Chapter | Financial Management |
Number Of Questions | 20 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Tatal steel Acquires Corus.
Tata Steel, biggest steel producer in the Indian private sector has acuired Courus, (formely know as British steel) in a deal worth ₹8.6 billion. This makes Tata Steel the fifth largest steel producer in the world. A financial decision of this magnitude has singificant implicitness for both Tata steel ans Corus as will a s their emloyeees and Shareholders. To mention some of them:
Tta steel willl vecome the fith largest producer of steel in the world.
Tata steel will rasise a debt of over ₹8 billion to finance the transaction. The deal will be paid for by Tata steel UK. a Special pruose Vehicle (SPV) set -up for the pruose. This SPV will get funds from Tata Steel route though a singapore subsidiary. Another company of the Rata Graoup, Tata Sons Ltd., Will invest ₹1 billion dollars for perference shares alongwith Tata steel which will invest an equal amount.
Tata steel acquirer company , shall have to arrange about 36,500 crore of rupees to funance the take -over.
Tata - Steel will have to raise this amount through debt or equity or a combination of both. Some amount may come from internal accuals also. This financing decision will affect the capital structure of Tata Steel.
Tata Steel hpes to increase the production to 40 million tonnes and revenue to 32 billion US dollars by 2012.
It may affect the compectitiveness of Tata Steel because the cost of production of steel in all probability, will change.
The dividend paying capacity of Tata steel may be affected becasuse of this huge cash outflow and because of a singnificantly higher debt which would need to be seviced before paying any dividends to shareholders.
The degree of risk shall also be affacted. Needless to emphaise, decisions like this affect the future of the organisation. These decionss are almost irrevocable after they have been formalised.
Name the finacnial decision deiscussed in the above cose.
Tata steel Acquires Corus.
Tata Steel, biggest steel producer in the Indian private sector has acquired Course, (formally know as British steel) in a deal worth ₹8.6 billion. This makes Tata Steel the fifth largest steel producer in the world. A financial decision of this magnitude has significant implicitness for both Tata steel and Corus as well as their employees and Shareholders. To mention some of them:
Tata steel will become the fifth largest producer of steel in the world.
Tata steel will raise a debt of over ₹8 billion to finance the transaction. The deal will be paid for by Tata steel UK. a Special purpose Vehicle (SPV) set -up for the purpose. This SPV will get funds from Tata Steel route though a Singapore subsidiary. Another company of the Rata Group, Tata Sons Ltd., Will invest ₹1 billion dollars for preference shares along with Tata steel which will invest an equal amount.
Tata steel acquirer company , shall have to arrange about 36,500 crore of rupees to finance the take -over.
Tata - Steel will have to raise this amount through debt or equity or a combination of both. Some amount may come from internal accruals also. This financing decision will affect the capital structure of Tata Steel.
Tata Steel hypes to increase the production to 40 million tons and revenue to 32 billion US dollars by 2012.
It may affect the competitiveness of Tata Steel because the cost of production of steel in all probability, will change.
The dividend paying capacity of Tata steel may be affected because of this huge cash outflow and because of a significantly higher debt which would need to be serviced before paying any dividends to shareholders.
The degree of risk shall also be affected. Needless to emphasis, decisions like this affect the future of the organization. These decisions are almost irrevocable after they have been formalized.
Explain the factors that affect this decision..
India Inc,. Issue bonus Shares and Dividends
Corpotate india has opends its purse stings to shareholders with interim dividends and bonus share. Atleast 60 companies have declared interim divdend or announced plans to do so in the companies have announced bonus share issues this month, about three times more than january 2006.
There are range of things that a company can do for maximising shareholder value and dvideneds is companies need to balance it up between paying cash and bulding value of the stock for total shareholder reuturns.
This trend of dividends and bonuses is in synchronisation with the good profuts beings posted A number of companies have also announced plans of bonus shares for their shareholders. Most of the or announced that they would be taking it up in their next board meeting are small or mid-sized companies
Identify the financial decision involverd in this case. Explain.
India Inc,. Issue bonus Shares and Dividends
Corpotate india has opends its purse stings to shareholders with interim dividends and bonus share.s Atleast 60 companies have declared interim divdend or announced plans to do so in the companies have announced bonus share issues this month, about three times more than january 2006.
There are range of things that a company can do for maximising shareholder value and dvideneds is companies need to balance it up between paying cash and bulding value of the stock for total shareholder reuturns.
This trend of dividends and bonuses is in synchronisation with the good profuts beings posted A number of companies have also announced plans of bonus shares for their shareholders. Most of the or announced that they would be taking it up in their next board meeting are small or mid-sized companies
What factors are considerd while taking this decision ?
