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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) of chapter CONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions)
Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `f(x) = {{:("sin"(pix)/(2)",",x lt 1),([x]",",x ge 1):}`, where [x] denotes the greatest integer function, then

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  2. Consider `f(x) = {{:((8^(x) - 4^(x) - 2^(x) + 1)/(x^(2))",",x gt 0),(e^(x)sin x + pi x + k log 4",",x lt 0):}` Then, f(0) so that f(x) is continuous at x = 0, is

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  3. Let `f(x) = {{:((a(1-x sin x)+b cos x + 5)/(x^(2))",",x lt 0),(3",",x = 0),([1 + ((cx + dx^(3))/(x^(2)))]^(1//x)",",x gt 0):}` If f is continuous at x = 0, then (a + b + c + d) is

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  4. `f(x)={cos^(-1){cotx),xpi/2` where `[dot]` represents the greatest function and `{dot}` represents the fractional part function. Find the jump of discontinuity.

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  5. Let `f:[0,1]vec[0,1]` be a continuous function. Then prove that `f(x)=x` for at least one `0lt=xlt=1.`

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  6. If `f(x) = (x + 1)/(x-1) and g(x) = (1)/(x-2)`, then (fog)(x) is discontinuous at

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  7. Let `y_(n)(x) = x^(2)+(x^(2))/((1+x^(2)))+(x^(2))/((1+x^(2))^(2))+...+(x^(2))/((1+x^(2))^(n-1))and g(x) = lim_(nto oo) y_(n)(x)`, then `y_(n)(x), n = 1, 2, 3,...,n and y(x)` is

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  8. If `g(x)=(1-a^x+x a^xloga)/(x^2*a^x), x<0` `((2a)^x-xlog(2a)-1)/(x^2), x >0` (where a > 0) then find a and `g(0)` so that `g(x)` is continuous at `x=0.`

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  9. Let `f(x) = {{:(((pi)/(2)-sin^(-1)(1-{x}^(2)).sin^(-1)(1-{x}))/(sqrt(2) ({x}+{x}^(3)))",",x ne 0):}`, where {.} is fractional part of x, then

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  10. Let `f(x) = {{:(sgn(x)+x",",-oo lt x lt 0),(-1+sin x",",0 le x le pi//2),(cos x",",pi//2 le x lt oo):}`, then number of points, where f(x) is not differentiable, is/are

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  11. Let `f(x)={{:(,(1)/(|x|),"for "|x| gt1),(,ax^(2)+b,"for "|x| lt 1):}` If f(x) is continuous and differentiable at any point, then values of a and b are

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  12. If `f(x) = {{:(A+Bx^(2)",",x lt 1),(3Ax - B+2",",x ge 1):}`, then A and B, so that f(x) is differentiabl at x = 1, are

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  13. If `f(x) = {{:(|x-1|([x]-x)",",x ne 1),(0",",x = 1):}`, then

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  14. If `f(x) = {{:([cos pi x]",",x le 1),(2{x}-1",",x gt 1):}`, where [.] and {.} denotes greatest integer and fractional part of x, then

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  15. If `f(x) = {{:(x - 3",",x lt 0),(x^(2) - 3x + 2",",x ge 0):}`, then `g(x) = f(|x|)` is

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  16. If `f(x) = {{:({x+(1)/(3)}[sin pi x]",",0 le x lt 1),([2x]sgn(x - (4)/(3))",",1 le x le 2):}`, where [.] and {.} denotes greatest integerd and fractional part of x respectively, then the number of points, which is not differentiable, is

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  17. Let f be differentiable function satisfying `f((x)/(y))=f(x) - f(y)"for all" x, y gt 0`. If f'(1) = 1, then f(x) is

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  18. Let `f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y) - 2xy - 1` for all x and y. If f'(0) exists and `f'(0) = - sin alpha`, then `f{f'(0)}` is

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  19. A derivable function `f : R^(+) rarr R` satisfies the condition `f(x) - f(y) ge log((x)/(y)) + x - y, AA x, y in R^(+)`. If g denotes the derivative of f, then the value of the sum `sum_(n=1)^(100) g((1)/(n))` is

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  20. If `(d(f(x)))/(dx) = e^(-x) f(x) + e^(x) f(-x)`, then f(x) is, (given f(0) = 0)

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  21. Let `f : (0, oo) rarr R` be a continuous function such that `f(x) = int_(0)^(x) t f(t) dt`. If `f(x^(2)) = x^(4) + x^(5)`, then `sum_(r = 1)^(12) f(r^(2))`, is equal to

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  22. For let `h(x)={1/q if x=p/q and 0` if x is irrational where `p & q > 0` are relatively prime integers 0 then which one does not hold good?

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  23. Let `f(x) = (g(x))/(h(x))`, where g and h are continuous functions on the open interval (a, b). Which of the following statements is true for `a lt x lt b` ?

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  24. `f(x)=(cosx-sin2x)/((pi-2x)^2);g(x)=(e^(-cosx)-1)/(8x-4pi)`

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  25. If `f(x) = (x-e^(x) + cos 2x)/(x^(2)), x ne 0` is continuous at x = 0, then

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  26. Consider the function `f(x) = [{:(x{x}+1",","if",0 le x lt 1),(2-{x}",","if",1 le x le 2):}`, where {x} denotes the fractional part function. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?

