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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter INEQUALITIES INVOLVING MEANS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The minimum value of `(x^4+y^4+z^2)/(x y z)` for positive real numbers `x ,y ,z` is `sqrt(2)` `2sqrt(2)` `4sqrt(2)` `8sqrt(2)`

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  2. A rod of fixed length `k` slides along the coordinates axes, If it meets the axes at `A(a ,0)a n dB(0,b)` , then the minimum value of `(a+1/a)^2+(b+1/b)^2` `0` `8` `k^2=4+4/(k^2)` `k^2+4+4/(k^2)`

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  3. The least value of `6tan^2varphi+54cot^2varphi+18` is 54 when A.M.`geq` GM. Is applicable for `6tan^2varphi,54cot^2varphi,18` 54 when A.M.`geq` GM. Is applicable for `6tan^2varphi,54cot^2varphi,18` is added further 78 when `tan^2varphi=cot^2varphi` (I) is correct, (II) is false (I) and (II) are correct (III) is correct None of the above are correct

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  4. If `a b^2c^3, a^2b^3c^4,a^3b^4c^5` are in A.P. `(a ,b ,c >0),` then the minimum value of `a+b+c` is `1` `3` `5` `9`

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  5. If `y=3^(x-1)+3^(-x-1)` , then the least value of `y` is

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  6. Minimum value of `(b+c)//a+(c+a)//b+(a+b)//c` (for real positive numbers `a,b,c`) is

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  7. If the product of `n` positive numbers is `n^n` , then their sum is `a` positive integer b. divisible by `n` equal to `n+1//n` never less than `n^2` ``

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  8. The minimum value of `P=bcx +cay +abz`, when `xyz=abc`, is

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  9. If `l ,m ,n` are the three positive roots of the equation `x^3-a x^2+b x-48=0,` then the minimum value of `(1//l)+(2//m)+(3//n)` equals `1` `2` `3//2` `5//2`

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  10. If positive numbers `a ,b ,c` are in H.P., then equation `x^2-k x+2b^(101)-a^(101)-c^(101)=0(k in R)` has both roots positive both roots negative one positive and one negative root both roots imaginary

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  11. For `x^2-(a+3)|x|=4=0` to have real solutions, the range of `a` is `(-oo,-7]uu[1,oo)` `(-3,oo)` `(-oo,-7]` `[1,oo)`

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  12. If `a ,b ,c` are the sides of a triangle, then the minimum value of `a/(b+c-a)+b/(c+a-b)+c/(a+b-c)` is equal to `3` `6` `9` `12`

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  13. If `a ,b ,c ,d in R^+-{1},` then the minimum value of `(log)_d a+(log)_b d+(log)_a c+(log)_c b` is `4` `2` `1` none of these``

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  14. If `a ,b ,c in R^+, t h e n(b c)/(b+c)+(a c)/(a+c)+(a b)/(a+b)` is always `lt=1/2(a+b+c)` `geq1/3sqrt(a b c)` `lt=1/3(a+b+c)` `geq1/2sqrt(a b c)`

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  15. If `a ,b ,c in R^+t h e n(a+b+c)(1/a+1/b+1/c)` is always `geq12` `geq9` `lt=12` none of these``

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  16. If `a ,b ,c in R^+` , then the minimum value of `a(b^2+c^2)+b(c^2+a^2)+c(a^2+b^2)` is equal to `a b c` `2a b c` `3a b c` `6a b c`

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  17. If `a,b,c,in R^(+)`, and a,b,c, d are in H.P. then

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  18. If `a,b,c,in R^(+)`, such that `a+b+c=18`, then the maximum value of `a^2,b^3,c^4` is equal to

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  19. `f(x)=((x-2)(x-1))/(x-3), forall xgt3`. The minimum value of `f(x)` is equal to

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  20. If `a gt 0`, the least value of `(a^3+a^2+a+1)^2` is

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter INEQUALITIES INVOLVING MEANS of CENGAGE of Class 12