Rising divdends can support valuations Over the next few years, companies cannot afforred to ignore dividends, Investors are looking for higher payouts and need the assureance of a stated dividend payouts and need the assureance of a stated dividends policy. In India , though there are frw compaines that are as consistent in divned payments , even over the past five years.
The dividend yield, thoughm has steadily declined and is now at an average of 1.1 per cent of a set of 800 companies. These companies form part of the various BSe and ESE indices. NOt only has the dividend yield gone down , there is not one company in this list that has increeased divdends in line with profit growth in each of the past five years.
Among compaines in the set, thouse that have steadily increased the payout ovber ther years include a number of mutinational compaines such as a high reutn on net worht. Companies such as Astrazeneca Pharma, Nestle India, Hindustan Lever, Clariant, Pfizer , GlxoSmithkine Consumer and Cummine Indida have enhanced divdnes to deliver value to shareholder.s Thse companies do not seem to be constrained for growth, either. Some Inidian companies that have also shown the way forward include Automative Axles, Ranbaxy LAbs, Hero Honda Motors, Asian Paints. Theremax and a number of banking and non-banking finance companies. These copmpanies , too, are growing fast, and the declaration of dividends has not dampened prospects.
Companies that have held on to profits and not declared dividends include e-serve, Cranes Software, Sesa Goa, Tata motors, Moser Baer, AVV ,MICO, Aztec Software, Havells Indian, Amtek Indai nad Sterlite Industries. This is only an indcative list and inclides many more. The dividend payout ratio in the case of the indicated companies is less than 20 per cent. Investors, however, need divends to risk and they aslo need a stated divdend policy. The earnings yield ( inverse of PE ratio) is now at about 6 per cent. if the payout ratio were stepped up to 40 per cent then the divden yield would rise to about 2.5 per cent.
Which foctor affecting divinden decision is indicated in the first paragraph of the given case ?
Rising divdends can support valuations Over the next few years, companies cannot afforred to ignore dividends, Investors are looking for higher payouts and need the assureance of a stated dividend payouts and need the assureance of a stated dividends policy. In India , though there are frw compaines that are as consistent in divned payments , even over the past five years.
The dividend yield, thoughm has steadily declined and is now at an average of 1.1 per cent of a set of 800 companies. These companies form part of the various BSe and ESE indices. NOt only has the dividend yield gone down , there is not one company in this list that has increeased divdends in line with profit growth in each of the past five years.
Among compaines in the set, thouse that have steadily increased the payout ovber ther years include a number of mutinational compaines such as a high reutn on net worht. Companies such as Astrazeneca Pharma, Nestle India, Hindustan Lever, Clariant, Pfizer , GlxoSmithkine Consumer and Cummine Indida have enhanced divdnes to deliver value to shareholder.s Thse companies do not seem to be constrained for growth, either. Some Inidian companies that have also shown the way forward include Automative Axles, Ranbaxy LAbs, Hero Honda Motors, Asian Paints. Theremax and a number of banking and non-banking finance companies. These copmpanies , too, are growing fast, and the declaration of dividends has not dampened prospects.
Companies that have held on to profits and not declared dividends include e-serve, Cranes Software, Sesa Goa, Tata motors, Moser Baer, AVV ,MICO, Aztec Software, Havells Indian, Amtek Indai nad Sterlite Industries. This is only an indcative list and inclides many more. The dividend payout ratio in the case of the indicated companies is less than 20 per cent. Investors, however, need divends to risk and they aslo need a stated divdend policy. The earnings yield ( inverse of PE ratio) is now at about 6 per cent. if the payout ratio were stepped up to 40 per cent then the divden yield would rise to about 2.5 per cent.
Expain any three other factors affecting this desicison.
Cutting businesses have debt, but how much is too much? Learning how to manage how to manager debt is what can put you ahead.
Taking on the right amount of debt can mean the didfference between a business struggling to survive and one that can respond nimbly to changin economic or market conditions. A number of circumstances may justigy acquiring debt. As a general rule , borrowing makes the most sense when you need to bolster cash flow or finance growth on expansion. But while debt can provide the everage you need to grow, too much debt can strangle your business. So the equestion is: How much debt is too much ?
The answer, experts say, lies in a careful analysis of your ca h flow as well as your industry. A business that doesn't grow dies. you've gto to grow, but you've got to grow within the financial constraints of your business. Wht is the ideal capital structure a business need in its indutry to reman viable ? The higher the volatility ( in your industry) , the less debt your should have. The smaller the volatility , the more debt your can afford.
Although banks and other fiancial institutions look for a satisfactory debt- to equty ratio before agreeing to make a loan, don't assume a creditor's willingness to extend funds is evidence that your business is in a strong debt position. Some financial institutions are or hold on to promising business customer. The bank may be looking more at collateral than whether the ( business's) earnings are going to come in to justfy the debt service.
