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Complete Solutions to Exercises Link Comprehension of chapter NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises Link Comprehension
Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. There are four radioactive decay series called thorium `(4n)`, uranium `(4n + 2)` actinium `(4n + 3)` and neptunium `(4n + 1)` series. Neptunium series is artificial while other three series are natural. The end productsd of each radioacitve decay series have stable nuclei. All natural decay series terminate at lead but neptunium or artificial series terminate at bismuth.
    The end product formed in the disintegration of `._(88)Ra^(222)` is

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  2. There are four radioactive decay series called thorium `(4n)`, uranium `(4n + 2)` actinium `(4n + 3)` and neptunium `(4n + 1)` series. Neptunium series is artificial while other three series are natural. The end productsd of each radioacitve decay series have stable nuclei. All natural decay series terminate at lead but neptunium or artificial series terminate at bismuth.
    Actinium series begins with an isotope of

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  3. There are four radioactive decay series called thorium `(4n)`, uranium `(4n + 2)` actinium `(4n + 3)` and neptunium `(4n + 1)` series. Neptunium series is artificial while other three series are natural. The end productsd of each radioacitve decay series have stable nuclei. All natural decay series terminate at lead but neptunium or artificial series terminate at bismuth.
    `._(86)Rn^(219)` is a member of actinium series. Another member of same series is

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  4. There are four radioactive decay series called thorium `(4n)`, uranium `(4n + 2)` actinium `(4n + 3)` and neptunium `(4n + 1)` series. Neptunium series is artificial while other three series are natural. The end productsd of each radioacitve decay series have stable nuclei. All natural decay series terminate at lead but neptunium or artificial series terminate at bismuth.
    The end products of uranium and actinium series are, respectively

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  5. There are four radioactive decay series called thorium `(4n)`, uranium `(4n + 2)` actinium `(4n + 3)` and neptunium `(4n + 1)` series. Neptunium series is artificial while other three series are natural. The end productsd of each radioacitve decay series have stable nuclei. All natural decay series terminate at lead but neptunium or artificial series terminate at bismuth.
    The starting isotope and the end product: isotope of actinium series are

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  6. The activity of a nucleus is inversely proportional to its half of average life. Thus, shorter the half life of an element, greater is its radioactivity, i.e., greater the number of atomsd disintegrating per second. The relation between half life and average life is `t_(1//2) = (0.693)/(lambda) = tau xx 0.693`
    or `tau = 1.44 t_(1//2)`
    The half life of a radioactive element is 10 years. What percentage of it will decay in 100 years?

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  7. The activity of a nucleus is inversely proportional to its half of average life. Thus, shorter the half life of an element, greater is its radioactivity, i.e., greater the number of atomsd disintegrating per second. The relation between half life and average life is `t_(1//2) = (0.693)/(lambda) = tau xx 0.693`
    or `tau = 1.44 t_(1//2)`
    The half-life periods of four isotopes are given 1 = 6.7 years, II = 8000 years, III = 5760 years, `IV = 2.35 xx 10^(5)` years. Which of these is most stable?

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  8. The activity of a nucleus is inversely proportional to its half of average life. Thus, shorter the half life of an element, greater is its radioactivity, i.e., greater the number of atomsd disintegrating per second. The relation between half life and average life is `t_(1//2) = (0.693)/(lambda) = tau xx 0.693`
    or `tau = 1.44 t_(1//2)`
    Mark the incorrect relation.

