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Complete Solutions to Numerical Value Type of chapter MATRICES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWNumerical Value Type
Number Of Questions27
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `A=[[0 ,1],[ 3 ,0]]a n d(A^8+A^6+A^4+A^2+I) V=[[0] ,[11]](w h e r eIi s` the `2xx2` identity matrix`),` then the product of all elements of matrix `V` is _____.

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  2. If `[a b c1-a]` is an idempotent matrix and `f(x)=x-^2=b c=1//4` , then the value of `1//f(a)` is ______.

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  3. Let `x` be the solution set of equation `A^x=Idot,w h e r eA+[0 1-1 4-3 4 3-3 4]a n dI` is the corresponding unit matrix and `xsubeN ,` then the minimum value of `sum(cos^xtheta+sin^xtheta),theta in Rdot`

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  4. `A=[1t a n x-t a n x1]a n df(x)` is defined as `f(x)=d e tdot(A^T A^(-1))` en the value of `(f(f(f(ff(x))))_` is `(ngeq2)` _________.

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  5. The equation `[[1, 2 ,2 ],[1 ,3, 4],[ 2, 4,k]][[x ,y, z]] =[[0,0, 0]]` has `a` solution for `(x ,y ,z)` besides `(0,0,0)dot` Then the value of `k` is _______.

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  6. If `A` is an idempotent matrix satisfying, `(I-0. 4 A)^(-1)=I-alphaA ,w h e r eI` is the unit matrix of the same order as that of `A ,` then th value of `|9alpha|` is equal to ________.

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  7. Let `A=[(3x^2),(1),(6x)],B=[(a,b,c)],and C=[((x+2)^2,5x^2,2x),(5x^2,2x,(x+2)^2),(2x,(x+2)^2,5x^2)]` be three given matrices, where `a ,b ,c`` ,"and" ``x in R dot` Given that `f(x)=a x^2+b x+c ,` then the value of `f(I)` is ______.

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  8. Let `A` be the set of all `3xx3` skew-symmetri matrices whose entries are either `-1,0,or1.` If there are exactly three 0s three 1s, and there `(-1)' s` , then the number of such matrices is __________.

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  9. Let `A=[a_("ij")]_(3xx3)` be a matrix such that `A A^(T)=4I` and `a_("ij")+2c_("ij")=0`, where `C_("ij")` is the cofactor of `a_("ij")` and `I` is the unit matrix of order 3.
    `|(a_(11)+4,a_(12),a_(13)),(a_(21),a_(22)+4,a_(23)),(a_(31),a_(32),a_(33)+4)|+5 lambda|(a_(11)+1,a_(12),a_(13)),(a_(21),a_(22)+1,a_(23)),(a_(31),a_(32),a_(33)+1)|=0`
    then the value of `lambda` is

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  10. Let `S` be the set which contains all possible vaues fo `I ,m ,n ,p ,q ,r` for which `A=[I^2-3p0 0m^2-8q r0n^2-15]` be non-singular idempotent matrix. Then the sum of all the elements of the set `S` is ________.

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  11. If A is a diagonal matrix of order `3xx3` is commutative with every square matrix of order `3xx3` under multiplication and trace (A)=12, then find |A|

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  12. If `A` is a square matrix of order 3 such that `|A|=2,t h e n|(a d jA^(-1))^(-1)|` is ___________.

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  13. If A and B are two matrices of order 3 such that `AB=O` and `A^(2)+B=I`, then tr. `(A^(2)+B^(2))` is equal to ________.

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  14. If a, b, and c are integers, then number of matrices `A=[(a,b,c),(b,c,a),(c,a,b)]` which are possible such that `A A^(T)=I` is _______.

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  15. Let `A=[a_("ij")]` be `3xx3` matrix and `B=[b_("ij")]` be `3xx3` matrix such that `b_("ij")` is the sum of the elements of `i^(th)` row of A except `a_("ij")`. If det, `(A)=19`, then the value of det. (B) is ________ .

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  16. A square matrix M of order 3 satisfies `M^(2)=I-M`, where `I` is an identity matrix of order 3. If `M^(n)=5I-8M`, then `n` is equal to _______.

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  17. Let `A=[a_("ij")]_(3xx3), B=[b_("ij")]_(3xx3)` and `C=[c_("ij")]_(3xx3)` be any three matrices, where `b_("ij")=3^(i-j) a_("ij")` and `c_("ij")=4^(i-j) b_("ij")`. If det. `A=2`, then det. `(BC)` is equal to _______ .

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  18. If A is a square matrix of order `2xx2` such that `|A|=27`, then sum of the infinite series `|A|+|1/2A|+|1/4 A|+|1/8 A|+...` is equal to _______ .

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  19. If A is a aquare matrix of order 2 and det. `A=10`, then `((tr. A)^(2)-tr. (A^(2)))` is equal to ______ .

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  20. Let A and B are two square matrices of order 3 such that det. `(A)=3` and det. `(B)=2`, then the value of det. `(("adj. "(B^(-1) A^(-1)))^(-1))` is equal to _______ .

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  21. Let P, Q and R be invertible matrices of order 3 such `A=PQ^(-1), B=QR^(-1)` and `C=RP^(-1)`. Then the value of det. `(ABC+BCA+CAB)` is equal to _______.

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  22. If `A=[(1,x,3),(1,3,3),(2,4,4)]` is the adjoint of a `3xx3` matrix B and det. `(B)=4`, then the value of x is ______ .

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  23. A, B and C are three square matrices of order 3 such that A= diag `(x, y, z)`, det `(B)=4` and det `(C)=2`, where `x, y, z in I^(+)`. If det`(adj (adj (ABC)))``=2^(16)xx3^(8)xx7^(4)`, then the number of distinct possible matrices A is ________ .

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  24. Let `A=[a_("ij")]` be a matrix of order 2 where `a_("ij") in {-1, 0, 1}` and adj. `A=-A`. If det. `(A)=-1`, then the number of such matrices is ______ .

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  25. Let `K` be a positive real number and `A=[2k-1 2sqrt(k)2sqrt(k)2sqrt(k)1-2k-2sqrt(k)2k-1]a n dB=[0 2k-1sqrt(k)1-2k0 2-sqrt(k)-2sqrt(k)0]` . If det `(a d jA)+det(a d jB)=10^6,t h e n[k]` is equal to. [Note: `a d jM` denotes the adjoint of a square matix `M` and `[k]` denotes the largest integer less than or equal to `K` ].

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  26. Let `M` be a `3xx3` matrix satisfying `M[0 1 0]=[-1 2 3] ,M[1-1 0]=[1 1-1],a n dM[1 1 1]=[0 0 12]` Then the sum of the diagonal entries of `M` is _________.

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  27. let `z= (-1+sqrt(3i))/2, where i=sqrt(-1) and r,s epsilon P1,2,3}. Let P= [((-z)^r, z^(2s)),(z^(2s), z^r)]` and I be the idenfity matrix or order 2. Then the total number of ordered pairs (r,s) or which `P^2=-I` is

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Numerical Value Type questions and complete solutions for chapter MATRICES of CENGAGE MATHS (ENGLISH) of Class 12