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Complete Solutions to JEE Advanced Previous Year of chapter DEFINITE INTEGRATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWJEE Advanced Previous Year
Number Of Questions38
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let f be a non-negative function defined on the interval .[0,1].If `int_0^x sqrt[1-(f'(t))^2].dt`=`int_0^x f(t).dt`, `0<=x<=1` and f(0)=0,then

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  2. The value of `int_0^1(x^4(1-x)^4)/(1+x^2)\ dx` is

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  3. Let `f` be a real-valued function defined on the inverval `(-1,1)` such that `e^(-x)f(x)=2+int_0^xsqrt(t^4+1)dt ,` for all, `x in (-1,1)a n dl e tf^(-1)` be the inverse function of `fdot` Then `(f^(-1))^'(2)` is equal to 1 (b) `1/3` (c) `1/2` (d) `1/e`

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  4. The valued of `int_(sqrt(In2))^(sqrt(In3)) (x sinx^(2))/(sinx^(2)+sin(In 6-x^(2)))dx` is

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  5. Let `f:[-1,2]vec[0,oo)` be a continuous function such that `f(x)=f(1-x)fora l lx in [-1,2]dot` Let `R_1=int_(-1)^2xf(x)dx ,` and `R_2` be the area of the region bounded by `y=f(x),x=-1,x=2,` and the `x-a xi s` . Then `R_1=2R_2` (b) `R_1=3R_2` `2R_1` (d) `3R_1=R_2`

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  6. Let `f:[1/2,1]vecR` (the set of all real numbers) be a positive, non-constant, and differentiable function such that `f^(prime)(x)<2f9x)a n df(1/2)=1` . Then the value of `int_(1/2)^1f(x)dx` lies in the interval `(2e-1,2e)` (b) `(3-1,2e-1)` `((e-1)/2,e-1)` (d) `(0,(e-1)/2)`

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  7. Let `f:[0,2]vecR` be a function which is continuous on [0,2] and is differentiable on (0,2) with `f(0)=1` `L e t :F(x)=int_0^(x^2)f(sqrt(t))dtforx in [0,2]dotIfF^(prime)(x)=f^(prime)(x)` . for all `x in (0,2),` then `F(2)` equals `e^2-1` (b) `e^4-1` `e-1` (d) `e^4`

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  8. `int_((pi)/4)^((pi)/2)(2cosecx)^17` dx

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  9. Let `f prime(x)=(192x^3)/(2+sin^4 pix)` for all `x in RR` with `f(1/2)=0.` If `mlt=int_(1/2)^1f(x)dxlt=M` then the possible values of m and M are (i) `m=13,M= 24` (ii)` m=1/4,M=1/2` (iii) `m=-11,M = 0` (iv) `m=1,M=12`

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  10. Evaluate: `int_(-pi//2)^(pi//2)(cosx)/(1+e^x)dx`

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  11. If `I_n=int_(-pi)^(pi) \ (sinnx)/((1+pi^x) \ sinx) \ dx, n=0,1,2,......` then which one of the following is not true ?

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  12. Let f be a real-valued function defined on interval `(0,oo)`,by `f(x)=lnx+int_0^xsqrt(1+sint).dt`. Then which of the following statement(s) is (are) true? (A). f"(x) exists for all `in` `(0,oo)`.`" "` (B). f'(x) exists for all x `in` `(0,oo)` and f' is continuous on `(0,oo)`, but not differentiable on `(0,oo)`.`" "` (C). there exists `alpha>1` such that `|f'(x)|<|f(x)|` for all x `in` `(alpha,oo)`.`" "` (D). there exists `beta>1` such that `|f(x)|+|f'(x)|<=beta` for all x `in` `(0,oo)`.

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  13. Let `S` be the area of the region enclosed by `y=e^-x^2,y=0,x=0,a n dx=1.` Then `Sgeq1/e` (b) `Sgeq1=1/e` `Slt=1/4(1+1/(sqrt(e)))` (d) `Slt=1/(sqrt(2))+1/(sqrt(e))(1-1/(sqrt(2)))`

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  14. Find `a` for which `lim_(n->oo) (1^a+2^a+3^a+...+n^a)/((n+1)^(a-1)[(na+1)+(na+2)+...+(na+n)])=1/60`

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  15. Let `f:[a,b]to[1,oo)` be a continuous function and let `g:RtoR` be defined as
    `g(x)={(0,"if",xlta),(int_(a)^(x)f(t)dt,"if",alexleb),(int_(a)^(b)f(t)dt,"if",xgtb):}` Then

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  16. Let `f:(0,oo) in R` be given
    `f(x)=overset(x)underset(1//x)int e^-(t+(1)/(t))(1)/(t)dt`, then

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  17. The option(s) with the values of `aa n dL` that satisfy the following equation is (are) `(int0 4pie^t(s in^6a t+cos^4a t)dt)/(int0pie^t(s in^6a t+cos^4a t)dt)=L` `a=2,L=(e^(4pi)-1)/(e^(pi)-1)` (b) `a=2,L=(e^(4pi)+1)/(e^(pi)+1)` `a=4,L=(e^(4pi)-1)/(e^(pi)-1)` (d) `a=4,L=(e^(4pi)+1)/(e^(pi)+1)`

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  18. Let `f(x)=7tan^8x+7tan^6x-3tan^4x-3tan^4x-3tan^2x` for all `x in (-pi/2,pi/2)` . Then the correct expression (s) is (are) `int_0^(pi/4)xf(x)dx=1/(12)` `int_0^(pi/4)f(x)dx=0` `int_0^(pi/4)xf(x)=1/6` (d) `int_0^(pi/4)f(x)dx=1/(12)`

