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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions83
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Nitrogen dioxide `(NO_(2))` reacts with fluroine `(F_(2))` to form nitryl fluroide `(NO_(2)F)` according to the reaction.
    `2NO_(2)(g) + F_(2) to 2NO_(2)F(g)`
    Write the instaneous rate of reaction in terms of
    i) rate of formation of `NO_(2)F`,
    ii) Rate of disappearance of `NO_(2)`,
    iii) rate of disappearance of `F_(2)`

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  2. The reaction `3A to 2B+C` is carried in a closed vessel. The rate of disappearance of `A[(-d[A])/(dt)]` is 0.01 `molL^(-1)s^(-1)`. Calculate `(d[B])/(dt)` and `(d[C])/(dt)`.

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  3. A chemical reaction `2A to 4B +C` in gas phase occurs in a closed vessel. The concentration of B is found to increase by `5 xx 10^(-3)` mol `L^(-1)` in 10 seconds. Calculate
    i) the rate of appearance of B
    ii) the rate of disappearance of A.

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  4. Express the relationship between the rate of formation of water and rate of disappearance of oxygen in the following reaction.
    `2H_(2)+O_(2)to 2H_(2)O`

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  5. In the reaction `A+2B to 3C + 2D`, the rate of disappearance of B is ` 1 xx 10^(-2) mol L^(-1)s^(-1)`. What will be the rate of the reaction and rate of change in concentration of A and C?

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  6. For the elementary reaction `2A + B to 3C`, if the rate of appearance of C at time 't' is `1.3 xx 10^(-4)mol L^(-1)s^(-1)`, calculate at this time (i) rate of the reaction (ii) rate of disappearance of A.

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  7. In the reaction
    `BrO^(-3)(aq) + 5Br^(-) (aq) + 6H^(+) rarr 3Br_(2)(1) + 3H_(2)O(1)`
    The rate of appearance of bromine `(Br_(2))` is related to rate of disapperance of bromide ions as folllwoing :

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  8. For the reaction `N_(2)O_(5) rarr 2NO_(2) + (1)/(2) O_(2)`, the rate of disappearance of `N_(2)O_(5)` is `6.25 xx 10^(-3) "mol L"^(-1) s^(-1)`. The rate of formation of `NO_(2)` and `O_(2)` will be respectively.

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  9. For the reaction
    `N_(2)(g) +3H_(2)(g) to 2NH_(3)(g)`
    If `Delta[NH_(3)]//Deltat= 4 xx 10^(-8)mol L^(-1)s^(-1)`, what is the value of `Delta[H_(2)]//Deltat`=?

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  10. The concentration of `C_(4)H_(9)Cl` (n-butyl chloride) at different times are given. Calculate the average rate for the hydrolysis of n-butyl chloride.
    `C_(4)H_(9)Cl + H_(2)O to C_(4)H_(9)OH + HCl`

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  11. The decompoistion of `N_(2)O_(5)` in `C CI_(4)` solution at `318 K` has been studied by monitoring the concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` in the solution. Initially, the concentration of `N_(2)O` is `2.33 M` and after `184 min`, it is reduced to `2.08 M`. The reaction takes place according to the equation:
    `2N_(2)O_(5) rarr 4NO_(2) + O_(2)`
    Calculate the average rate of this reaction in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds. What is the rate of Production of `NO_(2)` during this period?

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  12. For the reaction `NO_(2)(g) + CO(g) to NO(g) + CO_(2)(g)`, the experimentally determined rate expression at 40 K is:
    rate =`k[NO_(2)]^(2)`
    What is the proposed mechanism for the reaction?

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  13. For the reaction A + B `to` products, rate low expression for rate =`k[A][B]^(2)`. If the volume of the vessel is reduced to `1/3` of its original volume then what will be the effect on the rate of reaction?

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  14. The form of rate law for a reaction is expressed as, rate `= k[Cl_(2)][NO]^(2)`
    Find out the order of the reaction with respect to `Cl_(2)`, with respect to `NO` and also the overall order of the reaction.