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  9. Unstable nuclei attain stability through disintegration. The nuclear stability is related to neutron proton ratio `(n//p)`. For stable nuclei `n//p` ratio lies close to unity for elements with low atmoic numbers (20 or less) but it is more than 1 for nuclei having higher atomic numbers. Nuclei having `n//p` ratio either very high or low undergo nuclear transformation. When `n//p` ratio is higher than required for stability, the nuclei have the tendency to emit `beta`-rays. while when `n//p` ratio is lower than required for stability, the nuclei either emits `alpha`-particles or a positron or capture `K`-electron.
    Unstalbe substance exhibit high radioactivity due to

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  10. Unstable nuclei attain stability through disintegration. The nuclear stability is related to neutron proton ratio `(n//p)`. For stable nuclei `n//p` ratio lies close to unity for elements with low atmoic numbers (20 or less) but it is more than 1 for nuclei having higher atomic numbers. Nuclei having `n//p` ratio either very high or low undergo nuclear transformation. When `n//p` ratio is higher than required for stability, the nuclei have the tendency to emit `beta`-rays. while when `n//p` ratio is lower than required for stability, the nuclei either emits `alpha`-particles or a positron or capture `K`-electron.
    `beta`-particle is emitted in radioactivity by

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  11. Unstable nuclei attain stability through disintegration. The nuclear stability is related to neutron proton ratio `(n//p)`. For stable nuclei `n//p` ratio lies close to unity for elements with low atmoic numbers (20 or less) but it is more than 1 for nuclei having higher atomic numbers. Nuclei having `n//p` ratio either very high or low undergo nuclear transformation. When `n//p` ratio is higher than required for stability, the nuclei have the tendency to emit `beta`-rays. while when `n//p` ratio is lower than required for stability, the nuclei either emits `alpha`-particles or a positron or capture `K`-electron.
    For reaction `._(92)M^(238) rarr ._(y)N^(x) + 2 ._(2)He^(4), ._(y)N^(x) rarr ._(B)L^(A) + 2 ._(-1)e^(0)`
    The number of neutrons in the element `L` is

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  12. Unstable nuclei attain stability through disintegration. The nuclear stability is related to neutron proton ratio `(n//p)`. For stable nuclei `n//p` ratio lies close to unity for elements with low atmoic numbers (20 or less) but it is more than 1 for nuclei having higher atomic numbers. Nuclei having `n//p` ratio either very high or low undergo nuclear transformation. When `n//p` ratio is higher than required for stability, the nuclei have the tendency to emit `beta`-rays. while when `n//p` ratio is lower than required for stability, the nuclei either emits `alpha`-particles or a positron or capture `K`-electron.

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  13. Unstable nuclei attain stability through disintegration. The nuclear stability is related to neutron proton ratio `(n//p)`. For stable nuclei `n//p` ratio lies close to unity for elements with low atmoic numbers (20 or less) but it is more than 1 for nuclei having higher atomic numbers. Nuclei having `n//p` ratio either very high or low undergo nuclear transformation. When `n//p` ratio is higher than required for stability, the nuclei have the tendency to emit `beta`-rays. while when `n//p` ratio is lower than required for stability, the nuclei either emits `alpha`-particles or a positron or capture `K`-electron.

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  14. In the disintegration of a radioactive element, `alpha`- and `beta`-particles are evolved from the nucleus.
    `._(0)n^(1) rarr ._(1)H^(1) + ._(-1)e^(0) +` Antineutrino + Energy
    `4 ._(1)H^(1) rarr ._(2)He^(4) + 2 ._(+1)e^(0) +` Energy
    Then, emission of these particles changes the nuclear configuration and results into a daughter nuclide. Emission of an `alpha`-particles results into a daughter element having atomic number lowered by 2 and mass number by 4, on the other hand, emission of a `beta`-particle yields an element having atomic number raised by 1.
    Which of the following combinations give finally an isotope of the parent element?

