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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What may be the place of a doughter element in the periodic table, which is obtained after the nuclide `._(84)Po^(218)` undergoes, an `alpha`-emission followed by two successive `beta-`emission?

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  2. In the decay series `._(92)U^(238)` to `._(82)Pb^(206)`, how many `alpha`-paritcles and how many `beta^(ɵ)`-particles are emitted?

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  3. When nucleus of an electrically neutral atom undergoes a radioactive decay process, it will remain neutral after the decay if the process is
    (a) An `alpha`- decay (b) `A bete^(o+)`-decay
    (c ) `A gamma`-decay (d) `A K`- caputure process

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  4. Arrange in increasing order of:
    a. The mass of `alpha, beta`, and `gamma`
    b. The penetration power of `alpha, beta`, and `gamma`
    c. The speed of `alpha, beta`, and `gamma`
    d. The inoization capacity of gases of `alpha, beta`, and `gamma`

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  5. `alpha`-rays have ionization power because they possess
    a. Lesser kinetic energy
    b. Higher kinetic energy
    c. Lesser penetration power
    d. Higher penetration power

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  6. Calculate the number of neutrons in the remaining atoms after the emission of an alpha particle from `._(92)U^(238)` atom.

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  7. The atomic mass of thorium is 232 and its atomic number is 90. During the course of its radioactive disintegration `6 alpha` and `4 beta` particles are emitted. What is the atomic mass and atomic number of the atom?

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  8. A radioactive element `A` disintegrates in the following manner:
    `A overset(- a)rarr B overset(-beta)rarr C overset(-beta) D`
    Which one (s) the elements `A, B, C`, and `D` are isotope (s) and which one (s) `is//are` isobar(s)?`

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  9. How many moles of helium are produced when 1 mole of `._(92)U^(238)` disintegrate into `._(82)Pb^(206)`?

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  10. How many `alpha`-and `beta`-particle will be emitted when `._(98)Th^(234)` change into `._(84)Po^(218)`?

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  11. Calculate the number of `alpha`- and `beta`-particles emitted when `._(92)U^(238)` into radioactive `._(82)Pb^(206)`.

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  12. If a `._(92)U^(235)` nucleus upon being struck by a neutron changes to `._(56)Ba^(145)`, three neutrons and an unknown product. What is the unknown product?

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  13. `._(90)Th^(232)` belongs to III group. It items an `alpha`-particle. The daughter element belongs to
    a. I group b. II group
    III. Group d. IV group

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  14. A heavier element containously emits `alpha`-and `beta`-particles. The finally stable element may belong to:
    a. 14th group b. 16th group
    c. 10th group d. 12 th group

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  15. Radioactive disintegratin of `._(88)Ra^(226)`
    `Ra overset(-alpha)rarr Rn overset(-alpha)rarr RnA overset(-alpha)rarr RaB overset(-beta)rarr RaC`
    Determine the mass number, atomic number, and group of periodic table for `RaC`.

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  16. An atom has atomic mass 232 and atomic number 90. During the course of disintegration, it emits 2 `beta`-particles and few `beta`-particles and few `alpha`-particles. The resultant atom has atomic mass 212 and atomic number 82. How many `alpha`-particles are emitted during this process?

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  17. `._(92)U^(238)` is a natural `alpha`-emitter. After `alpha`-emission the residual nucleus `U_(X1)` in turn emits a `beta`-particle to produce another nucleus `U_(X2)`. Find out the atomic number and mass number of `U_(X1)` and `U_(X2)`.

