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Complete Solutions to Single correct Answer of chapter BINOMIAL THEOREM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle correct Answer
Number Of Questions62
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Coefficient of `x^(6)` in `(1+x)(1+x^(2))^(2)(1+x^(3))^(3)…(1+x^(n))^(n)` is

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  2. The term independent of `x` in the product `(4 + x + 7x^2)(x-3/x)^11` is

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  3. The `13^(th)` term in the expanion of `(x^(2)+2//x)^(n)` is independent of `x` then the sum of the divisiors of `n` is

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  4. Coefficient of `x^(2009)` in `(1+x+x^(2)+x^(3)+x^(4))^(1001) (1-x)^(1002)` is

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  5. If the constant term in the binomial expansion of `(x^2-1/x)^n ,n in N` is 15, then the value of `n` is equal to.

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  6. If `p^(4)+q^(3)=2(p gt 0, q gt 0)`, then the maximum value of term independent of `x` in the expansion of `(px^((1)/(12))+qx^(-(1)/(9)))^(14)` is

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  7. In the expansion of `(x^3-1/(x^2))^n ,n in N` , if the sum of the coefficients of `x^5a n dx^(10)` , then `n` is a. 25 b. 20 c. 15 d. none of these

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  8. Find the coefficient of `t^8` in the expansion of `(1+2t^2-t^3)^9`.

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  9. The term independent of `'x'` in the expansion of `(9x-(1)/(3sqrt(x)))^(18)`, `x gt 0` , is `alpha` times the corresponding binomial coefficient. Then `'alpha'` is

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  10. In the expansion of `((x)/(costheta)+(1)/(xsintheta))^(16)`, if `l_(1)` is the least value of the term independent of `x` when `(pi)/(8) le theta le (pi)/(4)` and `l_(2)` is the least value of the term independent of `x` when `(pi)/(16) le theta le (pi)/(8)`, then the value of `(l_(2))/(l_(1))` is

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  11. If `A_(i,j)` be the coefficient of `a^i b^j c^(2010-i-j)` in the expansion of `(a+b+c)^2010`, then

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  12. The coefficient of `x^(301` ub the expansion of `(1+x)^(500)+x(1+x)^(499)+x^(2)(1+x)^(498)+…+x^(500)` is

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  13. The coefficient of `x^70` in the product `(x-1)(x^2-2)(x^3-3)....(x^12-12)` is

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  14. Given `(1-x^(3))^(n)=sum_(k=0)^(n)a_(k)x^(k)(1-x)^(3n-2k)` then the value of `3*a_(k-1)+a_(k)` is

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  15. Find the sum of the roots (real or complex) of the equation `x^2001 + (1/2-x)^2001=0` .

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  16. If the `4^(th)` term of `{sqrt(x^((1)/(1+log_(10)x)))+root(12)(x)}^(6)` is equal to `200`, `x gt 1`and the logarithm is common logarithm, then`x` is not divisible by

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  17. The number of distinct terms in the expansion of `(x+y^(2))^(13)+(x^(2)+y)^(14)` is

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  18. The value of `sum_(r=1)^n(sum_(p=0)^(r-1) ^nC_r ^rC_p 2^p)` is equal to

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  19. If in the expansion of `(x^(3)-(2)/(sqrt(x)))^(n)` a term like `x^(2)` exists and `'n'` is a double digit number, then least value of `'n'` is

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  20. In `(3 3+1/(3 3))^n` if the ratio of 7th term from the beginning to the 7th term from the end is 1/6, then find the value of `ndot`

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  21. The number of distinct terms in the expansion of is `(x^(3)+(1)/(x^(3))+1)^(200)` is

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  22. If `r^[th]` and `(r+1)^[th]` term in the expansion of `(p+q)^n` are equal, then `[(n+1)q]/[r(p+q)]` is

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  23. If `(3+asqrt2)^100+(3+bsqrt2)^100=7+5sqrt2` number of pairs (a, b) for which the equation is true is, (a, b are rational numbers)

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  24. The middle term in the expansion of `(1-3x+3x^2-x^3)^(2n)` is

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  25. The algebraically second largest term in the expansion of `(3-2x)^(15)` at `x=(4)/(3)`.

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  26. If `6^(th)` term in the expansion of `((3)/(2)+(x)/(3))^(n)` is numerically greatest, when `x=3`, then the sum of possible integral values of `'n'` is

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  27. Let `(5 + 2sqrt6)^n= p+ f`, where `n in N and p in N and 0ltflt1`, then the value of `f^2 - f + pf - p` is

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  28. The sum of last 3 digits of `3^100` is

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  29. The remainder when `27^(10)+7^(51)` is divided by `10`

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  30. Consider the sequence ``('^(n)C_(0))/(1.2.3),("^(n)C_(1))/(2.3.4),('^(n)C_(2))/(3.4.5),....,` if `n=50` then greatest term is

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  31. If `P_(n)` denotes the product of all the coefficients of `(1+x)^(n)` and `9!P_(n+1)=10^(9)P_(n)` then `n` is equal to

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  32. If `N` is a prime number which divides `S=^(39)P_(19)+^(38)P_(19)+^(37)P_(19)+…+"^(20)P_(19)`, then the largest possible value of `N` among following is

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  33. If `sum_(r=0)^(n){("^(n)C_(r-1))/('^(n)C_(r )+^(n)C_(r-1))}^(3)=(25)/(24)`, then `n` is equal to

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  34. If `a,b,c,d` be four consecutive coefficients in the binomial expansion of `(1+x)^(n)`, then value of the expression `(((b)/(b+c))^(2)-(ac)/((a+b)(c+d)))` (where `x gt 0` and `n in N`) is

