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Complete Solutions to Exercises (Assertion-Reasoning) of chapter SOLID STATE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises (Assertion-Reasoning)
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion (A) : in `CsCl` crystal, `Cs^(o+)` ions asopt bcc arragement.
    Reason (R ) : For `N` atoms adopting bcc arragement, there are `2N TVs`.

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  2. Assertion (A) : `CsCl` crystal, the coordination number of `Cs^(o+)` ion is `8`.
    Reason (R ) : `Cl^(ɵ)` ion in `CsCl` adopt `bcc` type of packing,

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  3. Assertion (A) : In sodium chloride crystal, the coordination number of `Na^(o+)` IS `6`.
    Reason (R ) : The sodium atom is smaller than chloring atom.

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  4. Assertion (A) : The density of crystal having Schottky defect is lowered.
    Reason (R ) : The crystals suffering from Schottky defect have same number of cation and anions missing from their normal lattice sites.

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  5. Assertion (A) : In sodium chloride crystal, `Na^(o+)` ions occupy `OVs` while `Cl^(ɵ)` ions occupy vertices of octahedron.
    Reason (R ) : The radius ratio of `Na^(o+) : Cl^(ɵ)` lies between `0.4` and `0.7`.

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  6. Assertion (A) : Solids containing `F` centres are paramagnetic.
    Reason (R ) : Solids containing `F` centres conduct electricity and it is `n`-type semiconduction.

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  7. Assertion (A) : The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor increases with increase in temperature.
    Reason (R ) : With increase in temperature, large number of electrons from the valence band can jump to the conduction band.

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  8. Assertion (A) : Group-`13`-doped crystals of `Si` are called `p`-type semiconductors.
    Reason (R ) : Positive holes are reasponsible for the semiconducting properties.

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  9. Assertion (A) : Group-`15`-doped crystal of `Si` are called `n`-type semiconductors.
    Reason (R ) : Neutrons are responsible for the semi-conducting properties.

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  10. Assertion (A) : Non-stoichiometric compounds are called Bertholide compounds. `NaCl` and `KCl` crystal, when heated in an atmosphere of `Na` and `K` varpours, respectively, they impart violet and yellow colours to `NaCl` and `KCl`, respectively.
    Reason (R ) : Metal excess defect is due to the presence of extra cations atg the interstitial sites. The excess metal ions move to the interstitial sites and the electrons to the neighbouring sites. The colour results byt the excitation of these electrons by absorbing suitable energy from visible light. When the excited electroon comes back to the ground state, there is emission of radiation in the visible region and gives complimentary colour.

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  11. Assertion (A) : Graphite is an example of tetragonal crystal system.
    Reason (R ) : For a tetragonal system, `a = b != c` and `alpha = beta = 90^(@), gamma = 120^(@)`.

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  12. Assertion (A) : The size of a cation is larger in `TV` than in `OV`.
    Reason (R ) : Cations occupy more space than anions is crystals packing.

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  13. Assertion (A) : Antiferromagnetic substances on heating to high temperature become paramagnetic.
    Reason (R ) : On heating, the randomization of spins occurs.

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  14. Assertion (A) : Zinc blende and wurtzite both have `fcc` arrangement of `S^(2-)` ions.
    Reason (R ) : A unit cell of both has four formula units of `ZnS`.

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  15. Assertion (A) : Covalent crystals have higher melting point.
    Reason (R ) : Covalent bonds are stronger than ionic bonds.

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  16. Assertion (A) : `hcp` is more closely packed than `ccp`.
    Reason (R ) : `hcp` has a `CN` of `12`, whereas `ccp` has a `CN` of `8`.

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  17. Assertion (A) : Frenkel defects are shown by `AgX`.
    Reason (R ) : `Ag^(o+)` ions have small size.

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  18. Assertion (A) : Triclinic systeam is the most unsymmetrical systeam.
    Reason (R ) : No axial angle is equal to `90^(@)` in triclinic systeam.

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  19. Assertion (A) : In the rock salt type structure, all the `OV_(s)` are occupied by `Na^(o+)` ions.
    Reason (R ) : Number of `OV_(s) =` Number of `Cl^(ɵ)` ions in the packing.

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Exercises (Assertion-Reasoning) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLID STATE of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12