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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A hall has 12 gates. In how many ways can a man enter the hall through one gate and come out through a different gate?

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  2. There are three stations A,B and C five routes for going from station A to station B and four routes for going from station B to station C. find number of different ways through which a person can go from A to C via B.

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  3. There are 25 students in a class in which 15 boys and 10 girls. The class teacher select either a boy or girl for monitor of the class. In how many ways the class teacher can make this selection?

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  4. There are 4 students for physics, 6 students for chemistry and 7 students of mathematics gold medal. In how many ways one of these gold medals be awarded?

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  5. Find n, if `(n+2)! =60xx(n-1)!`

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  6. Evaluate `sum_(r=1)^(n)rxxr!`

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  7. Find the remainder when `sum_(r=1)^(n)r!` is divided by 15, if `n ge5`.

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  8. Find the exponent of 3 in 100!.

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  9. Prove that 33! Is divisible by `2^(19)` and what is the largest integer n such that 33! Is divisible by `2^(n)`?

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  10. Find the number of zeros at the end of 100!.

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  11. For how many positive integral values of n does n! end with precisely 25 zeros?

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  12. Find the exponent of 80 in 200!.

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  13. Find the numbers of positive integers from 1 to 1000, which are divisible by at least 2, 3, or 5.

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  14. If `^56 P_(r+6):^(54)P_(r+3)=30800 :1,` find`r`

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  15. Find n, ` ""^(n+5)P_(n+1)=(11)/(2)(n-1)*""^(n+3)P_(n).`

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  16. If `.^(m+n)P_(2)=90 and .^(m-n)P_(2)=30`, find the value of m and .

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  17. Find the value of `r,` if
    (i) `.^(11)P_(r)=990`
    (ii) `.^(8)P_(5)+5*.^(8)P_(4)=.^(9)P_(r)`

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  18. Prove that `1+1* ""^(1)P_(1)+2* ""^(2)P_(2)+3* ""^(3)P_(3) + … +n* ""^(n)P_(n)=""^(n+1)P_(n+1).`

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  19. The number of other permutations of the letters of the word SIMPLETON taken all at a time is :

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  20. How many different signals can be given using any number of flags from 4 flags of different colours?

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  21. Find the total number of 9-digit numbers which have all different digits.

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  22. A five digit number divisible by 3 is to be formed using the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, without repetition. The total number of ways this can be done, is

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  23. A five digit number is formed by the digits 1,2,3,4,5 without repetition.

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  24. Find the number of permutations of letters `a ,n ,c ,d ,e ,f,g` taken all together if neither `b egnorc a d` pattern appear.

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  25. How many words can be formed with the letters of the word 'ARIHANT' by rearranging them?

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  26. Find the number of permutations of the letters of the words 'DADDY DID A DEADY DEED'.

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  27. How many words can be formed with the ltters of the words
    (i) HIGH SCHOOL and
    (ii) INTERMEDIATE by rearranging them?

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  28. A child has four pocket and three marbles. In how many ways can the child put the marbles in its pocket?

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  29. There are m men and n monkeys (n > m). If a man have any number of monkeys. In how many ways may every monkey have a master?

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  30. How many four-digit numbers can be formed by using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 if at least one digit is repeated.

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  31. In how many ways can 4 prizes be distributed among 5 students, if no student gets all the prizes?

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  32. Find the number of `n` digit numbers, which contain the digits 2 and 7, but not the digits 0, 1, 8, 9.

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  33. Show that the total number of permutations of n different things takenn not more than r at a time, when each thing may be repated any number of times is `(n(n^(r)-1))/((n-1))`.

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  34. How many permutations can be made out of the letters of the word 'TRIANGLE'? How many of these will begin with T and end with E?

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  35. In how many ways can the letter of the word 'INSURANCE' be arranged, so that the vowels are never separate?

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  36. How many words can be formed with the letters of thw word 'PATALIPUTRA' without changing the relative positions of vowels and consonants?

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  37. Find the number of permutations that can be had from the letters of the word 'OMEGA' (i) O and A occuping end places. (ii) E being always in the middle.

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  38. Find the number of ways in which 12 different beads can be arranged to form a necklace.

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  39. Consider 21 different pearls on a necklace. How many ways can the pearls be placed in on this necklace such that 3 specific pearls always remain together?

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  40. In how many ways can 24 persons be seated round a table, if there are 13 sets?

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  41. Find the number of ways in which three americans, two british, one chinese, one dutch and one egyptiann can sit on a round table so that persons of the sme nationality are separated.

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  42. In how many different ways can five boys and five girls form a circle such that the boys and girls alternate?

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  43. If 20 persons were invited for a party, in how many ways can they and the host be seated at a circular table?
    In how many of these ways will two particular persons be seated on either side of the host?

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  44. How many necklace of 12 beads, each can be made from 18 beads of various colours?

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  45. If `.^(15)C_(3r)=.^(15)C_(r+3),` find `.^(r)C_(2)`.

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  46. If `.^(n)C_(9)=.^(n)C_(7)`, find n.

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  47. Prove that

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  48. If `.^(2n)C_(3):^(n)C_(3)=11:1`, find the value of n.

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  49. If `.^(n+1)C_(r+1):^(n)C_(r):^(n-1)C_(r-1)=11:6:3`, find the values of n and r.

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  50. If `.^(n)C_(r-1)=36,.^(n)C_(r)=84 and .^(n)C_(r+1)=126`, find find r.

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  51. Property:Product of r consecutive number is divisible by r!

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  52. Evaluate
    `^(47)C_(4)+sum_(j=0)^(3)""^(50-j)C_(3)+sum_(k=0)^(5) ""^(56-k)C_(53-k)`.

