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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter CONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `f(x) = (|X|)/(X)`. Discuss the continuity at `x rarr 0`

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  2. If `f(x)={{:(2x+3",","when",x lt 0),(0",","when",x = 0),(x^(2)+3",","when",x gt 0):}` Discuss the continuity.

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  3. If `f(x) = (x^(2)-1)/(x-1)` Discuss the continuity at `x rarr 1`

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  4. Show that the function `f(x) = {{:(2x+3",",-3 le x lt -2),(x+1",",-2 le x lt 0),(x+2",",0 le x le 1):}` is discontinuous at x = 0 and continuous at every point in interval `[-3, 1]`

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  5. Examine the function, `f(x) = {{:((cos x)/(pi//2 -x)",",x ne pi//2),(1",",x = pi//2):}` for continuity at `x = pi//2`

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  6. Discuss the continuity of `f(x) = tan^(-1)x`

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  7. Let y = f(x) be defined parametrically as `y = t^(2) + t|t|, x = 2t - |t|, t in R`. Then, at x = find f(x) and discuss continuity.

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  8. Let `f(x) =(e^(tan x)-e^x+ln(secx+tanx)-x)/(tanx-x)` be a continuous function at x=0. The value f(0) equals

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  9. If `f(x) = sqrt((1)/(tan^(-1)(x^(2)-4x + 3)))`, then f(x) is continuous for

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  10. If `f(x) = [x]`, where `[*]` denotes greatest integral function. Then, check the continuity on `(1, 2]`

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  11. Examine the function, `f(x) = {{:(x - 1",",x lt 0),(1//4",",x = 0),(x^(2)-1",",x gt 0):}` Discuss the continuity and if discontinuous remove the discontinuity.

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  12. Show the function, `f(x) = {{:((e^(1//x)-1)/(e^(1//x)+1)",","when",x ne 0),(0",","when",x = 0):}` has non-removable discontinuity at x = 0

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  13. Show `f(x) = (1)/(|x|)` has discontinuity of second kind at x = 0.

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  14. `f(x) = {{:(("tan"((pi)/(4)+x))^(1//x)",",x ne 0),(k",",x = 0):}` for what value of k, f(x) is continuous at x = 0 ?

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  15. A function f(x) is defined by, `f(x) = {{:(([x^(2)]-1)/(x^(2)-1)",","for",x^(2) ne 1),(0",","for",x^(2) = 1):}` Discuss the continuity of f(x) at x = 1.

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  16. Discuss the continuity of the function `f(x) = lim_(n rarr oo) (log (2 + x)-x^(2n) sin x)/(1+x^(2n))"at x" = 1`

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  17. Discuss the continuity of f(x), where `f(x) = lim_(n rarr oo) ("sin"(pi x)/(2))^(2n)`

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  18. Let `f(x) = {{:({1 + |sin x|}^(a//|sin x|)",",-pi//6 lt x lt 0),(b",",x = 0),(e^(tan 2x//tan 3x)",",0 lt x lt pi//6):}` Determine a and b such that f(x) is continuous at x = 0

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  19. Fill in the blanks so that the resulting statement is correct. Let `f(x) = [x + 2] sin((pi)/([x + 1]))`, where `[*]` denotes greatest integral function. The domain of f is ……….and the points of discontinuity of f in the domain are

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  20. Let `f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)` for all `xa n dydot` If the function `f(x)` is continuous at `x=0,` show that `f(x)` is continuous for all `xdot`

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  21. Let `f(x)` be a continuous function defined for `1 <= x <= 3.` If `f(x)` takes rational values for all `x and f(2)=10` then the value of `f(1.5)` is :

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  22. Discuss the continuity for `f(x) = (1 - u^(2))/(2 + u^(2))`, where u = tan x.

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  23. Find the points of discontinuity of `y = (1)/(u^(2) + u -2)`, where `u = (1)/(x -1)`

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  24. Show that the function `f(x)=(x-a)^2(x-b)^2+x` takes the value `(a+b)/2` for some value of `x in [a , b]dot`

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  25. Suppose that f(x) is continuous in [0, 1] and `f(0) = 0, f(1) = 0`. Prove `f(c) = 1 - 2c^(2)` for some `c in (0, 1)`

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  26. The left hand derivative of `f(x)=[x]sin(pix)` at `x = k`, `k` is an integer, is

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  27. Which of the following functions is differentiable at x = 0 ?

