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Complete Solutions to PROBLEMS FOR PRACTIVE of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions56
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which reaction occurs at cathode in a galvanic cell ?

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  2. Can a half cell work independently ?

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  3. What is the direction of flow of electrons in the following cell ?

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  4. Can 1M `FeSO_(4)` solution be stored in nickel vessel ?

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  5. Predict whether the following redox reaction is feasible under the standard conditions or not.
    `Sn^(2+)(aq)+Cu(s) to Sn(s)+Cu^(2+)(aq)`
    Given : `E_(Sn^(2+)//Sn)^(@)=-0.136" V and " E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)=+0.34" V"`

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  6. Can 1 M `ZnSO_(4)` be stored in a vessel made up of copper ?
    Given : `E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@)=-0.76 " and "E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(@)=+0.34" V"`?

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  7. What is the cell potential of the following cell ?
    Given :`E_(Pb^(2+)//Pb)^(@)=-0.12" V and " E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@)=-0.76" V"`

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  8. A galvanic cell consists of a metallic zinc plate immersed in 0.1 M `Zn (NO_(3))_(2)` solution and metallic plate of lead in 0.02M `Pb(NO_(3))_(2)` solution. Calculate the emf of the cell.
    Write the chemical equation for the electrode reactions and represent the cell.
    `("Given" : E^(@) Zn^(2+)ZN=0.76V, " " E^(@)Pb^(2+)//Pb = -0.13V)`

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  9. Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell,
    `Mg//Mg^(2+)(0.1 M)||Ag^(+)(1.0xx10^(-3)M)//Ag`
    The values of `E_(Mg^(2+)//Mg)^(@)` and `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)` are -2.37`" V"` and +0.80`" V "` respectively.

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  10. Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell,
    `Mg(s)//Mg^(+)(0.1 M)||Ag^(+)(1xx10^(-4) M)//Ag(s)`
    `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=+0.8" V ", E_(Mg^(2+)//Mg)^(@)=-2.37" V "`
    What will be the effect on e.m.f. if concentration of `Ag^(+)` is increased to `1xx10^(-3) M` ?

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  11. Calculate the emf of the cell.
    `Mg(s)|Mg^(2+) (0.2 M)||Ag^(+) (1xx10^(-3))|Ag`
    `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=+0.8` volt, `E_(Mg^(2+)//Mg)^(@)=-2.37` volt
    What will be the effect on emf If concentration of `Mg^(2+)` ion is decreased to `0.1 M` ?

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  12. Calculate the cell potential for the cell,
    `Ni(s)//Ni^(2+)(0.1 M) || Ag^(+)(0.1 M)//Ag(s)`
    `["Given",E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=+0.80" V ", E_(Ni^(2+)//Ni)^(@)=-0.25" V ", R=8.314 JK^(-1) mol^(-1),F=96500 C mol^(-1)]`

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  13. (a) Calculate the potential of `Zn^(2+)//Zn` electrode in which zinc ion activity is 0.001 M. `mol^(-1),=96500 C mol^(-1), E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@)=-0.76" V ")`
    (b) Calculate the electrode potential of copper electrode dipped in a 0.1 M solution of copper sulphate at 298 K, assuming `CuSO_(4)` to be completely ionised. The standard reduction potential of copper , `E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(@)=0.34" V "` at 298 K.

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  14. Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell,
    `Zn(s)//Zn^(2+)(0.1 M) || Pb^(2+)(0.02 M)//Pb(s)`
    `E_(Zn^(2+)//Zn)^(@)=-0.76" V " and E_(Pb^(2+)//Pb)^(@)=-0.13" V "`

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  15. Calculate the standard electrode potential of the `Ni^(2+)//Ni` electrode , if the cell potential potential of the cell,
    `Ni//N^(2+)(0.01 M)//Cu is 0.59" V ". "Given" E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(@)=+0.34 " V "`

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  16. Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell,
    `Cr//Cr^(3+)(0.1 M) || Fe^(2+)(0.01 M)//Fe`
    `"Given" : E_(Cr^(3+)//Cr)^(@)=-0.75" V ", E_(Fe^(2+)//Fe)^(@)=-0.45" V "`
    `"Cell reaction" : 2Cr(s)+3Fe^(2+)(aq) to 2Cr^(3+)(aq)+3Fe(s)`
    `{"Hint". E_(cell)=E_(cell)^(@)-(0.0591V)/(6)"log"([Cr^(3+)]^(2))/([Fe^(2+)]^(3)}`

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  17. Calculate equilibrium constant for the reaction :
    `Mg(s) |Mg^(2+)(0.001 M) || Cu^(2+)(0.0001 M)|Cu(s)`
    Given `E_((Mg^(2+)//Mg))^(@)=-2.37" V " , E_((Cu^(2+)//Cu))^(@)=0.34" V "`

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  18. Calculate the emf for the following cell at 298 K.
    `Cd//Cd^(2+)(0.1 M) || Ag^(+)(0.1 M)//Ag`
    `"Given"E_(Cd^(2+)//Cd)^(@)=-0.40" V ",E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=0.80" V "`

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  19. Standard electrode potentials are given as,
    `E_(Cu^(2+)//Cd)^(@)=0.34" V " " and " E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=0.80" V "`
    Calculate the cell potential, E for cell containing 0.100 M `Ag^(+)` and 4.00 M `Cu^(2+)` at `25^(@)C`.