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  18. A radioactive nuclide emits `gamma`-rays due to
    a. K-electron capture
    b. Nuclear transition from higher to lower energy
    c. Presence of greater number of neutrons than protons
    d. Presence of greater of protons than neutrons

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  19. In which of the following transformers, the `beta`-particles are emitted?
    a. Proton ot neutron b. Neutron to proton
    c. Proton to proton d. Neutron to neutron

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  20. During the transformation of `._(c )X^(a)` to `._(d)Y^(b)` the number of `beta`-particles emitted are
    a. `d + ((a - b)/(2)) - c` b. `(a - b)/(c )`
    c. `d + ((a - b)/(2)) + c` d. `2c - d + a = b`

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  21. Which of the following element is an isodiapher of `._(92)Pb^(212)`?
    a`._(92)U^(235)` b. `._(90)Th^(231)` c. `._(83)Bi^(209)` d. `._(91)Pa^(231)`

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  22. In the radioacitve decay
    `._(Z)X^(A) rarr ._(z + 1)Y^(A) rarr ._(z - 1)^(A - 4) rarr ._(z - 1)Z^(*A - 4)`
    The sequence of emission is
    a. `alpha, beta, gamma` b. `gamma, alpha, beta` c. `beta, alpha, gamma` c. `beta, gamma, alpha`

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  23. In the sequence of the reaction
    `A overset(-beta)rarr B overset(-beta)rarr C overset(-alpha)rarr D`, what is the relationship between `D` and `A`?

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  24. The radiationns from a naturally occuring radioactive substance as seen after deflection by a magnetic field in one direction are
    Only `alpha`-rays b. Only `beta`-rays
    c. Both `alpha`-and `beta-`rays d. Either `alpha`-or `beta`-rays

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  25. Which of the following radiations is most easily stopped by air?
    a. `alpha`-rays b.`gamma`-rays c. `beta`-rays d.X-rays

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  26. `K`-capture
    a. Refers to capture by other nucleus of an electron from `K`-shell
    b. Results in decrease in `Z`
    c. Is of the type
    `._(56)Ba^(133) + ._(-1)e^(0) rarr ._(55)Cs^(133) _ gamma`-rays d. All of these

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  27. The decay of a neutron to a proton also yields
    a. `._(-1)e^(0)` b. `._(+1)e^(0)` c. `._(1)H^(2)` d. `._(2)He^(4)`

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  28. What may be the new neutron and proton ratio after a nuclide `._(92)U^(238)` loses an `alpha`-particles?

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  29. The atomic mass of `F^(19)` is 18.9984 `m_(u)`. If the masses of proton and neutron are `1.0078 m_(u)` and `.0087 m_(u)`. Respectively, calculate the binding energy per nucleon (ignore the mass of electrons). `(1 m_(u) = 931) MeV)`

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  30. Which of the following causes the emission of `X`-rays?

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  31. Calculate the packing fraction of `Ar^(40)` (isotopic weight of `Ar = 39.96238)`.

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  32. `.^(60 m)Co rarr .^(60)Co` emits `gamma`-radiations of wavelength `3 xx 10^(-10)`. Assuming each nuclei emits one wavelength, with what mass per mole of two nuclei differ?
    a. `4.43 xx 10^(-9) g` b. `4.43 xx 10^(-4) g`
    c. `4.43 xx 10^(-3) g` d. `4.43 g`

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  33. To which radioactive families do the following nuclides belong?
    `.^(222)Rn`, `.^(228)Ra`, `.^(307)Pb`, `.^(209)Bi`, `.^(233)Pa`

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  34. To which of the periodic table does the last number of following series belong?
    a. `._(94)Pu^(239)` b. `.(58)_Ce^(140)` c. `._(84)Po^(218)`

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  35. Calculate the neutron - proton ratio for each of the following radioactive nuclides.
    a. `._(6)C^(14)` b. `._(82)U^(238)` c. `._(82)U^(232)`

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  36. Show that a mass of 1.00 amu is equivalent to 931.5 MeV.

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  37. Calculate the mass defect and binding energy per nucleon for an alpha particle (containing two protons and two neutrons) whose actual mass is 4.0028 amu (mass of proton = 1.00759 amu, mass of nuetron = 1.00898 amu).

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  38. Which of the following are radioacitve?
    a. `._(48)Cd^(114)` b. `._(49)In^(114)` c. `._(50)Sn^(114)`

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  39. Which of the following is least stable?
    a. `._(20)Co^(40)` b. `._(13)Al^(30)` c. `._(50)Sn^(119)` d. `._(25)Mn^(55)`

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  40. Which of the following nuclides are `beta^(ɵ)` and `beta^(o+)` emitter, and stable nuclides?
    `._(20)Ca^(49)` b. `._(80)Hg^(195)` c. `._(82)Pb^(208)` d. `._(5)B^(8)`
    e. `._(67)Ho^(150)` f. `._(13)Al^(30)` e. `._(50)Sn^(120)` g. `._(36)Kr^(94)`

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  41. An alkaline earth metal is radioactive. It and its daughter element decay by emitting 3 `alpha`- particles in succession. In what group should the resulting element be formed?