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  28. Show that `f(x)={{:("x sin"(1)/(x)",","when",x ne 0),(0",","when",x = 0):}` is continuous but not differentiable at x = 0

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  29. Let `f(x) = (xe)^(1/|x|+1/x); x != 0, f(0) = 0`, test the continuity & differentiability at `x = 0`

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  30. Let `f(x) = |x-1|+|x+1|` Discuss the continuity and differentiability of the function.

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  31. Discuss the continuity and differentiability for `f(x) = [sin x]` when `x in [0, 2pi]`, where `[*]` denotes the greatest integer function x.

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  32. If `f(x) = {|x|-|x-1|}^(2)`, draw the graph of f(x) and discuss its continuity and differentiability of f(x)

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  33. If `f(x) = {{:(x - 3",",x lt 0),(x^(2)-3x + 2",",x ge 0):}"and let" g(x) = f(|x|) + |f(x)|`. Discuss the differentiability of g(x).

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  34. Let f(x) = [ n + p sin x], `x in (0,pi), n in Z`, p a prime number and [x] = the greatest integer less than or equal to x. The number of points at which f(x) is not not differentiable is :

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  35. If `f(x) = ||x| - 1|`, then draw the graph of f(x) and fof(x) and also discuss their continuity and differentiability. Also, find derivative of `(fof)^(2)"at x" = (3)/(2)`

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  36. Draw the graph of the function `g(x) = f(x + I)+f(x-I)`, where `f(x) = {{:(k{1-(|x|)/(I)}",","for",|x| le I),(0",","",|x| gt I):}` Also, discuss the continuity and differentiability of the function g(x).

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  37. Let `f(x) = {{:(int_(0)^(x){5+|1-t|}dt",","if",x gt 2),(5x + 1",","if",x le 2):}` Test f(x) for continuity and differentiability for all real x.

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  38. Draw the graph of the function and discuss the continuity and differentiability at x = 1 for, `f(x) = {{:(3^(x)",","when",-1 le x le 1),(4-x",","when",1 lt x lt 4):}`

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  39. Match the conditions/expressions in Column I with statement in Column Ⅱ. (A). `sin (pi [x])` (B) `sin{pi(x - [x])}`

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  40. The set of points where ,`f(x) = x|x|` is twice differentiable is

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  41. is The function `f(x)=(x^2-1)|x^2-3x+2|+cos(|x|)` is differentiable not differentiable at (a)-1 (b)0 (c)1 (d)2

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  42. If `f(x) = sum_(r=1)^(n)a_(r)|x|^(r)`, where `a_(i)` s are real constants, then f(x) is

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  43. Let f and g be differentiable functions satisfying `g(a) = b,g' (a) = 2` and fog =I (identity function). then f' (b) is equal to

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  44. If `f(x) = (x)/(1+(log x)(log x)....oo), AA x in [1, 3]` is non-differentiable at x = k. Then, the value of `[k^(2)]`, is (where `[*]` denotes greatest integer function).

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  45. If `f(x) = |1 -x|,` then the points where `sin^-1 (f |x|)` is non-differentiable are

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  46. Discuss the differentiability of `f(x) = sin^(-1)((2x)/(1+x^(2)))`

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  47. Let `[.]` represent the greatest integer function and `f (x)=[tan^2 x]` then :

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  48. Let `h(x) = min {x, x^2}`, for every real number of X. Then (A) h is continuous for all x (B) h is differentiable for all x (C) `h^'(x)` = 1, for all x > 1 (D) h is not differentiable at two values of x

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  49. let `f: RrarrR` be a function defined by `f(x)=max{x,x^3}`. The set of values where f(x) is differentiable is:

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  50. Let f(x) be a continuous function, `AA x in R, f(0) = 1 and f(x) ne x` for any `x in R`, then show `f(f(x)) gt x, AA x in R^(+)`

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  51. The total number of points of non-differentiability of `f(x)=max{sin^2 x,cos^2 x,3/4}` in `[0,10 pi],` is

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  52. If `f(x) = |x+1|{|x| + |x - 1|}`, then draw the graph of f(x) in the interval [-2, 2] and discuss the continuity and differentiability in [-2, 2].

