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Complete Solutions to Set-II (Questions Uncommon to Set-I) of chapter CBSE Examination Paper Delhi–2014 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterCBSE Examination Paper Delhi–2014
SUPPORT MATERIALSet-II (Questions Uncommon to Set-I)
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Define the term electrical conductivity of a metallic wire. Write its SI unit.

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  2. Show variation of resistivity of SI with temperature in a graph.

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  3. An electric dipole of length 2 cm, when placed with its axis making an angle of `60^@` with a uniform electric field, experiences a torque of `8sqrt3` Nm. Calculate the potential energy of the dipole, if it has a charge of `pm`4nC.

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  4. A proton and alpha particle are accelerated through the same accelerating potential. Which one of the two has (a) greater value of de-broglie wavelength associated with it, and (b) less kinetic energy? justify your answer.

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  5. Given a uniform electrin field `E=2xx10^(3)hati N//C` find the flux of this field through a square of side 20cm, whose plane is parallel to the y-z plane. What would be the flux through the same square, if the plane makes an angle of `30^(@)` with the x'' axis?

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  6. A `12.9 eV` beam of electrons is used to bombard gaseous hydrogen atom at room temperature. Up to which energy level the hydrogen atoms would be excited?
    Calculate the wavelength of the first member of Paschen series and first member of Balmer series.

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  7. Answer the following:
    (a) Name the em waves which are used for the treatment of certain forms of cancer. Write their frequency range.
    (b) Thin ozone layer on top of stratosphere is crucial for human survival. Why?
    (c) An em wave exerts pressure on the surface on which it is incident. Justify.

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  8. The ozone layer on the top of the stratosphere is crucial for human survival.Explain why?

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  9. Why is the amount of the momentum transferred by the em waves incident on the surface so small?

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  10. A potentiometer wire of length 1.0 m has a resistance of 15 ohm. It is connected to a 5 V source in series with a resistance of `5 Omega`. Determine the emf of the primary cell which has a balance point at 60 cm.

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Set-II (Questions Uncommon to Set-I) questions and complete solutions for chapter CBSE Examination Paper Delhi–2014 of CBSE COMPLEMENTARY MATERIAL PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from SUPPORT MATERIAL Class 12 PHYSICS CBSE Examination Paper Delhi–2014