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Complete Solutions to Question Bank of chapter FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGEQuestion Bank
Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If there are four distinct real numbers satisfying thẻ equation `|x^2-4 x-7|=n`, then number of integers in the range of `n` is

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  2. Let `f: R rarr R` be a polynomial function satisfying `f(f(x) -2 y)=2 x-3 y+f(f(y)-x), forall x, y in R` then the value of`f(20)-f(14)` is equal to

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  3. Let `P(x)=x^4+a x^3+b x^2+c x+d` be a polynomial such that `P(1)=1, P(2)=8, P(3)=27, P(4)=64` then find `P(10)`

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  4. A function `f(x)` is such that `f(x)=0` has 8 distinct real roots and `f(4+x)=f(4-x)` for `x in R .` Sum of real roots of the equation `f(x)=0` is

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  5. The number of integral values of `x` satisfying the equation `sgn([15/(1+x^2)])=[1+2 x]` is [Note: `sgn(y),[y]` and `y` denote signum function, greatest integer function and tional part function respectively.]

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  6. Let `f(x)=(1-c x)/(1-c^2) .` If `f(x) gt 0` for évery `x` greater than zero. Then the number of integers in the range of `c` is

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  7. Let `g:[-2,2] rarr R`, where `g(x)=x^(2015)+sgn(x)+[(x^2+1)/p]` be an odd function for all `x in[-2,2]` then the smallest integral value of `p` is equal to '[Note: `[k]` denote the greatest integer less than or equal to `k`.]

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  8. If `f(x)=|x+2|+|2 x-p|+|x-2|` attains its minimum value in the interval `(-1,1)` then sum of all possible integral value of `p` is

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  9. Let the function `f: R rarr R` be defined as `f(x)=min .(x+2,4-2 x, 1+4 x` ). The maximum vatue of `f(x)` is equal to

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  10. Let `f: R rarr R` be defined as `f(x)=2 x^3+7 x-5` and `g(x)=f^-1(x)`. If `g^prime(4)=a/b` where `a` and `b` are relatively prime positive integers then `(a+b)` is equal to

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  11. If `f(x)= 3 sqrt((9)/(log_2 (3-2x) - 1)` then the value of ' `a` ' which satisfies `f^-1(2 a-4)=1/2`, is

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  12. Consider the function `f(x)=sqrt(2-x)+sqrt(1+x)`. If `d` denotes the number of integers in the domain of `f` and `' r` ' denotes the number of integers in the range of `f`, then `(d+r)` equals

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  13. If `f(x, y)=(max (x, y))^(min (x, y))` and `g(x, y)=max (x, y) -min (x, y)`, then `f(g(-1,(-3)/(2)), g(-4,-1.75))` equals

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  14. The number of solution of the equation `e^(2 x) + e^x+e^-(2 x)+
    e^(-x)=3(e^(-2 x) + e^x)` is

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  15. Suppose `f(x)=a x+ba n dg(x)=b x+a ,w h e r eaa n db` are positive integers. If `f(g(20))-g(f(20))=28 ,` then which of the following is not true? `a=15` b. `a=6` c. `b=14` d. `b=3`

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  16. Let `f:R->R ` be a continuous function such that`|f(x)-f(y)|>=|x-y|` for all `x,y in R`,then ` f(x)` will be

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  17. Let the equation `(a-1) x^2=x(2 b+3)` be satisfied by three distinct values of `x`, where `a, b in R`, If `f(x)=(a-1) x^3+(2 b+3) x^2+2 x+1`, and `f(g(x))=6 x-7` where `g(x)` is a linear function then find the value of `g^prime(2012)`.

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  18. f(x) = (2x^(2) + 3)/(5), for oo lt x le 1
    = 6 -5x, for 1 lt x lt 3
    = x-3, for 3 le x lt 8, then

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  19. Let `f(x)=x/(1-x)` and ' `a` ' be a real number. If `x_0=a`, `x_1=f(x_0) , x_2=f(x_1) , x_3=f(x_2)` and so on. If `x_(2011)=- (1/2012)`, then the value of reciprocal of ' `a` ' is

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  20. If the largest positive value of the function defined as `f(x)=sqrt(8 x-x^2)-sqrt(14 x-x^2-48)`, is `m sqrtn` where m,`n in N`, the find least value of `(m+n)`

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  21. If range of function `f(x)=sin^(-1)x+2tan^(-1)x+x^2+4x+1` is `[p , q],` then the value of `(p+q)` is_______>

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Question Bank questions and complete solutions for chapter FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12