Chapter | Financial Management |
ARIHANT PUBLICATION | NCERT FOLDER (Long answer type questions ) |
Number Of Questions | 15 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
what is working captial ? How is it calculated ? Discuss five important determinats of working capital requirement .
Explain any four factors affecting the 'working capital requirement' of a company.
You are the financial manager of a newly established company. The directors have asked you determine the amount of working capital requirement for the company. Explain any four factors that you will consider while determining the working capital requirement for the company .
Capital stucture decision is essentially optimisation of risk-return relationship comment .
A capital budgeting decision is capable of changing the financial of a business. Do you agree? Why or why not ?
Discuss in brief the concept of inverstiment decision and why capital budgeting decisions are crucial in nature ?
Explain the factors affectiing the dividend decision.
Explain the following as foctors affecting 'dividend decision.
(i) Stability of divdend
(ii) Shareholders' preference
(iii) Legal constrains
Access to capital market
Explain the following as factors affecting dividend decision
(i) Stability of earnings
(ii) Growth opportunities
( iii) Cash flow position
(iv) Taxation policy
Identify the financial decision which determines the amount of profits earned to be distributed and to be retained in the business. Explain four factors affecting this decision.
Your are the finance maanger of a company your board of directors have asked you to decided the dividend policy of a company . Explain the factors which you will consider while determining the dividend policy.
Explain and four factors of ' dividend decision of a company.
Explain the term ' trading on equity' why. When and how can it be used by a business organisation ?
How does 'trading on equity, affect the choice of capital sturture ofa company ? Explain with the help of sutibole example.
How are the shareholders likely to gain with loan components in capital employed ? Explain with suitable example.
NCERT FOLDER (Long answer type questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter Financial Management of ARIHANT BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12