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  19. Let `f(x)=lim_(n->oo)((n^n(x+n)(x+n/2)....(x+n/n))/(n!(x^2+n^2)(x^2+n^2/4).....(x^2+n^2/n^2)))^(x/n)` foe all `x>0`. Then

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  20. Let `f: Rvec(0,1)` be a continuous function. Then, which of the following function (s) has (have) the value zero at some point in the interval (0,1)? `e^x-int_0^xf(t)sintdt` (b) `f(x)+int_0^(pi/2)f(t)sintdt` `x-int_0^(pi/2-x)f(t)costdt` (d) `x^9-f(x)`

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  21. If `Isum_(k=1)^(98)int_k^(k+1)(k+1)/(x(x+1))dx ,t h e n:` `I<(49)/(50)` (b) `I >(log)_e 99` `I >(log)_e 99` (d) `I<(log)_e 99`

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  22. If `g(x)=int_(sinx)^("sin"(2x))sin^(-1)(t)dt ,t h e n :` `g^(prime)(pi/2)=-2pi` (b) `g^(prime)(-pi/2)=-2pi` `g^(prime)(-pi/2)=2pi` (d) `g^(prime)(pi/2)=2pi`

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  23. Given that for each `a epsilon(0,1),lim_(hto 0^(+)) int_(h)^(1-h)f^(-a)(1-t)^(a-1)dt` exists. Let this limit be `g(a)`. In addition it is given the function `g(a)` is differentiable on`(0,1)`.
    The value of `g(1/2)` is

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  24. Given that for each `a epsilon(0,1),lim(hto 0^(+)) int_(h)^(1-h)f^(-a)(1-t)^(a-1)dt` exists. Let this limit be `g(a)`. In addition it is given the function `g(a)` is differentiable on`(0,1)`.
    The value of `g'(1/2)` is

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  25. Let `F:RtoR` be a thrice differntiable function. Suppose that `F(1)=0,F(3)=-4` and `F'(x)lt0` for all `x epsilon(1//2,3)`. Let `f(x)=xF(x)` for all `x epsilonR`.
    The correct statement(s) is (are)

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  26. Let `F:R- R` be a thrice differentiable function. Suppose that `F(1)=0,F(3)=-4` and `F(x)<0` for all `x in (1/2,3)`. Let `f(x)=xF(x)` for all `x in R` The correct statement is

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  27. Match the statements/expressions given in List ( with the value given in List II.

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  28. For any real number `x ,l e t[x]` denote the largest integer less than or equal to `x ,L e tf` be a real-valued function defined on the interval `[-10 , 10]` be `f(x)={x-[x],if[x]i sod d1+[x]-x ,if[x]i se v e n` Then the value of `(pi^2)/(10)int_(-1)^(10)f(x)cospixdxi s____`

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  29. Let `y^(prime)(x)+y(x)g^(prime)(x)=g(x)g^(prime)(x),y(0),x in R ,` where `f^(prime)(x)` denotes `(dy(x))/(dx),` and `g(x)` is a given non-constant differentiable function on `R` with `g(0)=g(2)=0.` Then the value of `y(2)` is______

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  30. The value of `int_0^1 4x^3{(d^2)/(dx^2)(1-x^2)^5}dxi s`

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  31. Let `f: RvecR` be a continuous odd function, which vanishes exactly at one point and `f(1)=1/2dot` Suppose that `F(x)=int_(-1)^xf(t)dtfora l lx in [-1,2]a n dG(x)=int_(-1)^x t|f(f(t))|dtfora l lx in [-1,2]dotIf(lim)_(xvec1)(F(x))/(G(x))=1/(14),` Then the value of `f(1/2)` is

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  32. If `alpha=int_0^1(e^9x+3tan^((-1)x))((12+9x^2)/(1+x^2))dxw h e r etan^(-1)` takes only principal values, then the value of `((log)_e|1+alpha|-(3pi)/4)i s`

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  33. Let `F(x)=int_x^[x^2+pi/6][2cos^2t.dt]` for all `x in R` and `f:[0,1/2] -> [0,oo)` be a continuous function.For `a in [0,1/2]`, if F'(a)+2 is the area of the region bounded by x=0,y=0,y=f(x) and x=a, then f(0) is

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  34. Let `f: RvecR` be a function defined by `f(x)={[x],xlt=2 0,x >2` where `[x]` is the greatest integer less than or equal to `xdot` If `I=int_(-1)^2(xf(x^2))/(2+f(x+1))dx ,t h e nt h ev a l u eof(4I-1)i s`

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  35. The total number for distinct `x in[0,1]` for which `int_(0)^(x)(t^(2))/(1+t^(4))dt=2x-1` is __________.

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  36. Let `f: RvecR` be a differentiable function such that `f(0),f(pi/2)=3a n df^(prime)(0)=1.` If `g(x)=int_x^(pi/2)[f^(prime)(t)cos e ct-cottcos e ctf(t)]dtforx(0,pi/2],` then `(lim)_(xvec0)g(x)=`

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  37. For each positive integer `n` , let `y_n=1/n((n+1)(n+2)dot(n+n))^(1/n)` For `x in R` let `[x]` be the greatest integer less than or equal to `x` . If `(lim)_(n->oo)y_n=L` , then the value of `[L]` is ______.

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  38. The value of the integral `int_0^(1/2)(1+sqrt(3))/(((x+1)^2(1-x)^6)^(1/4))dx` is ______.

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JEE Advanced Previous Year questions and complete solutions for chapter DEFINITE INTEGRATION of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12