Class 12 | MATHS |
CENGAGE NEW | Exercise (Single) |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
The relation `R={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(1,2),(2,3),(1,3)}` on a set A={1, 2, 3} is
Let `P={(x,y)|x^(2)+y^(2)=1,x,yinR}`. Then, R, is
Let R be an equivalence relation on a finite set A having n elements. Then the number of ordered pairs in R is
A relation R on the set of complex numbers is defined by `z_1 R z_2` if and oly if `(z_1-z_2)/(z_1+z_2)` is real Show that R is an equivalence relation.
Which one of the following relations on R is an equivalence relation?
Let `R` be the relation on the set R of all real numbers defined by a `R b` Iff `|a-b| le1.` Then `R` is
The function `f: NvecN(N` is the set of natural numbers) defined by `f(n)=2n+3i s` (a) surjective only (b) injective only (c) bijective (d) none of these
`f:N to N,` where `f(x)=x-(-1)^(x)`, Then `f` is
If S be the set of all triangles and `f : S -> R^+, f(Delta) =` Area of `Delta`, then f is-
The function `f:(-oo,-1)vec(0, e^5)` defined by `f(x)=e^x^(3-3x+2)` is many one and onto many one and into one-one and onto one-one and into
Let `f:N->N` be defined by `f(x)=x^2+x+1,x in N`. Then is `f` is
Let `X={a_1, a_2, ,a_6}a n dY={b_1, b_2,b_3}dot` The number of functions `f` from `xtoy` such that it is onto and there are exactly three elements `x inX` such that `f(x)=b_1` is
Which of the following functions is an injective (one-one) function in its respective domain? (A) `f(x) = 2x + sin 3x ` (B) `x. [x]` , (where `[.]` denotes the G.I.F) (C) `f(x)=(2^x-1)/(4^x+1)` (D) `f(x)=(2^x+1)/(4^x-1)`
Given the function `f(x)=(a^x+a^(-x))/2(w h e r ea >2)dotT h e nf(x+y)+f(x-y)=` `2f(x)dotf(y)` (b) `f(x)dotf(y)` `(f(x))/(f(y))` (d) none of these
If `f(x)=cos (logx)`, then `f(x)f(y)-1/2[f(x/y)+f(xy)]=`
The domain of the function `f(x)=(1)/(sqrt(""^(10)C_(x-1)-3xx""^(10)C_(x)))` is
The domain of the function `f(x)=(sin^(-1)(3-x))/("In"(|x|-2))` is
The domain of `f(x)=(log_(2)(x+3))/(x^(2)+3x+2)` is
The domain of the function `f(x)=sqrt(x^2-[x]^2)` , where `[x]` is the greatest integer less than or equal to `x ,` is `R` (b) `[0,+oo]` `(-oo,0)` (d) none of these
The domain of the function `f(x)=log_(3+x)(x^(2)-1)` is
Domain of the function, `f(x)=[log_10 ((5x-x^2)/4)]^(1/2)` is
The domain of `f(x)=log|logx|` is
If `x^3f(x)=sqrt(1+cos2x)+|f(x)|, (-3pi)/4ltxlt(-pi) /2` and `f(x)=(alphacosx)/(1+x^3)` , then the value of `alpha` is
The function `f(x)=(sec^(-1)x)/(sqrt(x)-[x]),` where `[x]` denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to `x ,` is defined for all `x in ` `R` (b) `R-{(-1,1)uu{n"|"n in Z}}` `R^+-(0,1)` (d) `R^+-{n|n in N}`
The domain of definition of the function `f(x)` given by the equation `2^y=2` is `0
The domain of `f(x)=cos^(-1)((2-|x|)/4)+[l log(3-x)]^1` is `[-2,6]` (b) `[-6,2)uu(2,3)` `[-6,2]` (d) `[-2,2]uu(2,3)`
The domain of the function `f(x)=sqrt(log((1)/(|sinx|)))`
Domain of definition of the function `f(x) = log_2 (-log_(1/2) (1+x^(-4))-1)` is
The number of real solutions of the `(log)_(0. 5)|x|=2|x|` is
Let `f: Rvec[0,pi/2)` be defined by `f(x)=tan^(-1)(x^2+x+a)dot` Then the set of values of `a` for which `f` is onto is `(0,oo)` (b) `[2,1]` (c) `[1/4,oo]` (d) none of these
The domain of the function `f(x)=sqrt("In"_((|x|-1))(x^(2)+4x+4))` is
The domain of `f(x)=1n(a x^3+(a+b)x^2+(b+c)x+c),` where `a >0,b^2-4a c=0,i s(w h e r e[dot]` represents greatest integer function).