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  15. For a reaction carried at 400 K,
    `NO_(2)(g) + CO_(2)(g) to CO_(2)(g) + NO_(2)(g)`, the proposed mechanism is as follows:
    `NO_(2) + NO_(2) overset("Slow")to NO + NO_(3) NO_(3) + CO overset("Fast")to CO_(2) + NO_(2)`
    What is the rate law for the reaction?

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  16. The reaction `N_(2)O_(5) to 2NO_(2)+I//2O_(2)` is of first order in `N_(2)O_(5)`. Its rate constant is `6.2 xx 10^(-6)s^(-1)`. If the beginning `N_(2)O_(5)` is 15 `mol L^(-1)`, calculate the rate of reaction in the beginning.

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  17. State the order with respect to each reactant and overall order for the reaction
    `2H_(2)(g) + 2NO(g) to 2H_(2)O(g) + N_(2)(g)`
    Rate = `k[H_(2)][NO]^(2)`
    Calculate the units for the rate constant.

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  18. For a reaction : `A+B to` Products.
    The rate law expression is: rate = `k[A]^(1//3).[B]^(2)`.
    a) What is the order of the reaction?
    b) What are the units of rate constant if concentration is measured in mol `dm^(-3)` and time in seconds?

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  19. Calculate the overall order of a reaction which has rate expression:
    Rate = `k[A]^(1//2)[B]^(3//2)` , (b) Rate = `k[A]^(3//2)[B]^(-1)`.

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  20. Identify the order of a reaction for each of the following rate constants:
    i) `k=2.3 xx 10^(-5)L mol^(-1)s^(-1)`
    ii) `k= 3 xx 10^(4)s^(-1)`.

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  21. The rate of reaction, 2NO + `Cl_(2) to 2NOCl` is doubled when concentration of `Cl_(2)` is doubled and becomes eight times when concentration of both NO and `Cl_(2)` are doubled. Determine the order of the reaction.

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  22. The decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` in a carbon tetrachloride solution has been investigated.
    `N_(2)O_(5)("solution") to 2NO_(3)` (solution) +`1//2O_(2)(g)` . The reaction has been found to be of the first order in `N_(2)O_(5)` with a first order rate-constant = `6.2 xx 10^(-4)s^(-1)`. Calculate the rate of the reaction when (a) `[N_(2)O_(5)]` = 1.25 mol `L^(-1)` and b) `[N_(2)O_(5)]` = 0.25 mol `L^(-1)`. b) What concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` would give a rate of `2.4 xx 10^(-3) mol L^(-1)s^(-1)` ?

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  23. For a reaction `Ato B` the rate of reaction becomes twenty seven times when the concentration of A is increased three times. What is the order of reaction?

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  24. The rate of formation of a dimer in a second order dimerisation reaction is `9.1 xx 10^(-6) mol L^(-1)s^(1)` at 0.01 mol `L^(-1)` monomer concentration. Calculate the rate consant for the reaction.

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  25. The reaction : `2N_(2)O_(5)(g) to 2NO_(2)(g) + (O_(2))_(g)`
    was studied and the following data were collected.

    Determine: (i) the order, (ii) the rate law and (iii) rate constant for the reaction.

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  26. Consider the following data for the reaction:
    `A+B to`Products

    Determine the order of reaction with respect to A and with respect to B and the overall order of the reaction.

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  27. For the chemical reaction `A+2Bto2C+D`.
    The experimentally determined information has been tabulated below:

    for the reaction,
    a)Calculate the order of reaction w.r.t. both the reactants A and B
    b) Write the expression for rate law.
    c) Calculate the value of the rate constant
    d) Write the expression for the rate of reaction in terms A and C.

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  28. For the reaction `A+Bto` Products, the following initial rates were obtained at various given initial concentrations.
    ltrbgt Write rate law and find the rate constant for the above reaction.

