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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter Current Electricity of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterCurrent Electricity
Number Of Questions92
Academic Year2023-24
  1. (1)In the following circuit, calculate the value of the current (I).

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  2. In an electric circuit, the currents 2A, 1.5A and 3A flow towards the junction. While a current of 2.5A and an unknown current leave the junction. Find the magnitude of unknown current.

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  3. A resistance of `2Omega` is connected in parallel to a galvanometer of resistance `48Omega`. Find the percentage of fraction of total current passing through the resistance of `2Omega`.

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  4. A galvanometer has a resistance of `16Omega`. It shows full scale deflection when a current of 20mA is passed through it. The only shunt resistance available is 0.06W which is not appropriate to convert galvanometer into ammeters. How much resistance should be connected in series with the coil of galvanometer so that the range of ammeter is 8A?

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  5. A moving coil galvanometer has a resistance of `25Omega` and goes a full scale deflection for a current of 10mA. How will you convert it into voltmeter having a range of 0.100V?

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  6. The combined resistance of a galvanometer of resistance `500Omega` and its shunt is `21Omega`. Calculate the value of shunt.

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  7. A potentiometer wire has a resistance per unit length of `0.1 Omega//m`. A cell of emf 1.5V balance against 300 cm length of the wire. Find the current through potentiometer wire.

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  8. Resistance of potentiometer wire is `0.1Omega//cm`. A cell of emf 1.5V is balanced at 300cm on this potentiometer wire. Calculate the current and balancing length for another cell of emf 1.4V on the same potentiometer wire.

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  9. In a balanced meterbridge, the segment of wire opposite to `20Omega` is 40cm. Calculate the unknown resistance.

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  10. A uniform wire is cut into two pieces such that on piece is twice as long as the other. The two piece are connected in parallel in the left gap of a meterbridge. When a resistance of `20Omega` is connected in the right gap, the null point is obtained at a distance of 60cm from the right end of the wire. Find the resistance of the wire before it was cut into two pieces.

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  11. Two coils are connected in series in one gap of the meterbridge and null point is obtained of the middle of the wire by putting `75Omega` in the other gap. Two coils are then connected in parallel and the null point is obtained again at the middle of the wire when the resistance in the other gap is changed by `57Omega`. Find the resistance of each coil.

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  12. A skeleton tube is made of 12 wires each of resistance `ROmega` is connected to a cell of emf E and of negotiable internal resistance. Use Kirchhoff's laws to find the resistance between:- diagonally opposite corners of the cube.

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  13. A skeleton tube is made of 12 wires each of resistance `ROmega` is connected to a cell of emf E and of negotiable internal resistance. Use Kirchhoff's laws to find the resistance between:- diagonally opposite corners of the cube.

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  14. A skeleton tube is made of 12 wires each of resistance `ROmega` is connected to a cell of emf E and of negotiable internal resistance. Use Kirchhoff's laws to find the resistance between:- diagonally opposite corners of the same face of the cube is across face diagonal.

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  15. A galvanometer has resistance of `25 Omega` capacity to carry a maximum current of 25mA. How can it be used as ammeter to read the current upto 0.1 A?

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  16. At what point the null point be obtained in meterbridge experiment when the ratio of resistance in two gaps is `3:7`?

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  17. The potentiometer wire has length 10m and resistance `10Omega`, if the current flowing through it is 0.4A, what are the balancing lengths when two cells of emfs 1.3V and 1.1V are connected so as to:- assist and

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  18. The potentiometer wire has length 10m and resistance `10Omega`, if the current flowing through it is 0.4A, what are the balancing lengths when two cells of emfs 1.3V and 1.1V are connected so as to:- oppose each other?

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  19. When a resister of `10Omega` is connected across a cell, its terminal potential difference is balanced by 150cm of potentiometer wire and when `20Omega` resistance is connected across the cell, terminal potential difference is balanced by 175cm of the same potentiometer wire. Find the balancing length when the cell is in open circuit and also find the internal resistance of the cell.

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  20. Two cells having unknown emfs `E_1` and `E_2` `(E_1 > E_2)` are connected in potentiometer circuit so as to assist each other. The null point is obtained at 8.125m from higher potential end. When cell `E_2` is connected so as to oppose cell `E_1`, the null point is obtained at 1.25m from the same end compare the emfs of two cells.