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  42. If a nuclide of an element in group I A (1st group) undergoes radioactive decay be emitting `beta^(o+)`, what will be the periodic group of the resulting element?

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  43. Which is more unstable of each of the following pairs, and in each case what type of process could the unstable nucleus undergo?
    a. `._(6)C^(16)` b. `._(9)F^(18)`, `._(10)Ne^(18)`

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  44. To what stable isotope `._(103)Lr^(257)` decay?

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  45. Which one of the following processes `alpha, beta^(o+), beta^(o+)`, or K-capture cause
    a. An increase in atomic number
    b. A decrease in atomic number
    c. Emission of X-rays

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  46. Out of the four series, which series distingrates in a least branching manner?

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  47. IN radioactive series, an inner transition element `._(92)U^(238)` loses one `alpha`-particles and one `beta`-particle to produce a very unstable daughter nuclei `._(91)Pa^(234)` with half life 1.14 min. Find out the displacement in group due to these emissions.

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  48. Predict by what mole (s) spontaneous radioactive decay will proceed for each of the following unstable isotopes:

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  49. Calculate `t_(3//2)` for `Am^(241)` in years given that it emits `1.2 xx 10^(11) alpha`-particles per gram per second

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  50. How many atoms of `0.1 g`-atom of a radioacitve isotope `._(Z)X^(A)` (half = 5 days) will decay during the 11th day?

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  51. 10 g-atoms of an `alpha`-active radioisotope are disintegrating in a sealed container. In one hour the helium gas collected at STP is `11.2 cm^(2)`. Calculate the half life of the radioisotope.

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  52. The half-life period of radon is 3.8 days. After how many will only one-twentieth of radon sample be left over?

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  53. A counter rate metre is used to measure the activity of a radioactive sample. At a certain instant, the count rate was recorded as 400 counters per minute. Five minutes later, the count recorded was 200 counts per min. Calculate the decay and half-period of the sample.

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  54. `1 g` of `._(79)Au^(198) (t_(1//2) = 65 hr)` decays by `beta`-emission to produce stable `Hg`.
    a. Write nuclear reaction for process.
    b. How much `Hg` will be present after 260 hr.

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  55. A follow parallel path of first-order reactions giving `B` and `C` as
    If the initial concentration of `A` is `0.25 M`, calculate the concentration of `C` after 5 hr of reaction.

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  56. The activity of the hair of an Egyptian mummy is 7 disintegration `"min"^(-1)` of `C^(14)`. Find an Egyptian mummy. Given `t_(0.5)` of `C^(14)` is 5770 year and disintegration rate of fresh sample of `C^(14)` is 14 disintegration `"min"^(-1)`.

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  57. Half life of a radioactive sample is `2x` years. What fraction of this sample will remain undecayed after `x` years?

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  58. Which among the following relations is correct?

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  59. The half-life period of radium is 1600 years. Calculate the disintegrationd of radium.

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  60. A radioactive element has half life of `4.5 xx 10^(9)` years. If `80 g` of this was taken, the time taken for it to decay to `40 g` will be
    a. `2.25 xx 10^(9)` years b. `4.50 xx 10^(9)` years
    c. `6.75 xx 10^(9)` years d. `8.75 xx 10^(9)` years

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  61. The half-life period of a radioactive element is 140 days. After 560 days, `1g` of the element will reduce to
    a. `0.5 g` b. `0.25 g` c. `1//8 g` d. `1//16 g`

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  62. A radioactive isotope decays at such a rate that after 96 min, only `1//8th` of the original amount remains.
    The value of `t_(1//2)` of this nuclide is
    a. 12 min b. 32 min c. 24 min d. 48 min

