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Complete Solutions to Multiple Correct Answer of chapter MATRICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWMultiple Correct Answer
Number Of Questions49
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `A` is unimodular, then which of the following is unimodular? `-A` b. `A^(-1)` c. `a d jA` d. `omegaA ,` where `omega` is cube root of unity

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  2. Let `A=a_0` be a matrix of order 3, where `a_(i j)=x ; ifi=j ,x in R, 1 if|i-j|=1, 0;ot h e r w i s e` then when of the following Hold (s) good: for`x=2` , (a) `A` is a diagonal matrix (b) `A` is a symmetric matrix for`x=2` , (c) det `A` has the value equal to 6 (d) Let `f(x)=` , det `A ,` then the function `f(x)` has both the maxima and minima.

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  3. If `A=[1-1 2 1],B=[a1b-1]a n d(A+B)^2=A^2+b^2+2A B ,t h e n` `a=-1` b. `a=1` c. `b=2` d. `b=-2`

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  4. If AB=A and BA=B then which of the following is/are true ?

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  5. If `A(theta)=[(sin theta, i cos theta),(i cos theta, sin theta)]`, then which of the following is not true ?

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  6. Let A and B be two nonsingular square matrices, `A^(T)` and `B^(T)` are the tranpose matrices of A and B, respectively, then which of the following are correct ?

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  7. If B is an idempotent matrix, and `A=I-B`, then

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  8. If `A_1=[(0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 0)],A_2=[(0, 0, 0,i),(0, 0,-i,0),( 0,i,0, 0),(-i,0, 0, 0)],t h e nA_i A_k+A_k A_i` is equal to `2lifi=k` b. `Oifi!=k` c. `2lifi!=k` d. `O` always

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  9. Suppose `a_(1), a_(2)`, .... Are real numbers, with `a_(1) ne 0`. If `a_(1), a_(2), a_(3)`, ... Are in A.P., then

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  10. If `alpha,beta,gamma` are three real numbers and `A=[(1,"cos"(alpha-beta),"cos"(alpha-gamma)),(cos(beta-alpha),1,"cos"(beta-gamma)),("cos"(gamma-alpha),"cos"(gamma-beta),1)]` , then which of following is/are true? a.`A` is singular b. `A` is symmetric c. `A` is orthogonal d. `A` is not invertible

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  11. If `D_(1)` and `D_(2)` are two `3xx3` diagonal matrices, then which of the following is/are true ?

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  12. Let A be the `2 xx 2` matrix given by `A=[a_("ij")]` where `a_("ij") in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}` such theta `a_(11)+a_(12)+a_(21)+a_(22)=4` then which of the following statement(s) is/are true ?

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  13. If `S=[(0,1,1),(1,0,1),(1,1,0)]a n dA=[(b+c,c+a,b-c),(c-b,c+b, a-b),(b-c,a-c,a+b)](a ,b ,c!=0),t h e nS A S^(-1)` is a. symmetric matrix b. diagonal matrix c. invertible matrix d. singular matrix

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  14. P is a non-singular matrix and A, B are two matrices such that `B=P^(-1) AP`. The true statements among the following are

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  15. Let `A=[(1,2,2),(2,1,2),(2,2,1)]` . Then `A^2-4A-5I_3=O` b. `A^(-1)=1/5(A-4I_3)` c. `A^3` is not invertible d. `A^2` is invertible

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  16. If `A=[{:(1,0,0),(1,0,1),(0,1,0):}]`, then which is true a. `A^(3)-A^(2)=A-I` b. det. `(A^(100)-I)=0` c. `A^(200)=[(1,0,0),(100,1,0),(100,0,1)]` d. `A^(100)=[(1,1,0),(50,1,0),(50,0,1)]`

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  17. If Ais symmetric and B is skew-symmetric matrix, then which of the following is/are CORRECT ?

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  18. If `A=((a_(i j)))_(nxxn)` and `f` is a function, we define `f(A)=((f(a_(i j))))_(nxxn ')` Let `A=[(pi//2-theta , theta),(-theta , pi//2-theta)]` . Then
    a. `sinA` is invertible b. `sinA=cos A` c. `sinA` is orthogonal
    d. `sin(2A)=2AsinA cos A`

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  19. If `A` is a matrix such that `A^2+A+2I=Odot,` the which of the following is/are true? (a) A is non-singular (b) A is symmetric (c) A cannot be skew-symmetric (d) `A^(-1)=-1/2(A+I)`

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  20. If `A=[{:(3,-3,4),(2,-3,4),(0,-1,1):}]` , then the trace of the matrix `Adj(AdjA)` is

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  21. If `[(1,-tan theta),(tan theta,1)][(1,tan theta),(-tan theta,1)]^(-1)=[(a,-b),(b,a)],` then

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  22. If `A^(-1)=[(1,-1,2),(0,3,1),(0,0,-1//3)]` , then :

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  23. If `A` is an invertible matrix, then `(a d jdotA)^(-1)` is equal to a.`a d jdot(A^(-1))` b. `A/(d e tdotA)` c. `A` d. `(detA)A`

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  24. If A and B are two invertible matrices of the same order, then adj (AB) is equal to

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  25. If A, B, and C are three square matrices of the same order, then `AB=AC implies B=C`. Then

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  26. If `A` and `B` are two non singular matrices and both are symmetric and commute each other, then

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  27. If A and B are square matrices of order 3 such that `A^(3)=8 B^(3)=8I` and det. `(AB-A-2B+2I) ne 0`, then identify the correct statement(s), where `I` is identity matrix of order 3.

