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Complete Solutions to All Questions of chapter SOUND WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

D MUKHERJEEAll Questions
Number Of Questions48
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two waves travelling in a medium in the x-direction are represented by `y_(1) = A sin (alpha t - beta x)` and `y_(2) = A cos (beta x + alpha t - (pi)/(4))`, where `y_(1)` and `y_(2)` are the displacements of the particles of the medium `t` is time and `alpha` and `beta` constants. The two have different :-

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  2. A sine wave has an amplitude A and wavelength `lambda`. Let V be the wave velocity and v be the maximum velocity of a particle in the medium. Then

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  3. The equation `y=A cos^(2) (2pi nt -2 pi (x)/(lambda))` represents a wave with

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  4. The amplitude of a wave disturbance propagating in the positive x-direction is given by `y = (1)/((1 + x))^(2)` at time `t = 0` and by `y = (1)/([1+(x - 1)^(2)])` at `t = 2 seconds`, `x and y` are in meters. The shape of the wave disturbance does not change during the propagation. The velocity of the wave is ............... m//s`.

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  5. A wave representing by the equation `y = a cos(kx - omegat)` is suerposed with another wave to form a stationary wave such that point `x = 0` is a node. The equation for the other wave is

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  6. A travelling wave in a stretched string is described by the equation `y = A sin (kx - omegat)` the maximum particle velocity is

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  7. A metal string is fixed between rigid supports. It is initially at negligible tensin. Its Young modulus is `Y`, density `rho` and coefficient of thermal expansion is `alpha`. If it is now cooled through a temperature `=t`, transverse waves will move along it with speed

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  8. Two identical strings are stretched at tensions `T_(A)` and `T_(B)`. A truning fork is used to set them in vibration. A vibrates in its fundamental mode and `B` in its second harmonic mode.

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  9. The tension of a string is inceased by `44%`. If its frequency of vibration is to remain unchanged its length must be increased by

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  10. In a sonometer wire, the tension is maintained by suspending a 50.7 kg mass from the free end of the wire. The suspended mass has a volume of 0.0075 m 3. The fundamental frequency of the wire is 260 Hz . If the suspended mass is completely submerged in water, the fundamental frequency will become (take `g = 10 ms^(-2)`) [

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  11. A string of length `20 cm` and linear mass density `0.40 g//cm` is fixed at both ends and is kept under a tension of `16 N.A` wave pulse is produced at `t=0` nearj an end as shown in figure which travels towards the other end.
    when will the string have the shape shown in the figure again? `(inxx10^(-2)s)`

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  12. A string `A` has double the length, double the tension, double the diameter and double the density as another string `B`. Their fundamental frequencies of vibration are `n_(A)` and `n_(B)` respectively. The ratio `n_(A)//n_(B)` is equal to

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  13. The extension in a string obeying Hooke's law is x. The speed of sound in the stretched string is `v`. If the extension in the string is increased to `1.5 x`, the speed of sound will be

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  14. A cylinderical tube open at both ends, has a fundamental frequency f in air. The tube is dipped vertically in water so that half of it is in water. The fundamental frequency of air column is now

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  15. An open pipe is suddenly closed at one end with the result that the frequency of third harmonic of the closed pipe is found to be higher by `100 Hz` then the fundamental frequency of the open pipe. The fundamental frequency of the open pipe is

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  16. The third overtone of an open organ pipe of length `l_(0)` has the same frequency as the third overtone of a closed pipe of length `l_(c)`. The ratio `l_(0)//l_(c)` is equal to

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  17. A pipe of lengh `1m` is closed at one end. The velocity sound in air is `300m//s`. The air column in the pipe will not resonate for sound of frequency

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  18. An organ pipe filled with a gas at `27^(@) C` resonates at `400 Hz` in its fundamental mode. If it is filled with the same gas at `90^(@) C`, the resonance frequency will be

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  19. A point source emits sound equally in all directions in a non-absorbing medium. Two points `P` and `Q` are at the distance of `9 meters` and 25 meters respectively from the source. The ratio of amplitudes of the waves at `P` and `Q` is…..

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  20. A source of sound is in the shape of a long narrow cylinder radiating sound waves normal to the axis of the cylinder. Two points P and Q are at perpendicular distances of 9 m and 25 m from the axis. The ratio of the amplitudes of the waves at P and Q is :-

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  21. Two identical sound `S_1` and `S_2` reach at a point P is phase. The resultant loudness at point P is `n` dB higher than the loudness of `S_1` the value of n is :

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  22. Two sources of sound of the same frequency produce sound intensities `I` and `4I` at a point `P` when used individually. If they are used together such that the sounds from them reach `P` with a phase differenceof `2pi//3`, the intensity at `P` will be

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  23. A racing car moving towards a cliff, sounds its horn. The driver observes that the sound reflected from the cliff has a pitch one octave higher than the actual sound of the horn. If `v` is the velocity of sound, then the velocity of the car is

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  24. The displacement of a particle in a medium due to a wave travelling in the `x-`direction through the medium is given by `y = A sin(alphat - betax)`, where `t =` time, and `alpha` and `beta` are constants:

