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Complete Solutions to SELECTED STRAIGHT OBJECTIVE of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions67
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Local action in an electrochemical action can be prevented by

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  2. Daniel cell, the EMF of the cell can b e increased b y

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  3. Units of conductance are

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  4. When electricity is passed through an electrolyte

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  5. A salt bridge

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  6. z On the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of NaF using the gram equivalence of an electrolyte

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  7. A piece of Cu is added to an aqeuous solution of `FeCl_(3)`

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  8. Pick out the wrong statement, An electrochemical cell stops working only when

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  9. What is not true about S.H.E.?

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  10. On the electrolysis of very dilute aqueous solution of `NaOH` using Pt electrodes

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  11. An ion is reduced to the element when it absords `6xx10^(20)` electrons. The number of equivalents of the ion is:

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  12. In the electrolysis of alkaline water, a total of 1 mole of gases in evolved. The amount of water decomposed in

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  13. The standard reduction potentials at 298K, for the following half cells are given:
    `2H^(+)(aq)+2e^(-)hArrH_(2)(g), E^(@)=0.000V`
    Which is the stronget reducing agent?

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  14. Faraday's laws of electrolysis are related to

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  15. The electric charge required for electrode deposition of one gram-equivalent of a substance is :

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  16. The reaction
    occurs in the galvanic cell

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  17. When a lead storage battery is discharged:

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  18. The standard oxidation potential `E^(@)` for the half cell reactions are
    `Zn rarrZn^(2+)+2e^(-):E^(@)=+0.76V`
    EMF of the cell reaction
    `Fe^(2+)+ZnrarrZn^(2+)+Fe` will be

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  19. The standard reduction potential for `Fe^(2+) //Fe` and `Sn^(2+) //Sn` electrodes are `-0.44` and `-0.14 ` volt respectively. For the given cell reaction `Fe^(2+) + Sn rarr Fe + Sn^(2+) `, the standard ` EMF` is.

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  20. A dilute aqueous solution of `Na_(2)SO_(4)` is electrolyzed using platinum electrodes. The products at the anode and cathode are :

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  21. A standard hydrogen electrode has zero electrode potential because :

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  22. The standard reduction potentials of `Cu^(2+)//Cu` and `Cu^(2+)//Cu^(+)` are 0.337 V and 0.153V respectively. The standard electrode potential of `Cu^(+)//Cu` half-cell is

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  23. The standard reduction potential values of three metallic cations, `X,Y,` and `Z` are `0.52,-3.03,` and `-0.18V`, respectively. The order of reducing power of the corresponding metal is

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  24. A gas X at 1 atm is bubbled through a solution containing a mixture of 1M `Y^(-)` and 1M `Z^(-)` at `25^(@)C`. If the reduction potential of `ZgtYgtX`, then

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  25. For the electrochemical cell, `(M)|M^(+))||(X^(-)|X)`.
    `E^(@)(M^(+)//M)=0.44V` and `E^(@)(X//X^(-))=0.33V`.
    From this data one can deduce that

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  26. The correct order of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of `LiCl, NaCl` and `KCl` is:

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  27. A standard solution of `KNO_(3)` is used to make salt bridge, because

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  28. Standard electrode potential data are useful for understanding the suitability of an oxidant in a redox titration. Some half cell reaction and their standard potentials are given below:
    `MnO_(4)^(-)(aq) +8H^(+)(aq) +5e^(-) rarr Mn^(2+)(aq) +4H_(2)O(l) E^(@) = 1.51V`
    `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)(aq) +14H^(+) (aq) +6e^(-) rarr 2Cr^(3+)(aq) +7H_(2)O(l), E^(@) = 1.38V`
    `Fe^(3+) (aq) +e^(-) rarr Fe^(2+) (aq), E^(@) = 0.77V`
    `CI_(2)(g) +2e^(-) rarr 2CI^(-)(aq), E^(@) = 1.40V`
    Identify the only correct statement regarding quantitative estimation of aqueous `Fe(NO_(3))_(2)`

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  29. In an electrolytic cell, the flow of electrons is form