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  63. 80% of the radioactive nuclei present in a sample is found to remain undecayed after one day. The percentage of undecayed nuclei left after two days will be
    a. 64 b. 20 c. 46 d. 80

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  64. A radioactive substance has a half life of 5 days. After 20 days it was foundd the `3 g` of the isotope left in the container. The initial weight of the isotope was
    `a `48 g` b. `36 g` c. `18 g` d. `24 g`

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  65. The half life of radium (226) is 1620 years.
    The time takend to convert `10 g` of radium to `1.25 g` is
    a. 810 years b. 1620 years
    c. 3240 years d. 4860 years

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  66. If equal numer of atoms of two radioactive elements are considered, the most dangerous would be the one with a half life of?
    a. 4.0 million years b. 100 years
    c. 0.01 second d. 1 second

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  67. Radium has atomic weight 226 and half life of 1600 years. The number of disintegrationsd produced per second from one gram is
    a. `4.8 xx 10^(10)` b. `3.7 xx 10^(20)`
    c. `9.2 xx 10^(6)` d. `3.7 xx 10^(8)`

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  68. A sample of radioactive isotope with a half life of 20 days weighs `1 g`. After 40 days the weight of the remaining elements is
    a. `0.5 g` b. `0.0 g` c. `0.25 g` d. `1//6 g`

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  69. One gram of `Ra^(226)` has an activity of nearly `1 Ci`the half life of `Ra^(226)` is
    a. 1500 years b. 300 years
    c. 1582 years d. 200 years

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  70. A chemist prepares `1.00 g` of pure `._(6)C^(11)`. This isotopes has half life of 21 min, decaying by the equation:
    a. What is the rate of disintegration per second (dps) at starts ?
    b. What is the activity and specific activity of `._(6)C^(11)` at start?
    c. How much of this isotope `(._(6)C^(11))` is left after 24 hr its preparation?

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  71. A radioactive isotope `Cs^(137)` has a half life period of 30 years. Starting with `1 mg` of `Cs^(137)` how much would remain after 120 years?

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  72. If in 3160 years, a radioactive substance becomes one-fourth of the original amount, find it’s the half-life period.

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  73. A radioisotope has `t_(1//2) = 3` years. After a given amount decays for 12 years, what fraction of the original isotope remains?

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  74. A radioactive element has half-life period of 30 days. How much of it will be left after 90 days?

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  75. The half -life period of `._(84)Po^(210)` is 140 days.
    In how many days `1 g` of this isotope is reduced to `0.25 g`?

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  76. Calculate the average life of a radioactive substance whose half-life period is 100 years.

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  77. The activity of a sample of radioactive element `X^(100)` is 6.02 curie. Its decay constant is `3.7 xx 10^(-4) s^(-1)`.
    The initial mass of the sample will be
    a. `10^(-6) g` b. `10^(-8) g` c. `10^(-20) g` d. `10^(-15) g`

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  78. The time of decay for the nuclear reaction is given by `t = 5 t_(1//2)`. The relation between average life `tau` and time of decay `(t)` is given by
    a. `3 tau "In" 2` b. `4 tau "In" 2` c. `5 tau "In" 2` d. `6 tau "In" 2`

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  79. A certain radio isotope `._(Z)X^(A)` (half life `= 10 ` days) decays to give `._(Z-2)Y^(A-4)` . If `1.0 g` atom of `X` is kept in a sealed vessel, find the volume of helium accumulated at `STP` in `20` days ?

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  80. One mole of A present in a closed vessel undergoes decays as:
    `._(Z)A^(m) rarr ._(Z - 4)B^(m - 8) + 2 (._(2)He^(4))`
    What will be the volume of helium gas collocted at `STP` afterd 20 days `(t_(1//2) "of" A = 10` days)?

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  81. One mole of `X` present in a closed vessel undergoes decays as:
    `._(Z)X^(A) rarr ._(Z - 2)Y^(A - 4) + (._(2)He^(4))`
    What will be the volume of helium gas collected as `SATP` and `STP` (1 bar pressures, `273 K` temperature) after 20 days `(t_(1//2) "of" A = 10` days)?