The domain of the function `f(x)=1/(sqrt(4x-|x^2-10 x+9|))` is `(7-sqrt(40),7+sqrt(40))`(b) `(0,7+sqrt(40))`(c)`(7-sqrt(40),oo)` (d) none of these
The domain of the function `f(x)=(1)/(sqrt(|cosx|+cosx))` is
The exhaustive domain of the following function is `f(x)=sqrt(x^(12)-x^9+x^4-x+1)` `[0,1]` (b) `[1,oo]` `[-oo,1]` (d) `R`
The domain of the function `f(x)=sqrt(sinx+cosx)+sqrt(7x-x^2-6)` is
29. Which one of following best represents the graph of `y=x^(log_x pi)`
If `x` is real, then the value of the expression `(x^2+14 x+9)/(x^2+2x+3)` lies between
The range of the function `f(x)=|x-1|+|x-2|, -1 le x le 3,` is
The function `f:R to R` is defined by `f(x)=cos^(2)x+sin^(4)x` for `x in R`. Then the range of `f(x)` is
The range of `f9x)=[|s in x|+|cosx"|""]"dot` Where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, is {0} (b) {0,1} (c) {1} (d) none of these
The range of function `f(x)=^(7-x)P_(x-3)i s` {1,2,3} (b) `{1,2,3,4,5,6}` `{1,2,3,4}` (d) `{1,2,3,4,5}`
The range of `f(x)=sin^(-1)((x^2+1)/(x^2+2))` is `[0,pi/2]` (b) `(0,pi/6)` (c) `[pi/6,pi/2]` (d) none of these
The range of the function `f(x)=(e^x-e^(|x|))/(e^x+e^(|x|))` is
Domain (D) and range (R) of `f(x)=sin^(-1)(cos^(-1)[x]),` where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, is `D-=x in [1,2],R in {0}` D`-=x in 90 ,1],R-={-1,0,1}` `-=x in [-1,1],R-={0,sin^(-1)(pi/2),sin^(-1)(pi)}` `-=x in [-1,1],R-={-pi/2,0,pi/2}`
The range of the function `f` defined by `f(x)=[1/(sin{x})]` (where [.] and `{dot},` respectively, denote the greatest integer and the fractional part functions) is I, the set of integers N, the set of natural number W, the set of whole numbers {1,2,3,4,...}
Range ofthe function `f(x)=cos(Ksin x)` is `[-1,1]`, then the least positive integral value of K will be
Let `f(x)=sqrt(|x|-{x})`, where `{.}` denotes the fractional part of x an X,Y and its domain and range respectively, then
The range of `f(x)=cos^(-1)((1+x^3)/(x2))+sqrt(2-x^2)` is `{0,1+pi/2}` (b) `{0,1+pi)` `{1,1+pi/2}` (d) `{1,1+pi}`
The range of the following function is `f(x)=sqrt((1-cosx)sqrt((1-cosx)sqrt((1-cosx)sqrt(...oo))))`
The range of `f(x)=(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)(x+4)+5` for `x in [-6,6]` is
The range of `f(x)=sec^(-1)((log)_3tanx+(log)_(tanx)3)` is
The domain of definition of the function `f(x)={x}^({x})+[x]^([x])` is where `{dot}` represents fractional part and `[dot]` represent greatest integral function). `R-I` (b) `R-[0,1]` `R-{Iuu(0,1)}` (d) `Iuu(0,1)`
49. If `[x^2-2x + a] = 0 `has no solution then
If `[x]` and `{x}` represetnt the integral and fractional parts of `x ,` respectively, then the value of `sum_(r=1)^(2000)({x+r})/(2000)` is `x` (b) `[x]` (c) `{x}` (d) `x+2001`
If `f(x)=(sin([x]pi))/(x^2+x+1)` , where `[dot]` denotes the greatest integer function, then `fi son eon e` `fi snoton e-on ea n dnon-con s t a n t` `fi sacon s t a n tfu n c t ion` `non eoft h e s e`
Let `f(x)=([a]^2-5[a]+4)x^3-(6{a}^2-5{a}+1)x-(tanx)xsgnx` be an even function for all `x in Rdot` Then the sum of all possible values of `a` is (where `[dot]a n d{dot}` denote greatest integer function and fractional part function, respectively). `(17)/6` (b) `(53)/6` (c) `(31)/3` (d) `(35)/3`