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  30. The emf of the cell,
    `Zn|Zn^(2+)(0.01M)|| Fe^(2+)(0.001M) | Fe`
    at 298 K is 0.2905 then the value of equilibrium constant for the cell reaction is:

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  31. The half cell reaction for rusting of iron are:
    `2H^(+)+2e^(-)+(1)/(2)O_(2)rarrH_(2)O(l), E^(@)=+1.23V`
    `Fe^(2+)+2e^(-)rarrFe(s), E^(@)=-0.44V`
    `DeltaG^(@)` (in KJ) for the reaction is

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  32. The molar conductivities `Lambda_(NaOAc)^@` and `Lambda_(HCI)^@` at infinite dilution is watter at `25^@C` are `91.0` and `426.2 S cm^@ //`mol respectively. To calculate `Lambda_(HOAc,)^2` the additional value required is:

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  33. Given the data at `25^(@)C`
    `Ag+I^(-)rarrAgl+e^(-)" "E^(@)=0.153V`
    `Ar rarrAg^(+)+e^(-)E^(@)=0.800V`
    What is the value of `log K_(sp)` for AgI?

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  34. Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with a solution of an electrolyte of concentration 0.1M is `100Omega`. The conductivity of this solution is 1.29 `S m^(-1)`. Resistance of the same cell when filled with 0.2M of the same solution is `520Omega`. the molar conductivity of `0.02`M solution of the electrolyte will be

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  35. A hypothetical electrochemical cell is shown below.
    The e.m.g. measured is 0.20V the cell reaction is

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  36. If `E_(Fe^(2+))^(@)//Fe = -0.441 V`
    and `E_(Fe^(3+))^(@)//Fe^(2+) = 0.771 V`
    The standard `EMF` of the reaction
    `Fe+2Fe^(3+) rarr 3Fe^(2+)`
    will be:

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  37. The charge required for the reduction of 1 mol of `MnO_(4)^(-)` to `MnO_(2)` is

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  38. The products formed when an aqueous solution of `NaBr` is electrolysed in a cell having inert electrodes are `:`

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  39. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction `Cu(s)+2Ag^(+)(aq)rarrCu^(2+)(aq)+2Ag(s), E_(cell)^(@)=0.46 V`.

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  40. The efficiency of a fuel cell is given by:

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  41. The equivalent conductances of two strong electrolytes at infinite dilution in `H_(2)O` (where ions move freely through a solution) at `25^(@)C` are given below :
    `Lambda_(CH_(3)COONa)^(@) = 91.0 S cm^(2)//"equi v"`.
    `Lambda_(HCl)^(@) = 426.2 S cm^(2)//"equiv"`. What additional information//quantity one need to calculate `Lambda^(@)` of an aqueous solution of acetic acid ?

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  42. The cell , `Zn | Zn^(2+) (1M) || Cu^(2+) (1M) Cu (E_("cell")^@ = 1. 10 V)`,
    Was allowed to be completely discharfed at `298 K `. The relative concentration of `2+` to `Cu^(2+) [(Zn^(2=))/(Cu^(2+))]` is :

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  43. Electrolysis of dilute aqueous NaCl solution was carried out by passing 10 milli ampere current. The time required to liberate 0.01 mol of `H_(2)` gas at the cathode is (1 Faraday=96500 C `"mol"^(-1)`)

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  44. On the basis of the following `E^(@)` values, the stongest oxidizing agent is `[Fe(CN)_(6)]^(4-) rarr [Fe(CN)_(6)]^(3-)+e^(-), E^(@) = -0.35 V`
    `Fe^(2+) rarr Fe^(3+)+e^(-), E^(@) = -0.77 V`

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  45. The seqeunce of ionic mobility in the aqueous solution is

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  46. Standard free energies of formation (I `kJ //`mol ) at `298 K` are ` -237 .2 , - 394 .4` and `- 8.2 ` for `H_2 O(1), CO_2 (g)` and pentange (g) , respectively . The value of `E_(cell)^@` for the pentane-oxygen fuel cell is .

