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Complete Solutions to Subjective of chapter WAVE OPTICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A monochromatic beam of light of 6000 `Å` is used in YDSE set-up. The two slits are covered with two thin films of equal thickness t but of different refractive indices as shown in figure. Considering the intensity of the incident beam on the slits to be `I_(0)`, find the point on the screen at which intensity is `I_(0)` and is just above the central maxima. (Assume that there is no change in intensity of the light after passing through the films.) Consider `t = 6 mu m, d = 1 mm,` and `D = 1 m,` where d and D have their usual meaning. Give your answer in mm.

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  2. A double slit of separation 1.5 mm is illuminated by white light (between 4000 and 8000 `Å`). On a screen 120 cm away colored interference pattern is formed. If a pinhole is made on this screen at a distance of 3.0 mm from the central white fringe, some wavelengths will be absent in the transimitted light. Find the second longest wavelength (in `Å`) which will be absent in the transmitted light.

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  3. In figure S is a monochromatic source of light emitting light of wavelength of wavelength `lambda` (in air). Light on slits `S_(1)` from S and then reaches in the slit `S_(2)` and `S_(3)` through a medium of refractive index `mu_(1)`. Light from slit `S_(2)` and `S_(3)` reaches the screen through a medium of refractive index `mu_(3)`. A thin transparent film of refractive index `mu_(2)` and thickness t is used placed in front of `S_(2)`. Point P is symmetrical w.r.t. `S_(2)` and `S_(3)`. Using the values `d = 1 mm, D = 1 m, mu_(1) = 4//3`,
    `mu_(2) = 3//2, mu_(3) = 9//5`, and `t = (4)/(9) xx 10^(-5) m`,
    a. find distance of central maxima from P,
    b. If the film in front of `S_(2)` is removed, then by what distance and in which direction will be central maxima shift ?

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  4. In the Young's double-slit experiment, the amplitude os source `S_(1)` is three times the amplitude of the source `S_(2)`. These sources are covered by perfectly transparent thin plates of same thickness but different refractive indices 1.6 and 1.5, respectively. Now, if the plates are interchanged and the amplitude of source `S_(1)` is made same as that of `S_(2)`, then find the amout by which the intensity is changed at a point where previous central maxima was formed. Take thickness of the plate equal to `(110//3) lambda`, where `lambda` is the wavelength of light used.

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  5. Figure shows a narrow slit S illuminated b a monochromatic light of wavelength `lambda` in a double-slit experiment. In the path of the rays reaching the upper slit `S_(1)`, a tube to length L is interposed in which the index of reflection of the medium varies linearly as shown in figure . The position of the central maximum in the interference pattern on the screen was displaceed by N fringes. Find the value of N in terms of `mu_(0)`, L and `lambda`.

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  6. In Young's double-slit experiment, a point source is placed on a solid slab of refractive index `6//5` at a distance of 2 mm from two slits spaced 3 mm apart as shown and at equal distacne from both the slits. The screen is at a distance of 1 m from the slits. Wavelength of light used is 500 nm.
    a. Find the position of the central maximum.
    b. Find the order of the fringe formed at O.
    c. A film of refractive index 1.8 is to be placed in front of `S_(1)` so that central maxima is formed where 200th maxima was formed. Find the thickness of film.

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  7. In YDSE, the sources is red ligth of wavelength `7 xx 10^(-7) m`. When a thin glass plate of refractive index 1.5 is put in the path of one of the interfering beams, the central bright fringe shifts by `10^(-3)` m to the position previously occupied by the 5th bright fringe.
    If the source is now changed to green light of wavelength `10^(-7)m`, the central fringe shifts to a position initially occupied by the sixth bright fringe due to red ligth. What will be refractive index of glass plate for the second ligth for changed source of ligth?

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  8. Figure shows a modified Fresnel biprism experiment with monochromatic source of wavelength 500 nm. The refracting angle of glass prism is `2^(@)`. Find the fringe width.

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  9. Interference fringes are produced by a double slit arrangement
    and a piece of plane parallel glass of refractive index 1.5 is interposed in one of
    the interfering beam. If the fringes are displaced through 30 fringe widths for
    light of wavelength `6xx 10^(-5) cm`, find the thickness of the plate.

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  10. In YDSE, find the thickness of a glass slab `(mu=1.5)` which
    should be placed in front of the upper slit `S_1` so that the central maximum now
    lies at a point where 5th bright fringe was lying earlier (before inserting the
    slab). Wavelength of light used is `5000 Å`.

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  11. Bichromatic light is used in YDSE having wavelengths
    ` lambda_1 = 400 nm and lambda_2= 700nm`. Find minimum order of bright fringe of `lambda_1` which overlaps with bright fringe of `lambda_2` .

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Subjective questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVE OPTICS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 12