3`, then

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Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter SEQUENCES AND SERIES of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12