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  82. What mass of `Ra^(226)` whose `t_(1//2) = 1620` years will give the activity of 1 millicurie?

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  83. A radioactive substance consists of two distinct having equal number of atoms initially. The mean products in both cases are stable. A plot is made of total number of radioactive nuclei as a function of time. Which of the following figures best represents the form of this plot?

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  84. In a smaple of radioactive material, what fraction of the initial number of active nuclei will remain undisingrated after half of a half-life of the sample?
    a. `(1)/(4)` b. `(1)/(2 sqrt(2))` c. `(1)/(sqrt(2))` d. `sqrt(2) - 1`

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  85. If 75% of a frist-order reaction is completed in 32 min, than 50% of the reaction would complete in?
    a. 24 min b. 16 min c. 8 min d. 4 min

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  86. `1.0 g` of a radioactive isotope left `125 mg` after 24 hr. The half-life period of the isotope is
    a. 8 hr b. 24 hr c. 6 hr d. 4 hr

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  87. If the amount of a radioactive substance is increased three times, the number of atoms disintegrated per unit time would
    Be doulbe b.Be triple
    c. Remian one-third d. Not change

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  88. Three-fourth of a radioactive material decays in 2.5 days. How long will it take for `15//16th` of the material to decay?
    a. 2 days b. 5 days c. 7.5 days d. 10 days

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  89. Which of the following radio-isotope would you use to date object each one of them if the object is expected to be about 100 years old?

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  90. The half life of a radioactive element is 30 min. One sixteenth of the original quantity of element will be left after
    a. 1 hr b. 16 hr c. 4 hr d. 2 hr

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  91. A sample of rock from moon contains equal number of atoms of uranium and lead `(t""_(1//2)for U=4.5xx10""^(9)`year). The age of the rock would be a)`4.5xx10""^(9)` year b)`9xx10""^(9)` year c)`13.5xx10""^(9)` year d)`2.25xx10""^(9)` year

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  92. The half-life period of `U^(234)` is `2.5 xx 10^(5)` years. In how much is the quantity of the isotope reduce to 25% of the original amount?

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  93. What do you understand by the following notatins in respect of the types of artificial transmutation?
    a. `(n, beta^(ɵ))` b. `(p, beta^(ɵ))` c. `(alpha, n)` d. `(D, p)`

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  94. In artificial transumutation which has stronger striking ability and why proton or neutron move with the same speed?

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  95. Complete the following nuclear equations:
    a. `._(96)Cm^(246) + ._(6)C^(12) rarr ._(102)No^(254) +` …..
    b. `._(94)Pu^(239) + ….. rarr ._(96)Cm^(242) + ._(0)n^(1)`

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  96. Calculate the energy released in the following:
    `._(1)H^(2) + ._(1)H^(3) rarr ._(2)He^(4) + ._(0)n^(1)`
    (Given masses : `H^(2) = 2.014, H^(3) = 3.016, He = 4.003, n = 1.009 m_(u))`

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  97. The beta activity of `1 g` of carbon made from green wood is 15.3 counts per minute. If the activity of `1 g` of carbon derived from the wood of an Egyptian mummy case is 9.4 counts per minute under the same conditions, how old is the wood of the mummy case?

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  98. Calculate the loss in mass during the change:
    `._(3)Li^(7) + ._(1)He^(1) rarr 2 ._(2)He^(4) + 17.25 MeV`

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  99. The atomic mass of Li,He, and proton are 7.01823 amu, 4.00387 amu, and 1.00715 amu, respectively. Calculate the energy evolved in the reaction.
    `._(3)Li^(7) rarr ._(1)P^(1) rarr 2 ._(2)He^(4) + Delta E`
    Given 1 amu `= 931 MeV`.

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  100. Calculate the energy released in joules and `MeV` in the following nuclear reaction:
    `._(1)H^(2) + ._(1)H^(2) rarr ._(2)He^(3) + ._(0)n^(1)`
    Assume that the masses of `._(1)H^(2)`, `._(2)He^(3)`, and neutron `(n)`, respectively, are 2.40, 3.0160, and 1.0087 in amu.

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12