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  27. Let `f(x) = [{:((2^(x)+2^(3-x) - 6)/(sqrt(2^(-x))-2^(1-x))",","if",x gt 2),((x^(2) - 4)/(x - sqrt(3x - 2))",","if",x lt 2):}`,then

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  28. Let [x] denote the integral part of `x in R and g(x) = x- [x]`. Let `f(x)` be any continuous function with `f(0) = f(1)` then the function `h(x) = f(g(x)` :

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  29. Let f be a differentiable function on the open interval(a, b). Which of the following statements must be true? (i) f is continuous on the closed interval [a,b],(ii) f is bounded on the open interval (a,b)

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  30. Number of points where the function `f(x)=(x^2-1)|x^2-x-2| + sin(|x|)` is not differentiable, is:

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  31. Consider function `f: R - {-1,1}-> R`. `f(x)=x/[1-|x|]` Then the incorrect statement is

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  32. If the functions `f : R -> R` and `g : R -> R` are such that `f(x)` is continuous at `x = alpha` and `f(alpha)=a` and `g(x)` is discontinuous at `x = a` but `g(f(x))` is continuous at `x = alpha`. where, `f(x)` and `g(x)` are non-constant functions (a) `x=alpha` extremum of `f(x)` and `x=alpha` is an extremum `g(x)` (b) `x=alpha` may not be extremum `f(x)` and `x=alpha` is an extermum of `g(x)` (c) `x=alpha` is an extremum of `f(x)`and `x=alpha` may not be an extremum `g(x)` (d) not of the above

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  33. The total number of points of non-differentiability of `f(x) = min[|sin x|,|cos x|, (1)/(4)]"in"(0, 2pi)` is

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  34. The function `f(x)=[x]^2-[x^2]` is discontinuous at (where `[gamma]` is the greatest integer less than or equal to `gamma`), is discontinuous at

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  35. The function `f(x) = (x^(2) - 1)|x^(2)-6x + 5|+cos|x|` is not differentiable at

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  36. If `f(x) = {{:((1)/(e^(1//x))",",x ne 0),(0",",x = 0):}` then

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  37. Given `f(x) = (e^(x)-cos 2x - x)/(x^(2)),"for x" in R-{0} g(x) = {{:(f({x})",","for",n lt x lt n + (1)/(2)),(f(1-{x})",","for",n + (1)/(2) le x lt n + 1"," n in I),("",,{("where {x} denotes"),("fractional part function"):}),((5)/(2)"otherwise"",","",):}` then g(x) is

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  38. The function `g(x) = {{:(x+b",",x lt 0),(cos x",",x ge 0):}` cannot be made differentiable at x = 0.

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  39. The graph of function f contains the point `P(1, 2) and Q(s, r)`. The equation of the secant line through P and Q is `y=((s^2+2s-3)/(s-1))x-1-s`. The value of `f'(1)`, is

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  40. Consider `f(x)=[(2(sinx-sinx-sin^3x))+|sinx-sin^3 x|)/(2(sinx-sin^3 x)-|sinx-sin^3x|], x != pi/2` for `x in (0,pi), f(pi/2) = 3` where [ ] denotes the greatest integer function then,

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  41. If `f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y) + |x|y+xy^(2),AA x, y in R and f'(0) = 0`, then

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  42. Let f(x) = max. {|x^2 - 2 |x||,|x|} and g(x) = min. {|x^2 - 2|x||, |x|} then

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  43. Let `g(x)=[(3x^2-4sqrtx+1, x<1),(ax+b, x>=1))` If `g(x)` is continuous and differentiable for all numbers in its domain then (A) a=b=-4 (B) a=b=4 (C) a=4 and b =-4 (D) a=-4 and b=4

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  44. Let f(x) be continuous and differentiable function for all reals and f(x + y) = f(x) - 3xy + f(y). If `lim_(h to 0)(f(h))/(h) = 7`, then the value of f'(x) is

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  45. Let [x] be the greatest integer function `f(x)=(sin(1/4(pi[x]))/([x]))` is

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  46. If `f(x) = {{:(b([x]^(2)+[x])+1",","for",x ge -1),(sin(pi(x+a))",","for",x lt -1):}` where [x] denotes the integral part of x, then for what values of a, b the function is continuous at x = - 1?

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  47. If both `f(x) & g(x)` are differentiable functions at `x=x_0`then the function defiend as `h(x)`=Maximum`{f(x), g(x)}`

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  48. Number of points of non-differentiability of the function `g(x) = [x^2]{cos^2 4x} + {x^2}[cos^2 4x] +x^2 sin^2 4x + [x^2][cos^2 4x] + {x^2}{cos^2 4x}` in `(-50, 50)` where `[x] and {x}` denotes the greatest integer function and fractional part function of x respectively, is equal to :

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  49. If `f(x) = ({x}g(x))/({x}g(x))` is a periodic function with period `(1)/(4)`, where g(x) is differentiable function, then (where {.} denotes fractional part of x).

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  50. If `f((x)/(y))=(f(x))/(f(y))` for all x, y `in R, y ne 0 and f'(x)` exists for all x, f(2) = 4. Then, f(5) is

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Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter CONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12