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  29. For the reaction
    `2NO(g) + Cl_(2)to2NOCl(g)`
    the following data were collected. All the measurnments were taken at 263 K.

    a) Write the expression for rate law,
    b) Calculate the value of rate constant and specify its untis.
    c) What is the initial rate of disappearance of `Cl_(2)` in exp. 4?

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  30. For a chemical reaction, variation in concentration [A] vs time (s) plot in given below:
    i) Predict the order of the reaction.
    ii) What does the slope of the line and intercept indicate ?
    iii) What is the unit of rate constant(k)?

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  31. Optical rotation of sucrose in 1 N HCl at various times was found as shown below :
    `{:("Time (sec)",0,7.18,18.0,27.05,oo),("Rotation (deg)",+24.09,+21.7,+17.7,+15.0,-10.74):}`
    Show that the inversion of sucrose is a first order reaction

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  32. 1.0 mL of ethyl was added to 25 mL of `N/2` HCl, 2.0mL of the mixture was withdrawn from time to time during the progress of easter hydrolysis and titrated against standard NaOH solutions. The amount of NaOH required for titration at various intervals is given below:

    The value of at infinite time was obtained by completing the hydrolysis on boiling. Show that the reaction is of first order. Also find the average value of rate constant.

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  33. From the following data show that the decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` is a reaction of first order. Also calculate the value of the rate constant.

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  34. For the hydrolysis of methyl acetate in aqueous solution, the following results were obtained,

    a) Shat that it follows pseudo first order reaction, as the concentration of water remains constant.
    b) Calcualte the average rate of reaction between the time interval 30 to 60 seconds.

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  35. Hydrogen peroxide `H_(2)O_(2)` (aq) decomposes to `H_(2)O`(l) and `O_(2)`(g) in a reaction that is first order in `H_(2)O_(2)` and has a rate constant `k=1.06xx10^(3) min^(-1)`
    (i) How long will it takes for 15% of a sample of `H_(2)O_(2)` to decompose?
    (ii) How long will it take for 875% of the sample to decompose?

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  36. The rate constant of a reaction with respect to the reactant A is 6 `"min"^(-1)`. If we start with [A] = `0.8 mol L^(-1)`, when would [A] reach the value of `0.08 mol^(-1)`?

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  37. The initial concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` in the following first order reaction:
    `N_(2)O_(5)(g) rarr 2NO_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)`
    was `1.24 xx 10^(-2) mol L^(-1)` at `318 K`. The concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` after `60 min` was `0.20 xx 10^(-2) mol L^(-1)`. Calculate the rate constant of the reaction at `318 K`.

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  38. A first order reaction has a rate constant, `k = 5.5 xx 10^(-14) s^(-1)`, calculate the half life of reaction.

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  39. The half life period of the first order reaction is 10 seconds. Calculate its rate constant.

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  40. If half life period for a first order reaction in A is 2 minutes, how long will it take [A] to reach (i) `25%` of its initial concentration ii) `10%` of its initial concentration?

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  41. The three fourth of a first order reaction is completed in 32 minutes. What is the half life period of the reaction?

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  42. A first order reaction is `20%` complete in 10 minutes. Calculate the time for the completion of `75%` of the reaction.

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  43. Find out two-third `(2//3)` life of a first order reaction in which `k=5.48 xx 10^(-14)s^(-1)`

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  44. The following data were obtained during the first order thermal decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)(g)` at constant volume.
    `2N_(2)O_(5)(g) to 2N_(2)O_(2)(g) + O_(2)(g)`

    Calculate the rate constant for the gaseous reaction.

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  45. The half life period of a substance is 50 minutes at a certain initial concentration. When the concentration is reduced to one half of the initial value, the half-life period is 25 minutes. Calculate the order of the reaction.

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  46. At a certain temperature, the half life period for the catalytic decomposition of ammonia was found as follows:

    Calculate order of the reaction.

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  47. Show that for a first order reaction, time required for `99.99%` of the reaction to take place is 10 times the time required for the completion of half of the reaction.