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  35. `("^(m)C_(0)+^(m)C_(1)-^(m)C_(2)-^(m)C_(3))+('^(m)C_(4)+^(m)C_(5)-^(m)C_(6)-^(m)C_(7))+..=0` if and only if for some positive integer `k`, `m=`

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  36. The value of `sum_(r=0)^(3n-1)(-1)^r 6nC_(2r+1)3^r` is

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  37. The coefficient of `x^(50)` in `(x+^(101)C_(0))(x+^(101)C_(1)).....(x+^(101)C_(50))` is

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  38. In the expansion of `(1+x)^(70)`, the sum of coefficients of odd powers of `x` is

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  39. The sum of all the coefficients of the terms in the expansion of `(x+y+z+w)^(6)` which contain `x` but not `y`, is

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  40. The value of `"^(12)C_(2)+^(13)C_(3)+^(14)C_(4)+...+^(999)C_(989)` is

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  41. If `(1 +x+x^2)^25 = a_0 + a_1x+ a_2x^2 +..... + a_50.x^50` then `a_0 + a_2 + a_4 + ... + a_50` is :

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  42. If the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of `(q+r)^(20)(1+(p-2)x)^(20)` is equal to square of the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of `[2rqx-(r+q)*y]^(10)`, where `p`, `r`,`q` are positive constants, then

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  43. The sum `S_(n)=sum_(k=0)^(n)(-1)^(k)*^(3n)C_(k)`, where `n=1,2,….` is

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  44. If for `n in I , n > 10 ;1+(1+x)+(1+x)^2++(1+x)^n=sum_(k=0)^n a_k*x^k , x!=0` then

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  45. Given `"^(8)C_(1)x(1-x)^(7)+2*^(8)C_(2)x^(2)(1-x)^(6)+3*^(8)C_(3)x^(3)(1-x)^(5)+...+8*x^(8)=ax+b`, then `a+b` is

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  46. The value of `99^(50)-(99)/(1)*98^(50)+(99.98)/(1.2)97^(50)-……-(99.98)/(1.2)*2^(50)+(99)/(1)*1^(50)` is

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  47. Let `f(n)= (k=1)Σ^n k^2(n C_k)^ 2` then the value of f(5) equals

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  48. The value of `sum_(r=1)^(n)(-1)^(r-1)((r )/(r+1))*^(n)C_(r )` is

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  49. The value of `((100),(0))((200),(150))+((100),(1))((200),(151))+......+((100),(50))((200),(200))` equals (where `((n),(r ))="^(n)C_(r)`)

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  50. Let `t_(100)=sum_(r=0)^(100)(1)/(("^(100)C_(r ))^(5))` and `S_(100)=sum_(r=0)^(100)(r )/(("^(100)C_(r ))^(5))`, then the value of `(100t_(100))/(S_(100))` is

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  51. Let `S_(1)=underset(0 le i lt j le 100)(sumsum)C_(i)C_(j)`, `S_(2)=underset(0 le j lt i le 100)(sumsum)C_(i)C_(j)` and `S_(3)=underset(0 le i = j le 100)(sumsum)C_(i)C_(j)` where `C_(r )` represents cofficient of `x^(r )` in the binomial expansion of `(1+x)^(100)`
    If `S_(1)+S_(2)+S_(3)=a^(b)` where `a`, `b in N`, then the least value of `(a+b)` is

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  52. `"^(74)C_(37)-2` is divisibl by

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  53. If `"^(n)C_(0)-^(n)C_(1)+^(n)C_(2)-^(n)C_(3)+...+(-1)^(r )*^(n)C_(r )=28` , then `n` is equal to ……

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  54. If the value of `"^(n)C_(0)+2*^(n)C_(1)+3*^(n)C_(2)+...+(n+1)*^(n)C_(n)=576`, then `n` is

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  55. The value of `((50),(6))-((5),(1))((40),(6))+((5)/(2))((30),(6))-((5),(3))((20),(6))+((5),(4))((10),(6))` where `((n),(r ))` denotes `"^(n)C_(r )`, is

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  56. The value of the expansion `(sumsum)_(0 le i lt j le n) (-1)^(i+j-1)"^(n)C_(i)*^(n)C_(j)=`

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  57. `sum_(m=1)^(n)(sum_(k=1)^(m)(sum_(p=k)^(m)"^(n)C_(m)*^(m)C_(p)*^(p)C_(k)))=`

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  58. If `((1-3x)^(1//2)+(1-x)^(5//3))/(sqrt(4-x))` is approximately equal to `a+bx` for small values of `x`, then `(a,b)=`

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  59. The sum of the series
    `1 + (1)/(3^(2)) + (1 *4)/(1*2) (1)/(3^(4))+( 1 * 4 * 7)/(1 *2*3)(1)/(3^(6)) + ..., ` is

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  60. Coefficient of `x^(2^(m+1))` in the expansion of `1/((1+x)(1+x^2)(1+x^4)(1+x^8).....(1+x^(2^m)))(|x|<1)` is

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  61. If `(2x^2+3x+4)^(10)=sum_(r=0)^(20) a_r x^r`, then `(a_7)/(a_(13)`=

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  62. `"^(30)C_(0)*^(20)C_(10)+^(31)C_(1)*^(19)C_(10)+^(32)C_(2)*18C_(10)+....^(40)C_(10)*^(10)C_(10)` is equal to

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Single correct Answer questions and complete solutions for chapter BINOMIAL THEOREM of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12