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  53. If the function `f(x)=[((x-2)^3)/a]sin(x-2)+acos(x-2),[dot]` denotes the greatest integer function, is continuous in `[4,6],` then find the values of `adot`

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  54. If `f(x) = x^(2) - 2|x| and g(x) = {{:("min{f(t)":-2 le t le x",",-2 le x le "}"),("max {f(t):"0 le t le x",",0 le x le 3"}"):}`
    (i) Draw the graph of f(x) and discuss its continuity and differentiablity.
    (ii) Find and draw the graph of g(x Also, discuss the continuity.

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  55. `"Let "f(x)=phi(x)+Psi(x) and Psi'(a)` are finite and definite. Then,

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  56. If `f(x) = x + tan x and g(x)` is the inverse of f(x), then g'(x) is equal to

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  57. If `f(x)= int_(0)^(x)(f(t))^(2) dt, f:R rarr R ` be differentiable function and `f(g(x))` is differentiable at `x=a`, then

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  58. If `f(x) = [x^(-2) [x^(2)]]`, (where `[*]` denotes the greatest integer function) `x ne 0`, then incorrect statement

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  59. If `f(x)={x^2(sgn[x])+{x},0 <= x <= 2 sin x+|x-3| ,2 < x< 4 ,` (where[.] & {.} greatest integer function & fractional part functiopn respectively ), then -

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  60. A real valued function f(x) is given as `f(x) = {{:(int_(0)^(x) 2{x}dx",",x + {x} in I),(x^(2) - x + (1)/(2)",",(1)/(2) lt x lt (3)/(2) and x ne "1, where" []),(x^(2) - x + (1)/(6)",","otherwise"):}` denotes greatest integer less than or equals to x and {} denotes fractional part function of x. Then,

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  61. The values of a and b so that the function `f(x) = {{:(x + a sqrt(2) sin x",",0 le x lt pi//4),(2 x cot x + b",",pi//4 le x le pi//2),(a cos 2 x - b sin x",",pi//2 lt x le pi):}` is continuous for `x in [0, pi]`, are

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  62. Let f be an even function and f'(0) exists, then f'(0) is

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  63. The set of points where `x^(2)|x|` is thrice differentiable, is

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  64. The function `f(x) = (|x+2|)/(tan^(-1)(x+2))`, is continuous for

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  65. If `f (x)= [{:((sin [x^(2)]pi)/(x ^(2)-3x+8)+ax ^(3)+b,,, 0 le x le 1),( 2 cos pix + tan ^(-1)x ,,, 1 lt x le 2):}` is differentiable in `[0,2]` then: ([.] denotes greatest integer function)

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  66. If `g(x) = lim_(m rarr oo) (x^(m)f(1) + h(x) + 1)/(2x^(m) + 3x + 3)` is continuous at x = 1 and `g(1) = lim_(x rarr 1) {log_(e)(ex)}^(2//log_(e)x)`, then the value of `2g(1) + 2f(1) - h(1)` when f(x) and h(x) are continuous at x = 1, is

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  67. Let `g(x) = ln f(x)` where f(x) is a twice differentiable positive function on `(0, oo)` such that `f(x+1) = x f(x)`. Then for N = 1,2,3 `g''(N+1/2)- g''(1/2) =`

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  68. Let y = f(x) be a differentiable function, `AA x in R` and satisfies,
    `f(x) = x+ int_(0)^(1)x^(2)z f(z) dz + int_(0)^(1)x z^(2) f(z) dz`, then

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  69. A function `f : R rarr R` satisfies the equation `f(x + y) = f(x) . f(y)` for all, `f(x) ne 0`. Suppose that the function is differentiable at x = 0 and f'(0) = 2. Then,