To avoid these and other credit pitfall,s it's up to you to get the financial facts on your business and make sound borrowing decisions. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs fail to recongnise how important financial analysis is to running a successful business. Even business owners who receive detailed finanical staement from their accountants often do not take advantage of the vauable information costained in the documents.
Which decsiion relates to the amount of debt employed in the capital of a company ? Explain.
Cutting businesses have debt, but how much is too much? Learning how to manage how to manager debt is what can put you ahead.
Taking on the right amount of debt can mean the didfference between a business struggling to survive and one that can respond nimbly to changin economic or market conditions. A number of circumstances may justigy acquiring debt. As a general rule , borrowing makes the most sense when you need to bolster cash flow or finance growth on expansion. But while debt can provide the everage you need to grow, too much debt can strangle your business. So the equestion is: How much debt is too much ?
The answer, experts say, lies in a careful analysis of your ca h flow as well as your industry. A business that doesn't grow dies. you've gto to grow, but you've got to grow within the financial constraints of your business. Wht is the ideal capital structure a business need in its indutry to reman viable ? The higher the volatility ( in your industry) , the less debt your should have. The smaller the volatility , the more debt your can afford.
Although banks and other fiancial institutions look for a satisfactory debt- to equty ratio before agreeing to make a loan, don't assume a creditor's willingness to extend funds is evidence that your business is in a strong debt position. Some financial institutions are or hold on to promising business customer. The bank may be looking more at collateral than whether the ( business's) earnings are going to come in to justfy the debt service.
To avoid these and other credit pitfall,s it's up to you to get the financial facts on your business and make sound borrowing decisions. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs fail to recongnise how important financial analysis is to running a successful business. Even business owners who receive detailed finanical staement from their accountants often do not take advantage of the vauable information costained in the documents.
What factors are considered while taking this deision ?
Which concept is responsible for increase in EPS with increased used of debt in the capital structure ?
When is it favorurable ?
Who funds Ildian Industry, Why it matters ?
Using data on listed lnidan firms from the mid-1980s to the 1990s, several issues relating to lndian indutry were investigated. One aspect then wast the extremely limited extent to which promoters and entrepreeneurs actually owned shares in the various compaines they had control of .
Nevertheless in spite of the relative lack of ownership, the majority of listed entities , mostly private sector companies , were managed by these founders, their successive family members and other promoters as if they were fiefdoms.
By and large, Indian companies were essentially financed by debt. This was unlike in the West. if the total debt plus nominal equity capital in the average. Indian company was 100, then 67 per cent of that amount came if the form of debt capital while equity capital contributed only 33 per cent.
if the share of govberment ownership in corporate equity and the share of financial instituions, equity was added, then over 60 per cent (26.69+ 19.89 + 5.49+ 8.44) of firms' finances were funded by the state in one form or another.
Foreign shareholder, in spite of a lot a clamour about their role in Inida's corporate economy, hardly owned more than 4 per cent ( 3.54) of the shares in Inida's listed compnaies. While the public at large probided about 11 per cent of th finaces of a average Inidan listed company, the sharte of the Top 50 shareholders was less than 2 ( 1.85) per cent. IT is within this particular shareholding category that promoters, entrepreneurs and the other large shareholder's equity stakes fall under for the purposes of classification.
The public at large provides five times as much money for the company as teh enrepreneurs. Yetm a group of induviduals, whose fiancial contributions towards a company are exceedingly small in magnitude, effectively control the company.
Which decision relates to the amount of debt and equity to finace the capital fo a company ?
Who funds Ildian Industry, Why it matters ?
Using data on listed lnidan firms from the mid-1980s to the 1990s, several issues relating to lndian indutry were investigated. One aspect then wast the extremely limited extent to which promoters and entrepreeneurs actually owned shares in the various compaines they had control of .
Nevertheless in spite of the relative lack of ownership, the majority of listed entities , mostly private sector companies , were managed by these founders, their successive family members and other promoters as if they were fiefdoms.
By and large, Indian companies were essentially financed by debt. This was unlike in the West. if the total debt plus nominal equity capital in the average. Indian company was 100, then 67 per cent of that amount came if the form of debt capital while equity capital contributed only 33 per cent.
if the share of govberment ownership in corporate equity and the share of financial instituions, equity was added, then over 60 per cent (26.69+ 19.89 + 5.49+ 8.44) of firms' finances were funded by the state in one form or another.
Foreign shareholder, in spite of a lot a clamour about their role in Inida's corporate economy, hardly owned more than 4 per cent ( 3.54) of the shares in Inida's listed compnaies. While the public at large probided about 11 per cent of th finaces of a average Inidan listed company, the sharte of the Top 50 shareholders was less than 2 ( 1.85) per cent. IT is within this particular shareholding category that promoters, entrepreneurs and the other large shareholder's equity stakes fall under for the purposes of classification.