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  15. In the disintegration of a radioactive element, `alpha`- and `beta`-particles are evolved from the nucleus.
    `._(0)n^(1) rarr ._(1)H^(1) + ._(-1)e^(0) +` Antineutrino + Energy
    `4 ._(1)H^(1) rarr ._(2)He^(4) + 2 ._(+1)e^(0) +` Energy
    Then, emission of these particles changes the nuclear configuration and results into a daughter nuclide. Emission of an `alpha`-particles results into a daughter element having atomic number lowered by 2 and mass number by 4, on the other hand, emission of a `beta`-particle yields an element having atomic number raised by 1.
    A radioactive element belongs to `III B` group, it emits ona `alpha`- and `beta`-particle to form a daughter nuclide. The position of daughter nuclide will be in

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  16. In the disintegration of a radioactive element, `alpha`- and `beta`-particles are evolved from the nucleus.
    `._(0)n^(1) rarr ._(1)H^(1) + ._(-1)e^(0) +` Antineutrino + Energy
    `4 ._(1)H^(1) rarr ._(2)He^(4) + 2 ._(+1)e^(0) +` Energy
    Then, emission of these particles changes the nuclear configuration and results into a daughter nuclide. Emission of an `alpha`-particles results into a daughter element having atomic number lowered by 2 and mass number by 4, on the other hand, emission of a `beta`-particle yields an element having atomic number raised by 1.
    During `beta`-decay, the mass of atomic nucleus

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  17. In the disintegration of a radioactive element, `alpha`- and `beta`-particles are evolved from the nucleus.
    `._(0)n^(1) rarr ._(1)H^(1) + ._(-1)e^(0) +` Antineutrino + Energy
    `4 ._(1)H^(1) rarr ._(2)He^(4) + 2 ._(+1)e^(0) +` Energy
    Then, emission of these particles changes the nuclear configuration and results into a daughter nuclide. Emission of an `alpha`-particles results into a daughter element having atomic number lowered by 2 and mass number by 4, on the other hand, emission of a `beta`-particle yields an element having atomic number raised by 1.
    How many `alpha`- and `beta`-particle should be emitted from a radioactive nuclide so that an isobar is formed?

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  18. In the disintegration of a radioactive element, `alpha`- and `beta`-particles are evolved from the nucleus.
    `._(0)n^(1) rarr ._(1)H^(1) + ._(-1)e^(0) +` Antineutrino + Energy
    `4 ._(1)H^(1) rarr ._(2)He^(4) + 2 ._(+1)e^(0) +` Energy
    Then, emission of these particles changes the nuclear configuration and results into a daughter nuclide. Emission of an `alpha`-particles results into a daughter element having atomic number lowered by 2 and mass number by 4, on the other hand, emission of a `beta`-particle yields an element having atomic number raised by 1.
    Select the correct statements among the following:

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  19. In the decay series `._(92)U^(238)` to `._(82)Pb^(206)`, how many `alpha`-paritcles and how many `beta^(ɵ)`-particles are emitted?

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  20. Uranium `._(92)U^(238)` decayed to `._(82)Pb^(206)`. They decay process is `._(92)U^(238) underset((x alpha, y beta))(rarr ._(82)Pb^(206))`
    `t_(1//2)` of `U^(238) = 4.5 xx 10^(9)` years
    A sample of rock south America contains equal number of atoms of `U^(238)` and `Pb^(206)`. The age of rock will be

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  21. Uranium `._(92)U^(238)` decayed to `._(82)Pb^(206)`. They decay process is `._(92)U^(238) underset((x alpha, y beta))(rarr ._(82)Pb^(206))`
    `t_(1//2)` of `U^(238) = 4.5 xx 10^(9)` years
    Atomic mass of `U^(238)` is 238.125 amu. Its packing fraction will be

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  22. Uranium `._(92)U^(238)` decayed to `._(82)Pb^(206)`. They decay process is `._(92)U^(238) underset((x alpha, y beta))(rarr ._(82)Pb^(206))`
    `t_(1//2)` of `U^(238) = 4.5 xx 10^(9)` years
    The analysis of a rock shows the relative number of `U^(238)` and `Pb^(206)` atoms `(Pb//U = 0.25)` The age of rock will be