The solution set for `[x]{x}=1` (where {x} and [x] are respectively, fractional part function and greatest integer function) is `R^+-(0,1)` (b) `r^+-{1}` `{m+1/m m in I-{0}}` `{m+1/m m in I-{1}}`
Let [x] represent the greatest integer less than or equal to `x` If [`sqrt(n^2+lambda)]=[n^2+1]+2` , where `lambda,n in N ,` then `lambda` can assume `(2n+4)d iffe r e n tv a l u s` `(2n+5)d iffe r e n tv a l u s` `(2n+3)d iffe r e n tv a l u s` `(2n+6)d iffe r e n tv a l u s`
The number of roots of `x^2-2=[sinx],w h e r e[dot]` stands for the greatest integer function is
The domain of `f(x)=sin^(-1)[2x^2-3],w h e r e[dot]` denotes the greatest integer function, is
The domain of `f(x)=sqrt(2{x}^2-3{x}+1),` where {.} denotes the fractional part in `[-1,1]` is
The range of `sin^(-1)[x^2+1/2]+cos^(-1)[x^2-1/2]` , where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, is `{pi/2,pi}` (b) `{pi}` (c) `{pi/2}` (d) none of these
Let `f(x)=e^{e^((|x|)sinx})a n dg(x)=e^{e^((|x|)sinx}),x in R ,` where { } and [ ] denote the fractional and integral part functions, respectively. Also, `h(x)=log(f(x))+log(g(x))dot` Then for real `x , h(x)` is an odd function an even function neither an odd nor an even function both odd and even function
The number of solutions of the equation `[y+[y]]=2 cosx, ` where `y=(1)/(3)[sinx+[sinx+[sinx]]]` (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function) is
The function `f(x)=sin(log(x+sqrt(1+x^2)))` is (a) even function (b) odd function (c) neither even nor odd (d) periodic function
If `f(x)=x^m n ,n in N ,` is an even function, then `m` is even integer (b) odd integer any integer (d) `f(x)-e v e ni snotpos s i b l e`
If `f(x)={x^2 sin((pi x)/2), |x|<1`; `x|x|, |x|>=1` then `f(x)` is
If the graph of the function `f(x)=(a^x-1)/(x^n(a^x+1))` is symmetrical about the y axis , then n equals
If `f: Rvec` is an invertible function such that `f(x)a n df^(-1)(x)` are symmetric about the line `y=-x` , then `f(x)i sod d` `f(x)a n df^(-1)(x)` may not be symmetric about the line `y=x` `f(x)` may not be odd `non eoft h e s e`
If `f(x)=a x^7+b x^3+c x-5` ,a , b , c are real constants, and `f(-7)=7,` then the range of `f(7)+17cosx`
If `g:[-2,2]vecR` , where `f(x)=x^3+tanx+[(x^2+1)/P]` is an odd function, then the value of parametric P, where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, is
Let `f:[-1, 10]rightarrowR ,w h e r ef(x)=sinx+[(x^2)/a],` be an odd function. Then the set of values of parameter `a` is/are
`f(x)=(cosx)/([(2x)/pi]+1/2),` where `x` is not an integral multiple of `pi` and `[dot]` denotes the greatest integer function, is an odd function an even function neither odd nor even none of these
Let `f(x)={(sinx+cosx",",0 lt x lt (pi)/(2)),(a",",x=pi//2),(tan^(2)x+"cosec"x",",pi//2 lt x lt pi):}`
Then its odd extension is
The period of the function `|sin^3(x/2)|+|cos^5(x/5)|` is
If `f` is periodic, `g` is polynomial function and `f(g(x))` is periodic and `g(2)=3,g(4)= 7` then `g(6)` is
The period of function `2^({x}) +sin pi x+3^({x//2})+cos pi x` (where {x} denotes the fractional part of x) is
The period of the function `f(x)= [6x+7]+cospix-6x ,` where `[dot]` denotes the greatest integer function is:
If `f(x) and g(x)` are periodic functions with periods 7 and 11, respectively, then the period of `f(x)=f(x)g(x/5)-g(x)f(x/3)` is
The period of the function `f(x)=c^((sin^2x) +sin^2 (x+pi/3)+cosxcos(x+pi/3))` is (where `c` is constant)
Let `f(x)={(0.1)^(3[x])}`. (where [.] denotes greatest integer function and denotes fractional part). If `f(x + T) =f(x) AA x in 0`, where T is a fixed positive number then the least x value of T is
If the period of `(cos(sin(n x)))/(tan(x/n)),n in N ,i s6pi` , then `n=` 3 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 1
The period of `f(x)=[x]+[2x]+[3x]+[4x]+[n x]-(n(n+1))/2x ,` where `n in N ,` is (where `[dot]` represents greatest integer function). `n` (b) 1 (c) `1/n` (d) none of these
If `f(x)=(-1)^([2/pi]),g(x)=|sinx|-|cosx|,a n dvarphi(x)=f(x)g(x)` (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function), then the respective fundamental periods of `f(x),g(x),a n dvarphi(x)` are `pi,pi,pi` (b) `pi,2pi,pi` `pi,pi,pi/2` (d) `pi,pi/2,pi`
If `f(x)=1/x ,g(x)=1/(x^2),` and `h(x)=x^2,t h e n` `f(x)=x^2,x!=0,(h(g(x))=1/(x^2)` `h(g(x))=1/(x^2),x!=0,fog(x)=x^2` `fog(x)=x^2,x!=0,h(g(x))=(g(x))^2,x!=0` none of these
If `f(x)={(x^(2)",","for "x ge0),(x",","for "x lt 0):}`, then fof(x) is given by
Let `f(x)=sinx` and `g(x)=(log)_e|x|dot` If the ranges of the composition functions `fog` an ` dgof` are `R_1` and` R_2,` respectively, then `R_1-{u :-1lt=u<1},R_2={v :-oo `R_1-{u :-oo `R_1-{u :-1 `R_1-{u :-1lt=ult=1},R_2={v :-oo
If `f(x)={x ,xi sr a t ion a l1-x ,xi si r r a t ion a l ,t h e nf(f(x))` is `xAAx in R` (b) `{x , xi si r r a t ion a l1-x ,xi sr a t ion a l` `{x ,xi sr a t ion a l1-x ,xi si r r a t ion a l` (d) none of these
If `f` and `g` are one-one functions, then
The domain of `f(x)i s(0,1)dot` Then the domain of `(f(e^x)+f(1n|x|)` is
Let `h(x)=|k x+5|`,the domain of f(x) be [-5,7], the domain of f(h(xx)) be [-6,1],and the range of h(x) be the same as the domain of f(x) Then the value of `k` is.
If `f(x)=sinx+cosx `and `g(x)=x^2-1`, then `g(f (x)) `is invertible in the domain .
If the function `f:[1,oo)->[1,oo)` is defined by `f(x)=2^(x(x-1)),` then `f^-1(x)` is
Let `f(x)=(x+1)^2-1, xgeq-1.` Then the set `{x :f(x)=f^(-1)(x)}` is `{0,1,(-3+isqrt(3))/2,(-3-isqrt(3))/2}` (b) `{0,1,-1` `{0,1,1}` (d) `e m p t y`
if `f:[1,oo)->[2,oo)` is given by `f(x)=x+1/x` then `f^-1(x)` equals to
Suppose `f(x)=(x+1)^2forxgeq-1.` If `g(x)` is the function whose graph is the reflection of the graph of `f(x)` with respect to the line `y=x ,` then `g(x)` equal. `a-sqrt(x)-1,xgeq0` (b) `1/((x+1)^2),x >-1` `sqrt(x+1,)xgeq-1` (d) `sqrt(x)-1,xgeq0`
Let `f:[-pi/3,(2pi)/3]vec[0,4]` be a function defined as `f(x)=sqrt(3)sinx-cosx+2.` Then `f^(-1)(x)` is given by `sin^(-1)((x-2)/2)-pi/6` `sin^(-1)((x-2)/2)+pi/6` `(2pi)/3+cos^(-1)((x-2)/2)` (d) none of these
Which of the following functions is the inverse of itself? `f(x)=(1-x)/(1+x)` (b) `f(x)=5^(logx)` `f(x)=2^(x(x-1))` (d) None of these
If `g(x)=x^2+x-2a n d1/2gof(x)=2x^2-5x+2,` then which is not a possible `f(x)?` `2x-3` (b) `-2x+2` `x-3` (d) None of these
Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12