The public at large provides five times as much money for the company as teh enrepreneurs. Yetm a group of induviduals, whose fiancial contributions towards a company are exceedingly small in magnitude, effectively control the company.
Explain few factors affecting this decsion.
Working capital postion
Its been a rather glamorous 18 montyhs, with sales just huge, says, CFO of PT Astra international , the US $4 billion in sales Indonesian automakes. Idonesia is on the growth path again, and a new breed of consumer is eager for a first vehicle-motocycles - as well as Astra's more premium brands of HOndas and Toyotas. And one of the most beautifyl parts of the proposition is that working capital managemetn seems to be taking care of tiself. Depending on the business, and counting trade receivalbes, only we have between eight and 19 days working captial . which is manageable given the company,s steady frowth. One of he reasons tha t working capital has not expanded at the rate of the busines is invetory, or ratiher the dearth of it . We.'re in a market that responds vert strongly to new poducts says te manager and the oresales of products are very high. We have advaced orders from four the six months. With depostis paid, and this helps our cahs postion, Best fo all as soon as a vehicle is off the assembly line, it,s out the dealer. We have low inventory costs and teh product lines are very easy to move. The salutary role of banks in working capital management is one reason that cashflow has improved in his business. Better management is a result of baking competition that has allowed the company to move from traditional bakers. the ste-owned Inidan institutions , to mroe competitive private institutions and the foreign banks that partner with them. These banks have invested in technology, allowing a visibillity over cashflow unheard of five years ago.
Explain the concept of working capital.
Working capital postion
Its been a rather glamorous 18 montyhs, with sales just huge, says, CFO of PT Astra international , the US $4 billion in sales Indonesian automakes. Idonesia is on the growth path again, and a new breed of consumer is eager for a first vehicle-motocycles - as well as Astra's more premium brands of HOndas and Toyotas. And one of the most beautifyl parts of the proposition is that working capital managemetn seems to be taking care of tiself. Depending on the business, and counting trade receivalbes, only we have between eight and 19 days working captial . which is manageable given the company,s steady frowth. One of he reasons tha t working capital has not expanded at the rate of the busines is invetory, or ratiher the dearth of it . We.'re in a market that responds vert strongly to new poducts says te manager and the oresales of products are very high. We have advaced orders from four the six months. With depostis paid, and this helps our cahs postion, Best fo all as soon as a vehicle is off the assembly line, it,s out the dealer. We have low inventory costs and teh product lines are very easy to move. The salutary role of banks in working capital management is one reason that cashflow has improved in his business. Better management is a result of baking competition that has allowed the company to move from traditional bakers. the ste-owned Inidan institutions , to mroe competitive private institutions and the foreign banks that partner with them. These banks have invested in technology, allowing a visibillity over cashflow unheard of five years ago.
State few factors affecting working captial requirement of a business.
There are two compaines B and D. Total contribution of capital is ₹40 lakh each. The ratio of equity to total capital in company B is ₹10 lakh and debt is ₹30 lakh while in company D, the total equity capital is ₹ 40 lakh, sourced through equity. EBIT is ₹ 8 lakh , the interest rate on debt is @10% and the tax rate is 30%.
Identify, which concept is related to the above case.
There are two compaines B and D. Total contribution of capital is ₹40 lakh each. The ratio of equity to total capital in company B is ₹10 lakh and debt is ₹30 lakh while in company D, the total equity capital is ₹ 40 lakh, sourced through equity. EBIT is ₹ 8 lakh , the interest rate on debt is @10% and the tax rate is 30%.
Identify, which concept is related to the above case.
A newly appointed finance manager has been assigned the task of procuring funds for an upcoming project . After procurement, he has to decide upon the assets in which investment is to be made.
Identify the financial decisions that he has to take.
A newly appointed finance manager has been assigned the task of procuring funds for an upcoming project . After procurement, he has to decide upon the assets in which investment is to be made.
Explain the various factors that the manager would consider in taking the above decisions.
While taking the financing decision, which two major sources will be considered by the manager.
Ramnath Ltd, is dealing in import of organic food items in bulk. The company sells the items in smaller quantities in attractive packages. Performances of the company has been up to the expectations in the past. Keeping up with the later packaging technology, the company decide to upgrade its machinery. For this the finance Manager of the company, Mr. Vikrant Dhull, estimated the amount of funds required and the timings. This will help the company in linking the investment and the financing decisions on a continuous basis.
Therefore, Mr Vikrant Dhull began with the preparation of a sales forecast for the next four years. He also collected the relevant data about the profit estimates in the coming years. By doing this, he wanted to be sure about the availability of funds from the internal sources. For the remaining funds he is trying to find out alternative sources.
Identify the financial concept discussed in the above paragraph. Also state any two point of importance of the financial concept, so identified.
Case Studies questions and complete solutions for chapter Financial Management of ARIHANT BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12