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Complete Solutions to Single Correct Answer Type of chapter FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle Correct Answer Type
Number Of Questions56
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `f(x)=sin[x]+[s in x],0

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  2. If `varphi(x)=1/(1+e^(-x))a n dS=varphi(5)+varphi(4)+varphi(3)++varphi(-3)+varphi(-4)+varphi(-5)` , then the value of `S` is. a. 5 b. 11/2 c. 6 d. 13/2

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  3. For non-negative integers m and n a function is defined as follows f(m,n) = {n+1 if m=0; f(m-1,1) if m!=0, n=0}` Then the value of f(1,1) is

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  4. If `f: RvecQ` (rational numbers), `g: RvecQ` (Rational number ) are two continuous functions such that `sqrt(3)f(x)+g(x)=4,` then `(1-f(x))^3+(g(x)-3)^3` is equal to a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

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  5. If `fa n dg` are two functions defined on `N ,` such that `f(n)-{2n-1ifni se v e n2n+2ifni sod d` and `g(n)=f(n)+f(n+1)dot` Then range of `g` is `{m in N : m=` multiple of 4`}` `{` set of even natural numbers`}` `{m in N : m=4k+3,k` is a natural number `{m in N : m=` multiple of 3 or multiple of 4`}`

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  6. The number of points on the real line where the function `f(x) = log_(|x^2-1|)|x-3|` is not defined is Option 1: 4 Option 2: 5 Option 3: 6 Option 4: 7

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  7. For relation `2 log y - log x - log ( y-1)`=0

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  8. The range of function `y=[x^2]=[x]^2,x in [0,2]` (where [.] denotes the greatest function), is `{0}` b. `{0,1}` c. `{1,2}` d. `{0,1,2}`

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  9. The number of elements in the domain of the function `f(x)=sin^(-1)((x^2-2x)/3)+sqrt(([x]+[-x]))` , (where [.] denotes the greater integer function) is equal to a. 4 b. 6 c. 3 d. 5

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  10. about to only mathematics

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  11. The range of the function `tan^(-1)((x^2+1)/(x^2+sqrt(3))),x in R` is a.`[pi/6,pi/2)` b. `[pi/6,pi/3)` c. `[pi/6,pi/4]` d. none of these

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  12. The domain of the function `f(x)=sqrt(10-sqrt(x^4-21 x^2))` is `[5,oo)` b. `[-sqrt(21),sqrt(21)]` c. `[-5,-sqrt(21)]uu[sqrt(21),5]uu{0]` d. `(-oo,-5)`

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  13. about to only mathematics

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  14. about to only mathematics

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  15. Number of integers in the integer of `f(x)=1/pi(sin^(-1)x+tan^(-1)x)+(x+1)/(x^2+2x+5)` is `0` b. `3` c. `2` d. `1`

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  16. Let `G(x)=(1/(a^x-1)+1/2)F(x),` where a is a positive real number not equal to 1 and `f(x)` is an odd function. Which of the following statements is true? `G(x)` is an odd function `G(x)i s` an even function `G(x)` is neither even nor odd function. Whether `G(x)` is an odd or even function depends on the value of a

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  17. Let `f(x)=([a]^2-5[a]+4)x^3-(6{a}^2-5{a}+1)x-(tanx)xsgnx` be an even function for all `x in Rdot` Then the sum of all possible values of `a` is (where `[dot]a n d{dot}` denote greatest integer function and fractional part function, respectively). `(17)/6` (b) `(53)/6` (c) `(31)/3` (d) `(35)/3`

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  18. about to only mathematics

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  19. A continuous, even periodic function f with period 8 is such that `f(0)=0,f(1)=-2,f(2)=1,f(3)=2,f(4)=3,` then the value of `tan^(-1) tan{f(-5)+f(20)+cos^(-1)(f(-10))+f(17)}` is equal to

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  20. If a and b are natural numbers and `f(x)=sin(sqrt(a^2-3))x+cos(sqrt(b^2+7))x` is periodic with finite fundamental period then period of f(x) is

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  21. Period of `f(x) = sin 3x cos[3x]-cos 3x sin [3x]` (where[] denotes the greatest integer function), is

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  22. What is the fundamental period of `f(x) = (sin x+ sin 3x)/(cos x+ cos 3x)`

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  23. If `f:RrarrR` is a function satisfying the property `f(x+1)+f(x+3)=2" for all" x in R` than `f` is

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  24. about to only mathematics

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  25. If `F(x) and G(x)` are even and odd extensions of the functions `f(x) = x|x|+ sin|x|+ xe^x`, where `x in (0, 1), g(x) = cos|x| + x^2-x`, is where `x in (0, 1)` respectively to the ars interval `(-1, 0)` then `F(x)+G(x) `in `(-1,0)` is

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  26. about to only mathematics

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  27. Let `f:R->[1,oo)` be defined as `f(x)=log_10(sqrt(3x^2-4x+k+1)+10)` If f(x) is surjective then k =

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  28. Let`f:[-oo,0]->[1,oo)` be defined as `f(x) = (1+sqrt(-x))-(sqrt(-x) -x)`, then

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  29. about to only mathematics

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  30. `f:RrarrR" defined by "f(x)=(1)/(2)x|x|+cos+1` is

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  31. Let `f(x) :R->R,f(x)={(2x+alpha^2,xge2),((alpha x)/2+10,x lt 2))` If `f(x)` is onto function then `alpha` belongs to (A) `[1,4]` (B) `[-2,3]` (C) `[0,3]` (D) `[2,5]`

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  32. Let `f:R -> ( 0,(2pi)/2]` defined as `f(x) = cot^-1 (x^2-4x + alpha)` Then the smallest integral value of `alpha` such that, `f(x)` is into function is