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  25. A wave is represented by the equation
    `y = A sin(10pix + 15pit + (pi)/(3))`
    where `x` is in meter and `t` is in seconds. The expression represents :

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  26. For a sine wave passing through a medium, let y be the displacement of a particle, v be its velocity and a be its acceleration :-

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  27. P, Q and R are three particles of a medium which lie on the x-axis. A sine wave of wavelength `lambda` is travelling through the medium in the x-direction. P and Q always have the same speed, while P and R always have the same velocity.
    The minimum distance between –
    (1) P and Q is `lambda`
    (2) P and Q is `lambda//2`
    (3) P and R is `lambda//2`
    (4) P and R is `lambda`

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  28. A wave is represented by the equation
    `y=A sin 314[t/(0.5s)-x/(100m)]`
    The frequency is `n` and the wavelength is `lamda`

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  29. A plane progressive wave of frequency 25 Hz, amplitude `2.5 xx 10^(-5) m` and initial phase zero moves along the negative x-direction with a velocity of 300 m/s. A and B are two points 6 m apart on the line of propagation of the wave. At any instant the phase different between A and B is `phi`. The maximum difference in the displacements of particle at A and B is `Delta`

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  30. A sound waves passes from a medium `A` to a medium `B`. The velocity of sound in `B` is greater than in `A`. Assume that there is no absorption or reflection at the boundary . As the wave moves across the boundary :

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  31. In a stationary wave system, all the particles of the medium

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  32. A string of length L is stretched along the x-axis and is rigidly clamped at its two ends. It undergoes transverse vibration. If n an integer, which of the following relations may represent the shape of the string at any time :-

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  33. The stationary waves set up on a string have the equation :
    `y = ( 2 mm) sin [ (6.28 m^(-1)) x] cos omega t`
    The stationary wave is created by two identical waves , of amplitude `A` each , moving in opposite directions along the string . Then :

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  34. When a stretched string a length `L` viberates in its fundamental mode, the sound produced has wavelength `=L//2` in air. The velocity of sound in air is `V`. The velocity of the transverse waves on the string is

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  35. When a stretched string of length `L` vibrating in a particular mode, the distance between two nodes on the string is `l`. The sound produced in this mode of vibration constitutes the `nth` overtone of the fundamental frequency of the string.

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  36. A transverse sinusoidal wave of amplitude `a`, wavelength `lambda` and frequency `f` is travelling on a stretched string. The maximum speed of any point in the string is `v//10`, where `v` is the speed of propagation of the wave. If `a = 10^(-3)m` and `v = 10ms^(-1)`, then `lambda` and `f` are given by

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  37. A heavy unifrm rope hangs vertically from the ceiling, with its lower end free. A disturbance on the rope travelling upward from the lower end has a velocyt `v` at a distance `x` from the lower end.

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  38. When the open organ pipe resonates in its fundamental mode then at the centre of the pipe

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  39. In a mixture of gases, the average number of degrees of freedom per molecule is 6. the rms speed of the molecules of the gas is C. the velocity of sound in the gas is

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  40. The velocity of sound in dry air is `V_(d)`, and in moist air it is `V_(m)`. The velocities are measured under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. Which of the following statements is fully correct?

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  41. When we hear a sound, we can identify its source from

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  42. Sounds from two identical sources `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` reach a point `P`. When the sounds reach directly, and in the same phase, the intensity at `P` is `I_(0)`. The power of `S_(1)` is now reduced by `64%` and the phase difference between `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` is varied continuously. The maximum and minimum intensities recorded at `P` are now `I_("max")` and `I_("min")`

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  43. A vibrating string produces 2 beats per secod when sounded with a turning fork of frequency `256Hz`. Slightly increasing the tension in the string produces 3 beats per second. The initial frequency of the string may have been

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  44. A whistle giving out `450 H_(Z)` approaches a stationary observer at a speed of `33 m//s`. The frequency heard the observer (in `H_(Z)`) is (speed of sound `= 330 m//s`)

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  45. A car is moving with a velocity of `5 m//s` towards huge wall. The driver sounds a horn of frequency `165 Hz`. If the speed of sound in air is `335 m//s`, the number of beats heard per second by the driver is

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  46. A railway engine whistling at a constant frequency moves with a constant speed. It goes past a stationary observer standing beside the railway track. The frequency `(n)` of the sound heard by the observer is plotted agains time `(t)`. Which of the following best represents the resulting curve?

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  47. Two starts `P` and `Q` have slightly different surface temperature `T_(P)` and `T_(Q)` respectively, with `T_(P)gtT_(Q)`. Both starts are receding from the earth with speeds `v_(P)` and `v_(Q)` relative to the earth. The wavelength of light at which they radiate the maximum energy is found to be the same for both.

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  48. Assume that the sun rotates about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to the plane of rotatin of the earth about the sun. The appearange of the sun, from any one pont on the earth, is shown. Light belonging to a particular spectral line, as received from the points `A, B, C` and `D` on the edge of the sun, are analyzed

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All Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter SOUND WAVES of D MUKHERJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12