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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter Thermodynamics of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions76
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A gas initially at `17^@C` issuddenly compressed to 1/8 of its original volume. Find the temperature after compression ? [gamma` = frac(5)(3)]`

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  2. A gas expands from 75 litres to 125 litres at constant pressure of 4 atmosphere. Find the work done by the gas during this expansion.

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  3. When the temperature of 5 mol of a gas is changed from `100^@C` to `120^@C` keeping the volume constant, the change in internal energy of the gas is 80 J, then find the heat capacity of the gas at constant volume.

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  4. 5 mol of oxygen is heated at constant volume from `10^@C` to `20^@C`. Find the change in internal energy of the gas

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  5. An amount of heat of 100 cal is supplied to a gas. The work done by the gas is 210 J. Find the increase in internal energy.

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  6. 400 J of work is performed on a gasfor reducing its volume by compression. If the change is done adiabatically, whatisthe amount of heat absorbed by it?

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  7. A cylinder contains one gram mole of `H_2` at `17^@C` and 2 atms. The initial volume of the gas is `2xx10(-3)m^3`. Find the work done if its volume changes by 15 percent.

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  8. In a thermodynamic process 400 J of heat is given to a gas and 100 J of work is also done on it. Find the change in the internal energy of the gas.

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  9. If 5 moles of oxygen at STP is adiabatically compressed so that temperature increases to `400^@C`, then find the work done on the gas. R=8.3J/mole−K

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  10. 70 calories of heat is required to raise the temperature 2 moles of an ideal gas at constant pressure from `30^@C` to `35^@C`. What is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the same gas from `30^@C` to `35^@C` at constant volume?

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  11. If 1200 calories of heat is removed from a gas which is held at constant volume, what is the change in internal energy of the system?

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  12. The volume of 1 kilomole of an ideal gas increases isothermally from 1 litre to 10 litres at `27^@C`. If the universal gas constant is 8312 `Jkmol^(-1)K^(-1)`, calculate the work done.

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  13. Work done for the rise of one mole of helium gas adiabatically through `2^@C` is W. What is the work done for the rise of one mole of hydrogen gas adiabatically through `2^@C`?

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  14. A diatomic gas at pressure P and volume V is compressed adiabatically to `frac(1)(32)` times the original volume. Find the final pressure.

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  15. During an adiabatic process, if the pressure of an ideal gas is proportional to the cube of its temperature, find f value.

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  16. Calculate the efficiency of a Carnot's engine working between steam point and ice point.

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  17. A Carnot engine takes in 1000 k cal of heat from a reservoir at `627^@C` and exhausts heat to sink at `27^@C`. What is the efficiency?

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  18. A Carnot engine whose low temperature reservoir is at `7^@C` has an efficiency of 40. It is desired to increase the efficiency to `50%`. By how many degree must the temperature of the high temperature reservoir be increased?

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  19. A refrigerator has to transfer an average of 263 J of heat per second from temperature `(-10)^@C` to `25^@C`. Calculate the average power consumed assuming ideal reversible cycle and no other losses.

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  20. Refrigerator A works between `(-10)^@C` and `27^@C` while refrigerator B works between `-20^@C` and `17^@C`, both removing heat equal to 2000 J from the freezer. Which of the two is the better refrigerator?

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  21. For a given amount of gas at a given temperature when volume is ten folded isothermally, the work done is x. What is the work done for the same amount of gas at the same temperature, if the volume is hundred folded?

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  22. Thermal equilibrium implies the equality of

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  23. The direction of flow of heat between two bodies is determined by

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  24. A quantity of heat Q issupplied to a monoatomic ideal gas, which expands at constant pressure. The fraction of heat that goes into work done by the gasis

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  25. An adiabatic process occurs at constant

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  26. In an adiabatic expansion of a gas

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  27. When a gas expands adiabatically

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  28. The pressure temperature relationship for an ideal gas undergoing adiabatic change is

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  29. A gas is compressed at a constant pressure of 50 Pa from a volume `10 m^3` to a volume of `4 m^3`. If 100 J of heat is added to the gas, then its internal energy.