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  47. Given `E_(Cr^(3+)//Cr)^(@)=-0.72V`, and
    The potential for the cell.
    `Cr|Cr^(3+)(0.1M)||Fe^(2+)( 0. 01M)Fe` is

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  48. Given,`{:(E_(Fe^(3+) //Fe)^o + 3e Cr E^o =- 0.036 V),(E_(Fe^(3+) //Fe)^o =- 0.439 V):}`
    The value of standard electrode ptoential for the charge,

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  49. The equivalent conductance of `M//32` solution of a weak monobasic acid is `8.0 ` and at infinite dilution is `400 `. The dissociation constant of this acid is :

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  50. Consider the following relations for
    (i) EMF of the cell
    =(Oxidation potential of anode)
    -(Reduction potential of cathode)
    (iii) EMF of the cell=(Reduction potential of anode) + (Reduction potential of cathode) (iv) EMF of the cell=(Oxidation potential of the anode)-(Oxidation potential of the cathode) which of the following above reactions are correct?

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  51. The Gibbs energy for the decomposition of `Al_(2)O_(3)` at `500^(@)C` is as follows:
    `(2)/(3)Al_(2)O_(3) rarr (4)/(3)Al + O_(2), Delta_(r)G = +966kJ mol^(-1)`
    The potential difference needed for electrolytic reeduction of `Al_(2)O_(3)` at `500^(@)C` is at least:

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  52. An increase in equivalent conductance of a strong electrolyte with dilution is mainly due to:

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  53. For the reduction of silver ions with copper metal, the standard cell potential was found to be +0.46V at `25 ^ (@)C` the value of the standard Gibb's energy , `DeltaG^(@)` will be

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  54. Which of the following expressions correctly repesents the equivalent conductance at infinte dilution of `Al_(2)(SO_(4))_(3)`. Given that `Lambda_(Al^(3+))^(@)` and `Lambda_(SO_(4)^(2-))^(@)` are the equivalent conductance at infinte dilution of the respective ions?

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  55. The reduction potential of hydrogen half cell will be negative if :

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  56. If `E_(cell)^(ɵ)` for a given reaction is negative, which gives the correct relationships for the values of `DeltaG^(ɵ)` and `K_(eq)`?

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  57. Standard electrode potential of three metal `X, Y` and `Z` are `-1.2 V, +0.5 V` and `-3.0 V` respectively. The reducing power of these metals will be:

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  58. The electrode potentials for
    `Cu^(2+)+e^(-)toCu^(+)` and
    are `+0.15`V and `+0.50V` respectively the value of `E_((Cu^(2+))/(Cu))^(@)` will be?

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  59. Standard electrode potential for `Sn^(4+)//Sn^(2+)` couple is `0.15 V` and that for the `Cr^(3+)//Cr` couple is `-0.74 V`. These two couples in their standard state are connected to make a cell. The cell potential will be

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  60. A buffer solution is prepared in which the concentration of `NH_(3)` is 0.30M and the concentration of `NH_(4)^(+)` is 0.20M . If the equilibrium constant `k_(b)` for `NH_(3)` equals `1.8xx10^(-3)` what is the `pH` of this solution?

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  61. Consider the following cell reaction.
    At `[Fe^(2+)]=10^(-3)M,P(O_(2))=0.1` atm and pH=3, the cell potential at `25^(@)C` is

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  62. Electrolysis is a phenomenon where a reaction is carried out by passing electricity through the molten electrolyte or the electrolytic solution in water. In electrolysis, electrolyte first decomposes into anions and cations and thereafter anions undergo oxidation at anode and cations undergo reduction at cathode. for example.
    XY (molten ) `hArrX^(n+)+Y^(n-)`
    Oxidation at anode : `Y^(n-)-"ne"^(-)rarrY`
    Reduction at cathode `X^(n+)+" ne"^(-)rarrX`
    In order to predict the electrolytic products accurately an array of substances is arranged in decreasing order tendency of oxidation of the substances or increasing order of standard reducton potential in electrochemical series. the standard electrode potentials of some species (elements,or ions) is given as under.
    `2H^(+)+2e^(-) rarrH_(2),E^(@)=OV`
    When aqueous solution of 100mL of 1M NaCl is electrolysed using Pt electrodes then answer the following question.
    What will be the electrolytic products of 100 mL 1M aq. solution?