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  23. The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. Energy released in the process of fusion is due to mass defect. It is also called `Q`-value. `Q = Delta mc^(2), Delta m =` mass defect.
    The binding energy per nucleon of `._(1)H^(2)` and `._(2)He^(4)` are `1.1 MeV` and `7 MeV`, respectively. If two deuteron nuclei react to form a single helium nucleus, then the energy released is

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  24. The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. Energy released in the process of fusion is due to mass defect. It is also called `Q`-value. `Q = Delta mc^(2), Delta m =` mass defect.
    Mass equivalent to the energy `931 MeV` is

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  25. The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. Energy released in the process of fusion is due to mass defect. It is also called `Q`-value. `Q = Delta mc^(2), Delta m =` mass defect.
    Fusion reaction takes place at about

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  26. The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. Energy released in the process of fusion is due to mass defect. It is also called `Q`-value. `Q = Delta mc^(2), Delta m =` mass defect.
    A star has `10^(40)` deutrons. It produes via the process
    `._(1)H^(2) + ._(1)H^(2) rarr ._(1)He^(3) + ._(1)H^(1)`
    `._(1)H^(3) + ._(1)H^(3) rarr ._(2)He^(4) + ._(0)n^(1)`
    If the average power radiated by the star is `10^(16) W`, when the deutron supply of the star is exhausted in a time of the order of

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  27. The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. Energy released in the process of fusion is due to mass defect. It is also called `Q`-value. `Q = Delta mc^(2), Delta m =` mass defect.
    In a nuclear reaction
    `._(1)H^(2) + ._(1)H^(2) rarr ._(2)He^(3) + ._(0)n^(1)`
    If the masses of ._(1)H^(2)` and `._(2)He^(3)` are 2.014741 and 3.016977 amu, respectively. then the `Q`-value of the reaction is nearly.

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  28. Radioactive decay follows first-order kinetic. The mean life and half-life of nuclear decay process are `tau = 1// lambda` and `t_(1//2) = 0.693//lambda`. Therefore are a number of radioactive elements in nature, their abundance is directly proportional to half life. The amount remaining after `n` half lives of radioactive elements can be calculated using the relation:
    `N = N_(0) ((1)/(2))^(n)`
    Which `"is"//"are"` true about the decay cosntant?

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  29. Radioactive decay follows first-order kinetic. The mean life and half-life of nuclear decay process are `tau = 1// lambda` and `t_(1//2) = 0.693//lambda`. Therefore are a number of radioactive elements in nature, their abundance is directly proportional to half life. The amount remaining after `n` half lives of radioactive elements can be calculated using the relation:
    `N = N_(0) ((1)/(2))^(n)`
    Amount of radioactive elements (activity) decreases with passage of time as

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  30. Radioactive decay follows first-order kinetic. The mean life and half-life of nuclear decay process are `tau = 1// lambda` and `t_(1//2) = 0.693//lambda`. Therefore are a number of radioactive elements in nature, their abundance is directly proportional to half life. The amount remaining after `n` half lives of radioactive elements can be calculated using the relation:
    `N = N_(0) ((1)/(2))^(n)`
    Half life of `.^(60)Co` is 5.3 years, the time taken for 99.9% decay will be

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  31. Radioactive decay follows first-order kinetic. The mean life and half-life of nuclear decay process are `tau = 1// lambda` and `t_(1//2) = 0.693//lambda`. Therefore are a number of radioactive elements in nature, their abundance is directly proportional to half life. The amount remaining after `n` half lives of radioactive elements can be calculated using the relation:
    `N = N_(0) ((1)/(2))^(n)`
    The rate of radioactive decay is

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  32. Radioactive decay follows first-order kinetic. The mean life and half-life of nuclear decay process are `tau = 1// lambda` and `t_(1//2) = 0.693//lambda`. Therefore are a number of radioactive elements in nature, their abundance is directly proportional to half life. The amount remaining after `n` half lives of radioactive elements can be calculated using the relation:
    `N = N_(0) ((1)/(2))^(n)`
    Select the correct relation.

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Exercises Link Comprehension questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12