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  48. If half life period for a first order reaction in A is 2 minutes, how long will it take [A] to reach (i) `25%` of its initial concentration ii) `10%` of its initial concentration?

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  49. The rate constant for an isomerisation reaction `Ato B` is `4.5 xx 10^(-3)min^(-1)`. If the initial concentration of `A` is `1` M, Calculate the rate of the reaction after `1` hour.

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  50. The rate of a first order reaction is 0.04 mol `"litre"^(-1)s^(-1)` after 10 minutes and 0.03 mol `"litre"^(-1)s^(-1)` after 20 minutes. Find the half life period of the reaction.

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  51. The decomposition of a compound is found to follow the first order rate law. If it takes 15 minutes for 20 per cent of the original material to react, calculate
    i) the specific rate constant
    ii) the time in which 10 percent of the original material remains unreacted.
    iii) The time it takes for the next 20 percent of the reactant left to react.

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  52. A reaction `SO_(2)Cl_(2) to SO_(2)+ Cl_(2)` is first order reaction with half life period `3.15 xx 10^(4)`s at `320^(@)`C. What percentage of `SO_(2)Cl_(2)` would be decomposed on heating at `320^(@)`C for 90 minutes?

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  53. A first order reaction has a rate constant of 0.0051 `min^(-1)`. If we begin with 0.10 M concentration of the reactant, What concentration of reactant will remain in solution after 3 hours?

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  54. A first order reaction takes 10 minutes for `25%` decomposition. Calculate half life period of the reaction.

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  55. Decomposition of phosphine `(PH_(3))` at `120^(@)` C proceeds according to the equation
    `4PH_(3)(g) to P_(4)(g) + 6H_(2)(g)`
    It was found that the reaction follows the rate equation, Rate = `k[PH_(3)]`
    The half life period of `PH_(3)` is 37.9 s at `120^(@)`C.
    i) How much time will be required for `3//4` of `PH_(3)` to decompose?
    ii) What function of the original amount of `PH_(3)` will remain undecomposed after 1 minute?

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  56. With rate constant of `5 xx 10^(-4)sec^(-1)` at `45^(@)`C, If initial concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` is 0.25 M, Calcualte the concentration after 2 minutes. Also calculate half life for the decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` ?
    `2N_(2)O_(5)(g) to 4NO_(2)(g) + O_(2)(g)`

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  57. Under the same reaction condition, initial concentration of 1.386 mol `dm^(-3)` of a substance becomes half in 40s and 20s through first order and zero order kinetics respectively. Find out the `k_(1)/k_(0)` ratio for first order `(k_(1))` and zero order `(k_(0))` of the reaction.

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  58. The rate constant for a reaction of zero order in A is `0.0030 mol L^(-1)s^(-1)`. How long will take for the initial concentration to fall from 0.10 M to 0.075 M?

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  59. In a hydrolysis reaction, 5 g of ethyl acetate is hydroloysed in the presence of dilute HCl in 300 minutes. If the reaction is of first order and the initial concentration of ethyl acetate is 22g/L, calculate the rate constant for the reaction.

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  60. The thermal decomposition of formic acid (HCOOH) is a first order reaction with the rate constant of `2.4 xx 10^(-3)s^(-1)` at a certain temperature.Calculate how long will it take for three-fourth of initial quantity of HCOOH to decompose.

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  61. Following data is obtained for the reaction,
    `N_(2)O_(5) to 2NO + 1/2O_(2)`

    a) Show that the reaction is of first order
    b) Calculate the half life period.

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  62. For the first order thermal decomposition reaction, following data was obtained:

    Calculate the rate constant.

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  63. Nitrogen pentoxide decomposes according to equation
    `2N_(2)O_(5)(g) to 4NO_(2)(g) + O_(2)(g)`
    The first order reaction was allowed to proceed at `140^(@)`C and the data below were collected.

    a) Calculate rate constant in all the cases.
    b) What will be the concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` after 100 minutes?
    c) Calculate initial rate of reaction.