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  21. A potentiometer wire has a length of 2m and resistance `10Omega`. It is connected in series with resistance `990Omega` and a cell of emf 2V. Calculate the potential gradient along the wire.

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  22. Four resistance 4,4,4 and `12Omega` form a Wheatstone’s network. Find the resistance when connected across `12Omega` resistance will balance the network?

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  23. Two resistance x and y in the two gaps of a meter bridge give a null point dividing the wire in the ratio `2:3`. If each resistance is increased by `30Omega`,the null point divides the wire in the ratio `5:6`. calculate each resistance.

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  24. Three cells are connected in parallel with their like poles connected together with wires of negligible resistance. The e.m.f. of the cells are 2V, 3V and 4V respectively and their internal resistances are `1 Omega`, `2Omega` and `3Omega`, respectively. Find the current through each branch.

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  25. The unknown resistance is placed in a left gap and a resistance of `50 Omega` in right gap of meter bridge. The null point is obtained at 60 cm from the right gap. Determine the unknown resistance.

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  26. In a meter bridge experiment, the unknown resistance X in the left gap and a known resistance of `60 Omega` in right gap, null point is obtained at l cm from left. If the unknown resistance X is shunted by an equal resistance, what should be the value of known resistance in the right gap in order to get the null point at the same place?

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  27. Select and wrote only the correct answer in words alongwith the alphabet of the following questions:- Kirchhoff's first law, i.e., `suml= 0` at a junction, deals with the conservation of?

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  28. When the balance point is obtained in the potentiometer, a current is drawn from?

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  29. In the following circuit diagram , an infinite series of resistance is shown . Equivalent resistance between points A and B is

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  30. Four resistances `10 Omega`, `10 Omega`, `10 Omega` and `15 Omega` form a Wheatstone's network. What shunt is required across `15 Omega` resistor to balance the bridge

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  31. A circular loop has a resistance of `40 Omega`. Two points P and Q of the loop, which are one quarter of the circumference apart are connected to a 24V battery, having an internal resistance of `0.5 Omega`. What is the current flowing through the battery.

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  32. To find the resistance of a gold bangle, two diametrically opposite points of the bangle are connected to the two terminals of the left gap of a metre bridge. A resistance of `4 Omega` is introduced in the right gap. What is the resistance of the bangle if the null point is at 20 cm from the left end?.

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  33. Kirchhoff's second law is the consequence of law of conservation of ............... .

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  34. For given Wheatstone's network for being balanced, the value of resistance should be ............. .

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  35. In the measurement of resistance by meter bridge, the end error can be eliminated by ............. .

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  36. E.m.f. can be measured by

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  37. The formula for internal resistance of a cell

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  38. In a potentiometer experiment balancing for the first cell and second cell are 2.5 m and 2 m, respectively, when cells are used separately. Hence, `E_1/E_2` is

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  39. Which of the following is S.I. unit of potential gradient?

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  40. Length of potentiometer wire is 600 cm and a driving cell develop 6V potential difference across it. The potential gradient along the wire is?

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  41. The potential difference `V_C-V_D` between the points D and C in the following diagram is

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  42. Two unknown resistrance X and Y are connected to left and right gaps of a meter bridge and the balancing point is obtained at 80 cm from left. When a 10Ω resistance is connected in parallel to x, the balance point is 50 cm from left. The values of X and Y respectively are

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  43. In a balanced Wheatstone's bridge, if the position of the galvanometer and cell is interchanged then the balanced condition will

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  44. A battery having e.m.f. 5V and internal resistance 0.5 is connected with a resistance of `4.5 Omega`, then the voltage at the terminals of the battery is

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  45. A cell supplies a current 1.2A through a resistor `2 Omega`. The same cell supplies a current 0.4A through a `7 Omega` resistor. The internal resistance of the cell is

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  46. A voltmeter having a resistance of `50 Omega` is connected across a cell of e.m.f. 2V and internal resistance `10 Omega`. The reading of the voltmeter,

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  47. The length and cross-section of the wire of meter bridge are

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  48. The balance point is obtained at 40 cm from left end in meter bridge. Then the ratio of resistance in the gap is

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  49. Kelvin's method of determination of resistance of galvanometer

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  50. Accuracy of potentiometer can be easily increased by

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  51. A potential difference 3V is applied across a potentiometer wire of length 10 m. If the length of wire is reduced by 1 m the value of potential gradient in `V//m` will be

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  52. A cell of internal resistance "r" is connected to an external resistance "R". p.d. will be maximum across "R" if

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  53. A Wheatstone's bridge ABCD is balanced with a galvanometer between the points B and D. At balance, the potential at B and D.