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  33. Let `f : R^+ ->{-1, 0, 1}` defined by `f(x) = sgn(x-x^4 + x^7-x^8-1)` where sgn denotes signum function then f(x) is (1) many- one and onto (2) many-one and into (3) one-one and onto (4) one- one and into

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  34. Which of the following statements are incorrect? If `f(x)` and `g(x)` are one-one then `f(x)+g(x)` is also one-one If `f(x)` and `g(x)` are one-one then `f(x)dotg(x)` is also one-one If `f(x)` is odd then it is necessarily one-one? `Ia n dI Ion l y` b. `I Ia n dI I Ion l y` c. `I I Ia n dIon l y` d. `I ,I Ia n dI I I`

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  35. Which of the following functions is one-one ? `(1)f:R->R` defined as `f(x)=e^(sgn x)+e^(x^2)` `(2) f:[-1,oo) ->(0,oo)` defined by `f(x)=e^(x^2+|x|)` `(3)f:[3,4]->[4,6]` defined by `f(x)=|x-1|+|x-2|+|x-3|+x-4|` `(4) f(x) =sqrt(ln(cos (sin x))`

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  36. If `g(x)=(4cos^4x-2cos2x-1/2cos4x-x^7)^(1/7)` then the value of `g(g(100))` is equal to Option 1: -1 Option 2: 0 Option 3: 1 Option 4: 100

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  37. If `f(x)=x^2+x+3/4` and `g(x)=x^2+a x+1` be two real functions, then the range of `a` for which `g(f(x))=0` has no real solution is `(-oo,-2)` b. `(-2,2)` c. `(-2,oo)` d. `(2,oo)`

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  38. If domain of `f(x)` is [1, 3], then the domain of `f(log_(2)(x^(2)+3x-2))` is

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  39. Let `f(x)=x/(1+x)` and let `g(x)=(rx)/(1-x)` , Let S be the set off all real numbers r such that `f(g(x))=g(f(x))` for infinitely many real number x. The number of elements in set S is

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  40. Let `f(x)=(ax + b )/(cx+d)`. Then the `fof (x)=x`, provided that : `(a!=0, b!= 0, c!=0,d!=0)`

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  41. If `f :R ->R` , `f(x)=x^3 +3`,and `g:R->R`,`g(x)=2x + 1`, then `f^(-1)g^(-1)(23)` equals

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  42. If `f(x)=x(x-1)` is a function from `[1/2,oo)to[-1/4,oo),` then `{x in r :f^(-1)(x)=f(x)}` is a. null set b. `{0,2}` c. `{2}` d. a set containing 3 elements

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  43. Let `agt1` be a real number and `f(x)=log_(a)x^(2)" for "xgt 0.` If `f^(-1)` is the inverse function fo f and b and c are real numbers then `f^(-1)(b+c)` is equal to

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  44. If the function `f(x) ={x+1 if `x le 1` , 2x+1 if `1 lt x le 2` and g(x) = {`x^2` , `-1 le x le 2` `x+2 `2 le x le 3 ` then the number of roots of the equation `f(g(x))=2`

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  45. Suppose `f(x)=a x+ba n dg(x)=b x+a ,w h e r eaa n db` are positive integers. If `f(g(20))-g(f(20))=28 ,` then which of the following is not true? `a=15` b. `a=6` c. `b=14` d. `b=3`

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  46. If `f(x)` is an invertible function and `g(x)=2f(x)+5,` then the value of `g^(-1)(x)i s` `2f^(-1)(x)-5` (b) `1/(2f^(-1)(x)+5)` `1/2f^(-1)(x)+5` (d) `f^(-1)((x-5)/2)`

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  47. If `f(x)={{:(-x+1",",xle0,),(,,",then the number of solutions"),(-(x-1)^(2)",",xge1,):}` of `f(x)-f^(-1)(x)=0` is

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  48. Let `f(x+1/y) +f(x-1/y) =2f(x) f(1/y) AA x, y in R , y!=0` and f(0)=0 then the value of `f(1) +f(2)=`

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  49. If `f(x^2-6x+6)+f(x^2-4x+4)=2x AA in x in R` then `f(-3) + f(9) -5f(1)=` (A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10

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  50. If a function `f: R ->R` be such that `f(x-f(y)) = f(f(y) )+xf(y)+f(x) -1 AA x , y in R` then `f(2)=`

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  51. If `f: RvecR` is a function satisfying `f(x+y)=f(x y)` for all `x ,y in Ra d nf(3/4)=3/4,t h e nf(9/(16))=` `3/4` b. `9/(16)` c. `(sqrt(3))/2` d. 0

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  52. A function `f: R -> R` satisfy the equation `f (x)f(y) - f (xy)= x+y` for all `x, y in R` and `f(y) > 0`, then

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  53. Let f be a function defined from `F^(+)rarrR^(+).` If `(f(xy))^(2)=x(f(y))^(2)` for all positive numbers x and y, If `f(2)=6,` find `f(50)`=?

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  54. Suppose `f` is a real function satisfying `f(x+f(x))=4f(x)a n df(1)=4.` Then the value of `f(21)` is `16` `21` `64` `105`

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  55. The graph of a function y = g (x) is shown in the following figure. If `f(x)=-3x^(2)-kx-12,k in R and f(g(x))gt0 AA x in R` then test least integral value of k is equal to

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  56. Let `f: IvecI` be a function `(I` is set of integers`)` such that `f(0)=1,f(f(n)=f(f(n+2)+2)=ndot` then `f(3)=0` b. `f(2)=0` c. `f(3=-2)` d. `f` is many one function

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Single Correct Answer Type questions and complete solutions for chapter FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12