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  20. Calculate the potential of the following cell reaction at 298 K
    `Sn^(4+)(1.50 M)+Zn(s) to Sn^(2+)(0.50 M)+Zn^(2+)(2.0 M)`
    The standard potential, `E^(@)` of the cell is 0.89 V. Whether the potential of the cell will increase or decrease if the concentration of `Sn^(4+)` is increased in the cell.

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  21. A voltaic cell is set up at `25^(@)C`with the following half cells :
    `Al^(3+)`(0.001 M) and `Ni^(2+)`(0.50 M)
    Write the equation for the reaction when the cell generates the electric current. Also determine the cell potential (Given `E_(Ni^(2+)//Ni)^(@)=-0.25 V, E_(Al^(3+)//Al)^(@)=-1.66 V)`.

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  22. At what concetration of `Ag^(2+)` ions, will the electrode have a potential of 0.0 V?

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  23. At what pH of HCl solution, will hydrogen gas electrode show electrode potential of -0.118 V ? `H_(2)` gas is bubbled at 298 K and 1 atm pressure.

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  24. Calculate the emf of the following cell at `25^(@)C`.
    `Zn|Zn^(2+)`(0.001 M) || `H^(+)(0.01 M) | H_(2)`(1 bar) | Pt(s). Given that `E_((Zn^(2+)//Zn))^(@)=-0.76V, E_((H^(+)//H_(2)))^(@)=0.00" V "`

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  25. Given that `E^(@)(Zn^(2+)//Zn)=0.76V, E^(@)(H^(+)//H_(2))=0.00" V "`. What is the value of electrode potential of `Mg^(+)//Mg` electrode when it is dipped in a solution in which concentration of `Mg^(+)` is 0.01 M ? (Given `E_((Mg^(2+)//Mg))^(@)=-2.36" V "`

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  26. Calculate e.m.f. of the following cell at 298 K,
    `2Cr(s)+3Fe^(2+)(0.1 M) to 2Cr^(3+)(0.01 M)+3Fe(s)`
    `("Given" : E_((Cr^(3+)//Cr))^(@)=-0.74" V ", E_((Fe^(2+)//Fe))^(@)=-0.44" V ")`

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  27. Calculate the following cell reaction cell at 298 K.
    `2Ag^(+)+Cd to 2Ag+Cd^(2+)`
    `E^(@)`for `Ag^(+)//Ag` and `Cd^(2+)//Cd` are 0.80 V and -0.40 V respectively.
    `E^(@)`for `Ag^(+)//Ag` and `Cd^(2+)//Cd` are 0.80 V and -0.40 V respectively.
    (i) Write the cell representation.
    (ii) What will be the emf of the cell if the concentration of `Cd^(2+)` is 0.1 M ?
    (iii) Will the cell work spontaneously for the condition given above ?

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  28. Calculate emf of the following cell reaction at 2968 K :
    `Ni(s)//Ni^(2+)(0.01 M) || Cu^(2+)(0.1 M)//Cu(s)`
    [Given `E_(Ni^(2+)//Ni)^(@)=-0.25" V ",E_(Cu^(2+)//Cu)^(@)=+0.34 " V "`]
    Write the overall cell reaction.

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  29. Calculate equilibrium constant for the reaction at `25^(@)C`
    `Cu(s)+2Ag^(+)(aq) hArr Cu^(2+)(aq)+2Ag(s)`
    `E^(@)` value of the cell is 0.46`" V "`.

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  30. Calculate equilibrium constant for the reaction :
    `Mg(s) |Mg^(2+)(0.001 M) || Cu^(2+)(0.0001 M)|Cu(s)`
    Given `E_((Mg^(2+)//Mg))^(@)=-2.37" V " , E_((Cu^(2+)//Cu))^(@)=0.34" V "`

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  31. Calculate the value of equilibrium constant for the reaction :
    `2Fe^(3+)+2I^(-) to 2Fe^(2+)+I_(2)`
    Given that `E_(cell)^(@)=0.235" V "`

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  32. Calculate equilibrium constant for the reaction :
    `Zn+Cd^(2+) hArr Zn^(2+)+Cd`,
    (Given `E_(cell)^(@)=0.36 "V "`)

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  33. Calculate the standard free energy change for the reaction :
    `Zn(s)|Zn^(2+)(1 M)||Cu^(2+)(1 M)|Cu(s)`
    Given `E_(cell)^(@)=1.10" V "`.