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  53. Prove that the greatest value of `.^(2n)C_(r)(0 le r le 2n)` is `.^(2n)C_(n)` (for `1 le r le n)`.

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  54. Thirty six games were played in a football tournament with each team playing once against each other. How many teams were there?

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  55. In how many ways can a cricket team of eleven players be chosen out a batch 15 players, if (i) a particular is always chosen. (ii) a particular player is never chosen?

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  56. How many different selections of 6 books can be made from 11 different books, if
    (i) two particular books are always selected.
    (ii) two particular books are never selected?

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  57. A person tries to form as many different parties as he can, out of his 20 friends. Each party should consist of the same number. How many friends should be invited at a time? In how many of these parties would the same friends be found?

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  58. Mohan has 8 friends, in how many ways he invite one or more of them to dinner?

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  59. A question paper consists of two sections having respectively, 3 and 5 questions. The followinng note is given on the paper "it is not necessory to attempt all the questions one questions from each section is compulsory". In how many ways can candidate select the questions?

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  60. A student is allowed to select at most n books from a collection of (2n+1) books. If the total number of ways in which a student selects at least one book is 63. then n equals to -

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  61. There re three books of physics, four of chemistry and five of mathematics. How many different collections can be made such that each collection consists of
    (i) one book of each subject
    (ii) atleast one book of each subject.
    (iii) atleast one book of mathematics.

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  62. Find the total number of selections of at least one red ball from a bag containing 4 red balls and 5 black balls, balls of the same colour being identical.

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  63. There are `p` copies each of `n` different books. Find the number of ways in which a nonempty selection can be made from them.

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  64. There are 4 oranges, 5 apples and 6 mangoes in a fruit basket. In how manyways can a person make a selection of fruits from among the fruits in the basket?

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  65. Find the number of ways in which onee or more letters can be selected from the letter.

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  66. Find the number of proper factors of the number 38808. Also, find sum of all these divisors.

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  67. The number of even proper divisors of `1008`

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  68. Find the total number of proper factors of the number 35700. Also find sum of all these factors sum of the odd proper divisors the number of proper divisors divisible by 10 and the sum of these divisors.

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  69. If N = 10800, find the(i) the number of divisors of the form 4m +2,(ii) the number of divisors which are multiple of 10(iii) the number of divisors which are multiple of 15.

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  70. Find the number of divisors of the number `N=2^3 .3^5 .5^7 .7^9` which are perfect squares.

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  71. In how many ways the number 10800 can be resolved as a product of two factors?

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  72. In how many ways the number 18900 can be split in two factors which are relatively prime or co prime

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  73. In how many ways can 52 cards be distributed (i) Equally among 4 players and , (ii) Equally into 4 groups ?

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  74. In how many ways can 12 different balls be divided between 2 boys, one receiving 5 and the other 7 balls? Also, in how many ways can these 12 balls be divided into groups of 5,4 and 3 balls, respectively?

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  75. Find the number of ways to give 16 different things to three persons A, B, C so that B gets 1 more than A and C gets 2 more than B.

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  76. In how many ways can 9 different books be distributed among three students if each receives atleast 2 books?

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  77. In how many ways 5 different balls can be arranged into 3 different boxes so that no box remains empty?

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  78. In how many ways 5 different balls can be distributed into 3 boxes so that no box remains empty?

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  79. . In how many ways can 5 different books be tied up in three bundles?

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  80. Let `n(A)=5` and `n(B)=3` then find the number of injective functions and onto functions from `A ` to `B`

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  81. In how many ways 5 different balls can be arranged into 3 different boxes so that no box remains empty?

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  82. Four boys picked 30 apples. The number of ways in which they can divide then if all the apples are identical is

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  83. Find the number of solutions of `x + y + z + w = 20` under the following conditions:

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  84. The number of integral solutions of equation `x+y+z+t=29,` when `x >= 1, y >= 2, z>=2, 3 and t >= 0` is

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  85. The number of solutions to the system of equations `x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4+x_5=20` and `x_1+x_2=15` wher `x_k>=0`

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  86. The number of non negative integral solutions of`3x+y+z=24` is

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  87. In how many ways can three persons, each throwing a single dice once, make a sum of 15?

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  88. In how many ways in which an examiner can assign 30 marks to 8 questions, giving not less than 2 marks to any question.

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  89. A bag has contains 23 halls in which 7 are identical . Then number of ways of selecting 12 balls from bag.

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  90. A person writes letters to six friends and addresses the corresponding envelopes. In how many ways can the letters be placed in the envelopes so that

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  91. In how many ways the sum of upper faces of four distinct die can be five?

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  92. In an examination, the maximum mark for each of the three papers is 50 and the maximum mark for the fourth paper is 100. Find the number of ways in which the candidate can score 605 marks in aggregate.

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  93. Find the coefficient of `alpha^(6)` in the product `(1+alpha+alpha^(2))(1+alpha+alpha^(2))(1+alpha+alpha^(2)+alpha^(3))`

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  94. Find the number of different selections of 5 letters, which can be made from
    `5A's,4B's,3C's,2D's and 1E`

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  95. Find the number of combinations and permutations of 4 letters taken from the word EXAMINATION.

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  96. Find the number of non-negative integral solutions of `x_1+x_2+x_3+4x_4=20.`

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  97. Find the number of positive unequal integral solutions of the equation x+y+z+w=20.

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  98. In how many ways can 15 identical blankets be distributed among six beggars such that everyone gets at least one blanket and tow particular beggars get equal blankets and another three particular beggars get equal blankets.

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  99. Find the number of positive integral solutions of the inequality `3x+y+zlt=30.`

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  100. In how many ways can we get a sum of atmost 15 by throwing six distincct dice?

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12