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  54. Kirchhoffs voltage law and current law are respectively in accordance with the conservation of

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  55. A skeleton cube is made of 12 wires, each of resistance R. The resistance between any two adjacent comers of the cube is

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  56. When unknown resistance is determined by meterbridge the error due to contact resistance is minimized

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  57. In potentiometer experiment, if `l_1` is the balancing length for emf of cell of internal resistance r and `l_2` is the balancing length for its terminal potential difference when shunted with resistance R then

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  58. An ideal ammeter has

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  59. Which of the following statement is true?

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  60. In the following circuit the value of resistance R

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  61. The deflection in moving coil galvanometer is reduced to half when it is shunted with `50Omega` resistance. The resistance of galvanometer is

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  62. If galvanometer is shunted by `(1/n)^ th` resistance, then the the fraction of current passing through the galvanometer will be

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  63. An ideal voltmeter has

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  64. The resistance of a galvanometer is G. If S is the resistance used to convert galvanometer into ammeter then the effective resistance of ammeter is

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  65. A moving coil galvanometer of resistance G gives full scale deflection for a certain current. The shunt resistance required to convert it to measure a current n times the initial current is

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  66. The range of an ammeter can be increased by

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  67. The range of a voltmeter can be increased by

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  68. In the circuit given below, the equivalent resistance between point A and C is

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  69. In a Wheatstone's network, the resistance in cycle order are P = `10Omega`, `Q = 5Omega`, S = `4Omega` and R = `4Omega` then for the bridge to balance.

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  70. A lead resistance R is connected across a cell of emf E and internal resistance r. If the closed circuit p.d. across the terminals of the cell is V the internal resistance of the cell is.

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  71. In the following circuit the equivalent resistance between A and B is
    10 Ω
    20 Ω
    30 Ω
    40 Ω

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  72. The material of wire of potentiometer is

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  73. Length of potentiometer wire is 600 cm and a driving cell develop 6V potential difference across it. The potential gradient along the wire is?

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  74. The algebraic sum of current at junction in any electric circuit is equal to

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  75. Which of the following instruments in generally used with a galvanometer to show null reading?

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  76. A Wheatstone's bridge ABCD is balanced with a galvanometer between the points B and D. At balance, the .............. between the points B and D is zero.

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  77. The emf of a cell is E volt and internal resistance is r ohm. It resistance in the external circuit is r ohm, the p.d. across the cell will be

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  78. State the principle of potentiometer.

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  79. Write down the equation for thermo emf when cold junction is at `0^@C` and the hot junction is at `T^@C`.

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  80. A cell of emf 1.1 V and internal resistance r is connected across as external resister of resistance 10r. Find the potential difference across the external resistor.

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  81. State any two advantages of potentiometer over voltmeter.

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  82. Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter, (any two points).

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  83. If V = `n_v V_g` then show that X = G`(n_v -1)`.

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  84. Define potential gradient. State its unit and dimension.

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  85. Four resistances `4Omega`, `8Omega`, `xOmega` and `6Omega` are connected in the cyclic so as to form a Wheatstone network. Determine the value of x if network is balanced.

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  86. If a galvanometer is shunted by one third of its resistance, find the fraction of total current passing through the galvanometer.

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  87. Explain:- Thermo emf

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  88. Explain:- see back effect

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  89. Explain:- Thermocouple.

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  90. State any three sources of error in meterbridge experiment and steps to be taken to minimise them.

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  91. With a resistance `R_1` in the left gap and a resistance `R_2` in the right gap of a meterbridge, the null point is obtained at a distance of 70cm from the left end, when `R_1` is reduced by `2Omega` and `R_2` is increased by `2Omega`, the null point is obtained at 30cm from left end. Find the values of resistance `R_1` and `R_2`.

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  92. State Kirchoff's laws in electricity:- Calculate the value of `I_1` and `I_2` in the following circuit.

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter Current Electricity of CHETANA PUBLICATION of Class 12

All Exercises from CHETANA PUBLICATION Class 12 PHYSICS Current Electricity