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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter INEQUALITIES INVOLVING MEANS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions37
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Prove that `(a b+x y)(a x+b y)>4a b x y(a , b ,x ,y >0)dot`

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  2. Prove that `b^2c^2+c^2a^2+a^2b^2gtabc(a+b+c)`, where `a,b,c gt 0` .

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  3. Prove that `2/(b+c)+2/(c+a)+2/(a+b)<1/a+1/b+1/c ,w h e r ea ,b ,c>0.`

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  4. If `a ,b , a n dc` are distinct positive real numbers such that `a+b+c=1,` then prove tha `((1+a)(1+b)(1+c))/((1-a)(1-b)(1-c))> 8.`

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  5. Find the minimum value of `(4^("Sin"^(2)x) + 4^("cos"^(2)x))` .

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  6. If `(log)_2(a+b)+(log)_2(c+d)geq4.` Then find the minimum value of the expression `a+b+c+d `

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  7. Find all real solutions to `2^x+x^2=2-(1)/(2^x)`.

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  8. Find all positive real solutions to `4x+(18)/(y)=14,2y+(9)/(z)=15,9z+(16)/(x)=17`.

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  9. Let A;G;H be the arithmetic; geometric and harmonic means between three given no. a;b;c then the equation having a;b;c as its root is `x^3-3Ax^2+3G^3/H x-G^3=0`

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  10. .Let `a_1, a_2,............` be positive real numbers in geometric progression. For each n, let `A_n G_n, H_n`, be respectively the arithmetic mean, geometric mean & harmonic mean of `a_1,a_2..........a_n`. Find an expression ,for the geometric mean of `G_1,G_2,........G_n` in terms of `A_1, A_2,........ ,A_n, H_1, H_2,........,H_n`.

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  11. If `a+b+c=1,` then prove that `8/(27a b c)>{1/a-1}{1/b-1}{1/c-1}> 8.`

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  12. If `y z+z x+x y=12 ,w h e r ex ,y ,z` are positive values, find the greatest value of `x y zdot`

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  13. If `a ,b ,c` are positive, then prove that `a//(b+c)+b//(c+a)+c//(a+b)geq3//2.`

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  14. Prove that `2^n >1+nsqrt(2^(n-1)),AAn >2` where `n` is a positive integer.

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  15. If `S+a_1+a_2+a_3++a_n ,a_1 in R^+` for `i=1ton ,` then prove that `S/(S-a_1)+S/(S-a_2)++S/(S-a_n)geq(n^2)/(n-1),AAngeq2`

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  16. If `a_1+a_2+a_3+...+a_n=1AAa_i>0,i=1,2,3, ,n ,` then find the maximum value of `a_1 a_2a_3a_4a_5.... a_n.`

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  17. If `a , b , c ,` are positive real numbers, then prove that (2004, 4M) `{(1+a)(1+b)(1+c)}^7>7^7a^4b^4c^4`

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  18. Prove that `(sec^4alpha)/(tan^2beta)+(sec^4beta)/(tan^2alpha)ge8`. If each term in the expression is well defined.

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  19. Prove that

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  20. Prove that `1^(2)+2^(2)+3^(2)+.....+n^(2)=(n(n+1)(2n+1))/6`

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  21. Find the greatest value of `x^2y^3, w h e r exa n dy` lie in the first quadrant on the line `3x+4y=5.`

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  22. Find the maximum value of `(7-x)^4(2+x)^5w h e nx` lies between `-2a n d7.`

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  23. Find the maximum value of xyz when `(x)/(1)+(y^2)/(4)+(z^3)/(27)=1`, where `x,y,zgt 0`.

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  24. If a,`bgt0` such that ` a^3+b^3=2` , then show that `a+ble 2`.

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  25. If `m >1,n in N` show that `1m+2m+2^(2m)+2^(3m)++2^(n m-m)> n^(i-m)(2^n-1)^mdot`

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  26. Prove that n in acute angled triangle `ABC , sec A+sec B +sec Cge 6`.

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  27. Prove that `(b^2+c^2)/(b+c)+(c^2+a^2)/(c+a)+(a^2+b^2)/(a+b)gt a+b+c` , where `a,b,cgt 0`.

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  28. Prove that `(a^8+b^8+c^8)/(a^3b^3c^3)>1/a+1/b+1/c`

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  29. If `a ,b ,a n dc` are positive and `a+b+c=6,` show that `(a+1//b)2+(b+1//c)2+(c+1//a)2geq75//4.`

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  30. Let `x_1, x_2, ,x_n` be positive real numbers and we define `S=x_1+x_2++x_ndot` Prove that `(1+x_1)(1+x_2)(1+x_n)lt=1+S+(S^2)/(2!)+(S^3)/(3!)++(S^n)/(n !)`

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  31. If `2x^3 +ax^2+ bx+ 4=0` (a and b are positive real numbers) has 3 real roots, then prove that `a+ b ge 6 (2^(1/3)+ 4^(1/3))`

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  32. Calculate the greatest and least values of the function `f(x)=(x^4)/(x^8+2x^6-4x^4+8x^2+16)`

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  33. If a,b,c are three distinct positive real numbers in G.P., than prove that `c^2+2ab gt 3ac`.

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  34. If x and y are real numbers such that `16^(x^(2)+y)+16^(x+y^2)=1`, then find the values of x and y.

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  35. In how many parts an integer `N>=5` should be dissected so that the product of the parts is maximized.

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  36. If `x+y+z=1a n dx ,y ,z` are positive, then show that `(x+1/x)^2+(y+1/y)^2+(z+1/z)^2>(100)/3`

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  37. If a, b,c are three positive real numbers , then find minimum value of `(a^(2)+1)/(b+c)+(b^(2)+1)/(c+a)+(c^(2)+1)/(a+b)`

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter INEQUALITIES INVOLVING MEANS of CENGAGE of Class 12