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Complete Solutions to Question Bank of chapter PARABOLA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGEQuestion Bank
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The equation of the latus rectum of a parabola is `x+y=8` and the equation of the tangent at the vertex is `x+y=12.` Then find the length of the latus rectum.

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  2. Normals of parabola `y^2=4 x` at `P` and `Q` meet at `R(x_2, 0)` and tangents at `P` and `Q` mect-at `T(x_1, 0)`. If `x_2=3`, then find the area of quadrilateral `P T Q R`.

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  3. Absoulte value of `y` -intercept of the common tangent to the parabola `y^2=32 x` and `x^2=108 y` is

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  4. Let y=x+1 is axis of parabola, y+x-4=0 is tangent of same parabola at its vertex and y=2x+3 is one of its tangents. Then find the focus of the parabola.

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  5. From the point `(4,6)`, a pair of tangent lines is drawn to the parabola `y^2=8 x .` The area of the triangle formed by these pairs of tangent lines and the chord of contact of the point `(4,6)` is

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  6. If the normals to the parabola `y^2=4a x` at `P` meets the curve again at `Q` and if `P Q` and the normal at `Q` make angle `alpha` and`beta` , respectively, with the x-axis, then `t a nalpha(tanalpha+tanbeta)` has the value equal to 0 (b) `-2` (c) `-1/2` (d) `-1`

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  7. A circle is drawn to pass through the extremities of the latus rectum of the parabola `y^2=20 x .` It is given that this circle also touches the directrix of the parabola, Find the radius of this circle.

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  8. If (-2,7) is the highest point on the graph of `y=-2 x^2-4 a x+k`, then |k| equals

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  9. Square of the area of the triangle formed by end points of a focal chord `P Q` of length 32 units of the parabola `y^2=8 x` and its vertex is

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Question Bank questions and complete solutions for chapter PARABOLA of CENGAGE of Class 12