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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter SOLID STATE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The pyknometric density of `NaCl` crystal is `2.165 xx 10^(3 kg m^(-3)` while its `X`-ray density is `2.178 xx 10^(-3) kg m^(-3)`. The fraction of unoccupied sites in `NaCl` crystal is
    a. `5.96` b. `5.96 xx 10^(-2)`
    c. `5.96 xx 10^(-1)` d. `5.96 xx 10^(-3)`

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  2. The molar volumes of `KCl` and `NaCl` are `40 mL` and `30 mL`, respectively. Find the ratio of the unit cube edges of the two crystals. Assume both have the same packing efficiency.

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  3. Calculate the void space in closest packing of `n` spheres of radius 1 unit, `n` spheres of radiys `0.414` units, and `2n` spheres of radius `0.225` units.

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  4. Calculate the following:
    a. Number of `Zns` units in a unit cell of zine blende.
    b. Number of `CaF_(2)` unit cell of `CaF_(2)`.

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  5. If the length of the body for `CaCl` which crystallizes into a cubic strructure with `Cl^(Θ)` ions at the corners and `Cs^(o+)` ions at the centre of the unit cell is `7 Å` and the radius of he `Cs^(o+)` ions is `1.69Å`, what is the radius of `Cl^(ɵ)` ions?

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  6. For a cubiccrystal, the face diagonal is `3.5 Å`. Calculate the face length.

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  7. Cesium chloride forms a body-centred cubic lattice. Cesiumm and chloride ions are in contact along the body diagoanl of a cell. The length of the side of the unit cell is `412 pm` and `Cl^(Θ)` ion has a radius of `181` pm. Calculate the radius of `Cs^(o+)` ion.

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  8. A unit of cell of sodium chloride has four formula units. The edge length of the unit cell is `0.564 nm`. What is the density of sodium chloride?

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  9. In an `LiI` crystal, `I^(ɵ)` ions from a cubical close-packed arrangement, a nd `Li^(o+)` ion occupy octahedral holes. What is the relationship between the edge length of the unit cells and radii of the `I^(ɵ)` ions if `a = 60` "pm".

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  10. An element occurs in two crystalline form `alpha` and `beta`. The `alpha`-from has an `fcc` with `alpha = 3.68 Å` and `beta`-from has a `bcc` with `a = 2.92 Å`. Calculate the ratio of their densities.

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  11. Find the simplest formula of a solid containing `A` and `B` atoms ia cubic arrangement In which `A` occuples corner and `B` the centre of the faces of unit cell. If the side length is `5 Å`, estimate the density of the solid assuming atomic weights of `A` and `B` as `60` and `90`, respectively.

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  12. In the cubic crystal of `CsCl (d = 3.97 g cm^(-3))`, the eight corners are occupied by `Cl^(Θ)` with a `Cs^(o+)` at the centre and vice versa. Calculate the distance between the neighbouring `Cs^(o+)` and `Cl^(Θ)` ions. What is the radius of the two ions? (`Aw` of `Cs = 132.91` and `Cl = 35.45)`

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  13. `Li` forms a body-centred cubic lattice. If the edge of the cube is `3.5 xx 10^(-10)m` and the density is `5.3 xx 10^(2) kg m^(-3)`, calculate the percentage occupancy of `Li` metal.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLID STATE of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12