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  63. Electrolysis is a phenomenon where a reaction is carried out by passing electricity through the molten electrolyte or the electrolytic solution in water. In electrolysis, electrolyte first decomposes into anions and cations and thereafter anions undergo oxidation at anode and cations undergo reduction at cathode. for example.
    XY (molten ) `hArrX^(n+)+Y^(n-)`
    Oxidation at anode : `Y^(n-)-"ne"^(-)rarrY`
    Reduction at cathode `X^(n+)+ "ne"^(-)rarrX`
    In order to predict the electrolytic products accurately an array of substances is arranged in decreasing order tendency of oxidation of the substances or increasing order of standard reducton potential in electrochemical series. the standard electrode potentials of some species (elements,or ions) is given as under.
    `2H^(+)+2e^(-) rarrH_(2),E^(@)=OV`
    When aqueous solution of 100mL of 1M NaCl is electrolysed using Pt electrodes then answer the following question.
    What will b e the pH of the resulting solution upon passage of 0.2F charge

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  64. Electrolysis is a phenomenon where a reaction is carried out by passing electricity through the molten electrolyte or the electrolytic solution in water. In electrolysis, electrolyte first decomposes into anions and cations and thereafter anions undergo oxidation at anode and cations undergo reduction at cathode. for example.
    XY (molten ) `hArrX^(n+)+Y^(n-)`
    Oxidation at anode : `Y^(n-)-"ne"^(-)rarrY`
    Reduction at cathode `X^(n+)+ "ne"^(-)rarrX`
    In order to predict the electrolytic products accurately an array of substances is arranged in decreasing order tendency of oxidation of the substances or increasing order of standard reducton potential in electrochemical series. the standard electrode potentials of some species (elements,or ions) is given as under.
    `2H^(+)+2e^(-) rarrH_(2),E^(@)=OV`
    When aqueous solution of 100mL of 1M NaCl is electrolysed using Pt electrodes then answer the following question.
    What will b e the total volume of the gases obtained at STP when 0.1F charge is passed

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  65. Deduce from the following `E^(c-)` values of half cells, what combination of two half cells would results in a cell with the largest potential?
    `{:(I. , A+e(-) rarr A^(c-),,,,E^(c-)=-0.24V),(II., B^(c-)+e^(-)rarr B^(2-),,,,E^(c-)=+1.25V),(III.,C^(c-)+2e^(-) rarr C^(3-),,,,E^(c-)=-1.25V),(IV. , D+2e^(c-)rarr D^(2-),,,, E^(c-)=+0.68V):}`

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  66. Consider following half cell reaction and corresponding standard (reduction) electrode potentials.
    I. `A+e^(-)rarrA:E^(@)=-24V`
    II. `B^(-)+e^(-)rarrB^(2-):E^(@)=+1.25V`
    III. `C^(-)+2e^(-)rarrC^(3-):E^(@)=-1.25V`
    IV. `D+2e^(-)rarrD^(2-):E^(@)=+0.68V`
    V. ` E+4e^(-)rarrE^(-4):E^(@)=0.38V`.
    Cell with the largest cell potential is

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  67. Consider following half cell reaction and corresponding standard (reduction) electrode potentials.
    I. `A+e^(-)rarrA:E^(@)=-24V`
    II. `B^(-)+e^(-)rarrB^(2-):E^(@)=+1.25V`
    III. `C^(-)+2e^(-)rarrC^(3-):E^(@)=-1.25V`
    IV. `D+2e^(-)rarrD^(2-):E^(@)=+0.68V`
    V. ` E+4e^(-)rarrE^(-4):E^(@)=0.38V`.
    If every ion has concentration 1 M in the cell the largest cell potential at 298K is

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SELECTED STRAIGHT OBJECTIVE questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of S DINESH & CO CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12