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  30. Two samples A and B of a gas initially of the same temperature and pressure are compressed from a volume V to a volume `frac(V)(2)` such that A is compressed isothermally and B adiabatically. The final pressure of

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  31. A quantity of heat Q issupplied to a monoatomic ideal gas, which expands at constant pressure. The fraction of heat that goes into work done by the gasis

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  32. Starting with same initial conditions, an ideal gas expands from volume `V_1` to `V_2` in three different ways. The work done by the gas is `W_1` if the process is purely isothermal, `W_2` if purely isobaric and `W_3` if purely adiabatic. Then

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  33. An ideal gas A and a real gas B have their volumesincreased fromV to2V under isothermal conditions. The increase in internal energy

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  34. For a gas undergoing an adiabatic process, the relation between temperature and volume is found to be `TV^(@.4)` = constant. The gas may be

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  35. The internal energy of a gas decreases by an amount equal to the external work, the gas is undergoing

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  36. In a cyclic process

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  37. `delta Q` = `delta U` is true for

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  38. For isothermal expansion of perfect gas, the value of `delta fra(P)(P)` is equal to

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  39. Four curves A, B, Cand Dare drawn in the figure for a given amount of gas. The curves which represent adiabatic and isothermal changes are

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  40. A given mass of a gas expands from state A to state B by three paths 1, 2 and 3 as shown in the figure. If `W_1`, `W_2` and `W_3` respectively are the work done by the gas along the three paths, then. br>

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  41. If` w_1` and `w_2` are the amounts of work done in the given two indicator diagrams, then br>

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  42. In the indicator diagram shown, the work done along the path AB is br>

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  43. In the indicator diagram shown, the work done in the cyclic process is br>

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  44. The internal energy of air in a room of volume `40 m^3` atstandard atmospheric pressure is

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  45. A gas undergoes a change of state during which 100 J of heat is supplied to it does 20 J of work. The system is brought back to its original state through a process during which 20 J heat is released by the gas. The work done by the gas in the second processes.

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  46. The amount of work done to increase the temperature of one mole of an ideal gas by `30^@C`, if it expands under the condition `VpropT^frac(2)(3)` is

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  47. Two engines A and B have their sources at 400 K and 350 K and sinks at 350 K and 300 K respectively. Which is more efficient and by how much ?

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  48. If two thirds of the heat taken by a heat engine from the source is given to the sink, its efficiency is

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  49. The efficiency of a heat engine is `20%`, when the working substance is hydrogen. Its efficiency if hydrogen is replaced by oxygen is

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  50. If the absolute temperatures of the source and sink of a heat engine are in the ratio `4 : 3`, its efficiency is

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  51. Two Carnot engines A and B are operated in series. A receives heat at 900 K and rejects it to the reservoir at TK. B receives the rejected heat from Aand rejectsit to itsreservoir at 400 K. If the work outputs of A and B are equal, then T is

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  52. A refrigerator has a coefficient of performance 9. If the surrounding temperature is `27^@C`, the minimum temperature it can cool a body inside is

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  53. A refrigerator works between `0^@C` and `27^@C`. If heat is to be removed from the refrigerated space at t/rate of 50 kcal/minute, the power of the motor of the refrigerator should be

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  54. A gas in a closed container is heated with 10 J of energy , causing the lid of the container to rise 2 m with 3 N of force. What is the total change in energy of the system ?

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  55. Which of the following is an example of the first law of thermodynamics ?

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  56. Efficiency of a Carnot engine is large when

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  57. The second law of thermpdynamics deals with transfer of

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  58. During refrigration cycle, heat is rejected by the refrigerant in the

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  59. Select and write correct alternative from the following alternatives: The indicator diagrams representing maximum and minimum amounts of work done are respectively:

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  60. State first law of thermodynamics.

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  61. Work done during expansion is positive. Explain.

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  62. State zeroth law of thermo dynamics? OR Give the characteristics of isobaric process.

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  63. Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the energy flow of heat engine.

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  64. State both the statements of second law of thermodynamics.

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  65. Mention the set of processesin a Carnot cycle.

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  66. Distinguish between Reversible and Irreversible process.

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  67. 5 mol of oxygen is heated at constant volume from `10^@C` to `20^@C`. Find the change in internal energy of the gas

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  68. An amount of heat of 100 cal is supplied to a gas. The work done by the gas is 210 J. Find the increase in internal energy.

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  69. An ideal gasin a cylinder is compressed adiabatically to one-third its original volume. During the processif 45 J of work is done on the gas by the compressing agent, what is the change in internal energy?

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  70. Derive an expression for efficiency of Carnot cycle.

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  71. Derive an expression for work done in adiabatic process.

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  72. Explain the working of a refrigerator with energy flow diagram?

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  73. A Carnot engine absorbs 1000 J of heat from a reservoir at `127^@C` and rejects 600 J of heat during each cycle.Calculatethe temperature of the sink

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  74. A Carnot engine absorbs 1000 J of heat from a reservoir at `127^@C` and rejects 600 J of heat during each cycle.Calculatethe amount of the useful work done during each cycle.

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  75. What isthe process modification in sterling cycle compared to Carnot.

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  76. what are the uses of sterling cycle.

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter Thermodynamics of CHETANA PUBLICATION of Class 12

All Exercises from CHETANA PUBLICATION Class 12 PHYSICS Thermodynamics