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  34. Calculate the maximum possible electrical work that can be obtined from the cell under the standard conditions at 298 K
    Given `E_(Zn^(2+))^(@)(aq)|Zn(s)=-0.76" V ", E_(Ni^(2+))^(@)(aq)|Ni(s)=-0.25" V "`

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  35. The value of `DeltaG^(@)` in the Daniell cell has been found to be -212.3 kJ at `25^(@)C`. Calculate equilibrium constant for the reaction.

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  36. For the equilibrium reaction:
    `2H_(2)(g) +O_(2)(g) hArr 2H_(2)O(l) at 298 K`
    `DeltaG^(Theta) = - 474.78 kJ mol^(-1)`. Calculate log `K` for it.
    `(R = 8.314 J K^(-1)mol^(-1))`.

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  37. Calculate `Delta_(r)G^(@)` for the reaction :
    `Mg(s)+Cu^(2+)(aq) to Mg^(2+)(aq)+Cu(s)`
    [Given `E_(cell)^(@)=+2.71" V ", 1F=96500" C "`]

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  38. Calculate `E_(cell)^(@)`and `DeltaG^(@)` for the following reaction at `25^(@)C`.
    `A^(2+)+B^(+) to A^(3+)+B`
    (Given `K_(c)=10^(10) , 1F=96500" C mol"^(-1)`)

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  39. Calculate emf and `DeltaG` for the following reaction at 298 K
    `Mg(s)|Mg^(2+)(0.01 M)||Ag^(+)(0.0001 M)|Ag(s)`
    Given `E_((Mg^(2+)//Mg))^(@)=-2.37" V ", E_((Ag^(+)//Ag))^(@)=+0.80" V "`

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  40. The cell in which the following reaction occurs
    `2Fe^(3+)(aq)+2I^(-)(aq) to 2Fe^(2+)(aq)+2I_(2) " has "E_(cell)^(@)=0.236 V " at "298 K`.
    Calculate standard Gibbs energy and equilibrium constant for the reaction.

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  41. For the reaction ,
    `2AgCl(s)+H_(2)(g)(1" atm")to2Ag(s)+2H^(+)(0.1 M)+2Cl^(-)(0.1 M),DeltaG^(@)=-43600" J at "25^(@)C`.
    Calculate e.m.f. of the cell.

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  42. A lamp draws a current of 2.0 A. Find the charge in coulombs used by the lamp.

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  43. How many electrons per second pass through a cross-section of copper wire carrying `10^(-16)` A current ?

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  44. How many coulombs are required for the following reductions ?
    (i) 1 mol of `Al^(3+)` to Al.
    (ii) 1 mol of `Cu^(2+)` to Cu.

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  45. How many coulombs are required for the oxidation of 1 mol of FeO to `Fe_(2)O_(3)` ?
    (Hint. `Fe^(2+) to Fe^(3+)+e^(-)`)

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  46. How much electric charge is required to produce 20.0 g of calcium from molten `CaCl_(2)` ?

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  47. How many coulombs are required for the reduction.12.55 g of nitrobenzene to aniline in acidic medium.

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  48. Calculate the mass of hydrogen evolved by passing a current of 0.5 ampere for 40 minutes through acidulated water.

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  49. To deposit 1 mol of aluminium from molten `Al_(2)O_(3)`. What is the amount of electricity (in coulombs) required ?

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  50. Calculate the number of coulombs required to deposit 40.5 g of Al when the electrode reaction is ,
    `Al^(3+)+3e^(-)rarr Al`

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  51. Calculate the number of coulombs required to deposit 5.4 g of Al when the electrode reaction is
    `Al^(3+)+3e^(-) to Al`
    (Given , atomic mass of Al =27 g `mol^(-1), F=96500 C mol^(-1)`)

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  52. Silver is electro-deposited on a metallic vessel of surface area 800 `cm^(2)` by passing a current of 0.2 ampere for 3 hours. Calculate the thickness of silver deposited given that its density is 10.47 g `cm^(-3)`. (At mass of Ag =107.92).

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  53. Exactly 0.4 faraday of charge is passed through three electrolytic cells connected in series, first containing `AgNO_(3)`, second `CuSO_(4)` while third containing `FeCl_(3)` solution. How many grams of each metal will be deposited assuming only cathodic reaction in each cell ?

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  54. How many amperes would be needed to produce 60.0 g of magnesium during the electrolysis of molten `MgCl_(2)` in 2 hours ?

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  55. How many copper will be deposited at cathode of an electrolytic cell containing `Cu^(2+)` ions by passing 2 ampere of current for 60 minutes.

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  56. How much charge in faraday is required for the reduction of 1 mole of `Cu^(2+)` ions to Cu ?

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PROBLEMS FOR PRACTIVE questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of S DINESH & CO CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12