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  70. Let f be a function such that `f(x+f(y)) = f(x) + y, AA x, y in R`, then find f(0). If it is given that there exists a positive real `delta` such that f(h) = h for `0 lt h lt delta`, then find f'(x)

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  71. If the function of `f(x) = [((x-5)^(2))/(A)]sin(x-5)+a cos(x - 2),"where"[*]` denotes the greatest integer function, is continuous and differentiable in (7, 9), then find the value of `A`

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  72. If `f(x) = [2 + 5|n| sin x]`, where `n in I` has exactly 9 points of non-derivability in `(0, pi)`, then possible values of n are (where [x] dentoes greatest integer function)

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  73. The number of points of discontinuity of `f(x)=[2x]^(2)-{2x}^(2)` (where [ ] denotes the greatest integer function and { } is fractional part of x) in the interval `(-2,2)`, is

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  74. If ` x in R^+ and n in N`, we can uniquely write `x= mn+r`, where `m in W and 0leqrltn`. We define `x mod n = r`. The number of points of discontinuity of the function, `f(x) = ( x mod 2)^2 +(x mod 4)` in the interval`0ltxlt9` is

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  75. Let `f : R rarr R` be a differentiable function at x = 0 satisfying f(0) = 0 and f'(0) = 1, then the value of `lim_(x to 0) (1)/(x) . sum_(n=1)^(oo)(-1)^(n).f((x)/(n))`, is

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  76. Let f(x) is a function continuous for all `x in R` except at x = 0 such that `f'(x) lt 0, AA x in (-oo, 0) and f'(x) gt 0, AA x in (0, oo)`. If `lim_(x rarr 0^(+)) f(x) = 3, lim_(x rarr 0^(-)) f(x) = 4 and f(0) = 5`, then the image of the point (0, 1) about the line, `y.lim_(x rarr 0) f(cos^(3) x - cos^(2) x) = x. lim_(x rarr 0) f(sin^(2) x - sin^(3) x)`, is

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  77. If f(x) be such that `f(x) = max (|3 - x|, 3 - x^(3))`, then

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  78. Let `f(x) = |x - 1|([x] - [-x])`, then which of the following statement(s) is/are correct. (where [.] denotes greatest integer function.)

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  79. If y = f(x) defined parametrically by `x = 2t - |t - 1| and y = 2t^(2) + t|t|`, then

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  80. `f(x)=sin^(-1)[e^(x)]+sin^(-1)[e^(-x)]` where [.] greatest integer function then

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  81. `f : R -> R` is one-one, onto and differentiable and graph of y = f (x) is symmetrical about the point (4, 0), then

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  82. Let f be a real-valued function defined on interval `(0,oo)`,by `f(x)=lnx+int_0^xsqrt(1+sint).dt`. Then which of the following statement(s) is (are) true? (A). f"(x) exists for all `in` `(0,oo)`.`" "` (B). f'(x) exists for all x `in` `(0,oo)` and f' is continuous on `(0,oo)`, but not differentiable on `(0,oo)`.`" "` (C). there exists `alpha>1` such that `|f'(x)|<|f(x)|` for all x `in` `(alpha,oo)`.`" "` (D). there exists `beta>1` such that `|f(x)|+|f'(x)|<=beta` for all x `in` `(0,oo)`.

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  83. If `f(x) + f(y) = f((x+y)/(1-xy))` for all `x, y in R (xy ne 1) and lim_(x rarr 0) (f(x))/(x) = 2`, then

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  84. Let `f: RvecR` be a function satisfying condition `f(x+y^3)=f(x)+[f(y)]^3fora l lx ,y in Rdot` If `f^(prime)(0)geq0,` find `f(10)dot`

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  85. Let `f(x) = x^(3) - x^(2) + x + 1 and g(x) = {{:(max f(t)",", 0 le t le x,"for",0 le x le 1),(3-x",",1 lt x le 2,,):}` Then, g(x) in [0, 2] is

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  86. If `p''(x)` has real roots `alpha,beta,gamma`. Then , `[alpha]+[beta]+[gamma]` is

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  87. In the given figure graph of `y = P(x) = ax^(5) + bx^(4) + cx^(3) + dx^(2) + ex + f`, is given.