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  28. Let A, B be two matrices different from identify matrix such that `AB=BA` and `A^(n)-B^(n)` is invertible for some positive integer n. If `A^(n)-B^(n)=A^(n+1)-B^(n+1)=A^(n+1)-B^(n+2)`, then

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  29. Let A and B be square matrices of the same order such that `A^(2)=I` and `B^(2)=I`, then which of the following is CORRECT ?

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  30. Let B is an invertible square matrix and B is the adjoint of matrix A such that `AB=B^(T)`. Then

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  31. First row of a matrix A is `[1,3,2]`. If
    adj `A=[(-2,4,alpha),(-1,2,1),(3alpha,-5,-2)]`, then a det (A) is

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  32. Let A be a square matrix of order 3 satisfies the relation `A^(3)-6A^(2)+7A-8I=O` and `B=A-2I`. Also, det. `A=8`, then

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  33. Which of the following matrices have eigen values as 1 and -1 ? (a) `[(0,1),(1,0)]` (b) `[(0,1),(1,0)]` (c) `[(1,0),(0,-1)]` (d) `[(1,0),(0,1)]`

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  34. Let `Ma n dN` be two `3xx3` non singular skew-symmetric matrices such that `M N=N Mdot` If `P^T` denote the transpose of `P ,` then `M^2N^2(M^T N^(-1))^T` is equal to `M^2` b. `-N^2` c. `-M^2` d. `M N`

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  35. Let `omega` be a complex cube root of unity with `omega!=1a n dP=[p_(i j)]` be a `nxxn` matrix withe `p_(i j)=omega^(i+j)dot` Then `p^2!=O ,when=` a.`57` b. `55` c. `58` d. `56`

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  36. For `3xx3` matrices `M \ a n d \ N ,` which of the following statement (s) is (are) NOT correct ?
    Statement - I : `N^T M N` is symmetricor skew-symmetric, according as `M` is symmetric or skew-symmetric.
    Statement - II : `M N-N M` is skew-symmetric for all symmetric matrices `Ma n dN`.
    Statement - III : `M N` is symmetric for all symmetric matrices `M a n dN`.
    Statement - IV : `(a d jM)(a d jN)=a d j(M N)` for all invertible matrices `Ma n dN`.

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  37. Let `M` be a `2xx2` symmetric matrix with integer entries. Then `M` is invertible if
    a. The first column of `M` is the transpose of the second row of `M`
    b. The second row of `M` is the transpose of the first column of `M`
    c. `M` is a diagonal matrix with non-zero entries in the main diagonal
    d. The product of entries in the main diagonal of `M` is not the square of an integer

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  38. Let m and N be two 3x3 matrices such that MN=NM. Further if `M!=N^2` and `M^2=N^4` then which of the following are correct.

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  39. Let `X \ a n d \ Y` be two arbitrary, `3xx3` , non-zero, skew-symmetric matrices and `Z` be an arbitrary `3xx3` , non-zero, symmetric matrix. Then which of the following matrices is (are) skew symmetric?

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  40. Let `p=[(3,-1,-2),(2,0,alpha),(3,-5,0)],` where `alpha in RR.` Suppose `Q=[q_(ij)]` is a matrix such that `PQ=kI,` where `k in RR, k != 0 and I`is the identity matrix of order 3. If `q_23=-k/8 and det(Q)=k^2/2,` then

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  41. Which of the following is(are) NOT of the square of a `3xx3` matrix with real enteries?

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  42. Let S be the set of all column matrices `[(b_(1)),(b_(2)),(b_(3))]` such that `b_(1), b_(2), b_(2) in R` and the system of equations (in real variables)
    has at least one solution. The, which of the following system (s) (in real variables) has (have) at least one solution for each `[(b_(1)),(b_(2)),(b_(3))] in S` ?

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  43. If `A=[{:(1,0,0),(1,0,1),(0,1,0):}]`, then

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  44. If the elements of a matrix `A` are real positive and distinct such that `det(A+A^(T))^(T)=0` then

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  45. If `A=[{:(8,-6,2),(-6,7,-4),(2,-4,3):}]` and `X` is a non zero column matrix such that `AX=lambdaX`, where `lambda` is a scalar, then values of `lambda` can be

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  46. If `A`, `B` are two square matrices of same order such that `A+B=AB` and `I` is identity matrix of order same as that of `A`,`B` , then

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  47. If `A` is a non-singular matrix of order `nxxn` such that `3ABA^(-1)+A=2A^(-1)BA`, then

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  48. If the matrix `A` and `B` are of `3xx3` and `(I-AB)` is invertible, then which of the following statement is/are correct ?

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  49. If `A` is a square matrix such that `A*(AdjA)=[{:(4,0,0),(0,4,0),(0,0,4):}]`, then

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Multiple Correct Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter MATRICES of CENGAGE MATHS (ENGLISH) of Class 12