    The minimum number of real roots of equation `(P''(x))^(2) + P'(x).P'''(x) = 0`, is

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  88. If `alpha, beta` (where `alpha lt beta`) are the points of discontinuity of the function g(x) = f(f(f(x))), where `f(x) = (1)/(1-x). Then, The points of discontinuity of g(x) is

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  89. If `alpha, beta` (where `alpha lt beta`) are the points of discontinuity of the function g(x) = f(f(f(x))), where `f(x) = (1)/(1-x), and P(a, a^(2))` is any point on XY - plane. Then,
    The domain of f(g(x)), is

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  90. If `alpha, beta` (where `alpha lt beta`) are the points of discontinuity of the function `g(x) = f(f(x))`, where `f(x) = (1)/(1-x), and P(a, a^(2))` is any point on XY - plane. Then, If point `P(a, a^(2))` lies on the same side as that of `(alpha, beta)` with respect to line x + 2y - 3 = 0, then

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  91. In the following, [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Match the functions in Column I with the properties Column II.
    `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),((A),x|x|,(p),"continuous in (-1, 1)"),((B),sqrt(|x|),(q),"differentiable in (-1, 1)"),((C),x + [x],(r),"strictly increasing (-1, 1)"),((D),|x-1|+|x + 1|,(s),"not differentiable at least at one point in (-1, 1)"):}`

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  92. Let `f(X) = {{:([x]",",-2 le x lt 0),(|x|",",0 le x le 2):}` (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function) g(x) = sec x, `x in R - (2n + 1)pi//2`.
    Match the following statements in Column I with their values in Column II in the interval `(-(3pi)/(2),(3pi)/(2))`.
    `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),((A),"Lemit of fog exist at",(p),-1),((B),"Limit of gof doesn't exist at",(q),pi),((C),"Points of discontinuity of fog is/are",(r),(5pi)/(6)),((C),"Points of differentiability of fog is/are",(s),-pi):}`

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  93. Suppose a function f(x) satisfies the following conditions
    `f(x+y) = (f(x) + f(y))/(1+f(x)f(y)),AA x, y and f'(0) = "1. Also," -1 lt f(x) lt 1, AA x in R`.
    Match the entries of the following two columns.
    `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),((A),"f(x) is differentiable over the set",(p),R-(-1,0,1)),((B),"f(x) increases in the interval",(q),R),((C),"Number of the solutions of f(x) = 0 is",(r),0),((D),"The value of the limit" lim_(x rarr oo) [f(x)]^(x)"is",(s),1):}`

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  94. Let `f(x) = {((1-cos 4x)/(x^(2))",",x lt 0),(a",",x = 0),((sqrt(x))/(sqrt(16+sqrt(x))-4))",",x gt 0):}` Then, the value of a if possible, so that the function is continuous at x = 0, is……….

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  95. `f(x) =` maximum `{4, 1 + x^2, x^2-1) AA x in R`. Total number of points, where `f(x)` is non-differentiable,is equal to

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  96. Let `f(x)=x^n` `n` being a non negative integer. The value of `n` for which the equality`f'(a+b)=f'(a)+f'(b)` is valid for all `a.bgt0` is

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  97. The number of points where `f(x) = [sin x + cosx]` (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function) `x in (0,2pi)` is not continuous is (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

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  98. The number of points where `|xf(x)| + |x - 2|-1|` is non-differentiable in `x in (0, 3pi)`, where `f(x) =prod_(k=1)^(oo) ((1+2 cos((2x)/(3^(k))))/(3)),` is..........

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  99. If `f((xy)/(2)) = (f(x).f(y))/(2), x, y in R, f(1) = f'(1)."Then", (f(3))/(f'(3))`is.........

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  100. Let `f : R rarr R` be a differentiable function satisfying `f(x) = f(y) f(x - y), AA x, y in R and f'(0) = int_(0)^(4) {2x}dx`, where {.} denotes the fractional part function and `f'(-3) - alpha e^(beta)`. Then, `|alpha + beta|` is equal to.......

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter CONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12