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  64. A first order reaction `A_(2)B_(2)(g) to 2A(g) + 2B(g)` at the temperature `400^(@)`C has the rate constant `k=2.0 xx 10^(-4)s^(-1)`. What percentage of `A_(2)B_(2)` is decomposed on heating for 900 seconds?

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  65. In a first reaction, `10%` of the reactant is consumed in 25 minutes. Calcualte.
    i) Half life period `(t_(1//2))` ii) Time taken to complete `87.5%` of the reaction.

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  66. The half-life of radioisotope bromine-82 is 36 hours. Calculate the fraction of a sample of bromine that remains after one day.

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  67. The half-life period of a radioactive element is `1.4 xx 10^(10)` years. Calculate the time in which the activity of the element is reduced to 90% of its original value.

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  68. Assume that two radioactive substances A and B disintegrate as:
    `(-d[A])/(dt) = k_(A), t_(1//2)(A) = 0.693/(K_(A))`
    `(-d[B])/(dt) = k_(B)[B]^(2), t_(1//2)(B) =1/(k_(B)[B]_(0)]`
    If both the half life periods and initial concentrations are equal, what will be the ratio of the rates of the two substances at the start of the reaction?

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  69. Two reactions of the same order have equal exponential factors but their activation energies differ by `24.9 kJ mol^(-1)`. Calculate the ratio between the rate constants of these reactions at `27^(@)`C (Gas constant `R= 8.3 JK^(-1)mol^(-1))`

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  70. The reaction `C_(2)H_(5)I to C_(2)H_(4) + HI` is of first order and its rate constants are `3.20 xx 10^(-4) s^(-1)` at 600 K and `1.60 xx 10^(-2)s^(-1)` at 1200 K. Calculate the energy of activation for the reaction. (Given `R= 8.314 JK^(-1)mol^(-1))`

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  71. A first order reaction is `50%` complete in 30 minutes at `27^(@)`C and in 10 minutes at `47^(@)`C. Calculate the reaction rate constants at these temperatures and the energy of activation of the reaction in `kJ//mol` (R=8.314 J` mol^(-1)K^(-1))`

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  72. A certain reactions is `50%` complete in 20 minutes at 300 K and the same reaction is again 50% completely in 5 minutes at 350 K. Calculate the activation energy if the reactions is of first order.

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  73. The rate constant for a first order reaction becomes six times when the temperature is raised from 350 to 400 K. Calculate the energy of activation for the reactions.

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  74. The rate constant for a first order reaction increases from `4 xx 10^(-2)` to `8 xx 10^(-2)` when the temperature changes from `27^(@)`C to `37^(@)`C. Calculate energy of activation for the reaction.

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  75. For a reaction, the activation energy is zero. What is the value of rate constant at `300 K` if `k=1.6 xx 10^(6)s^(-1)` at 280 K
    `(R= 8.31 JK^(-1)mol^(-1))`?

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  76. The rate constant of a reaction is `1.5 xx 10^(7)s^(-1)` at `50^(@)`C and `4.5 xx 10^(7)s^(-1)` at `100^(@)`C. Calculate the value of activation energy for the reaction `(R=8.314 J K^(-1)mol^(-1))`

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  77. The slope of a line in the graph of log k versus `1/T` for a reaction is `-5841`K. Calculate energy of activation for the reaction.

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  78. The activation energy of a reaction is 75.2 kJ `mol^(-1)` in the absence of a catalyst and 50.14 kJ `mol^(-1)` in the presence of a catalyst. How many times will the reaction grow in the presence of catalyst if the reaction proceeds at `25^(@)`C ?

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  79. The decomposition of phosphine,
    `4PH_(3)(g) to P_(4)(g) + 6H_(2)(g)` has rate law , Rate = `k[PH_(3)]`. The rate constant is `6.0 xx 10^(-4) s^(-1)` at 300 K and activation energy is `3.05 xx 10^(5)` J `mol^(-1)`. Calculate the value of the rate constant at 310 K (`R= 8.314 JK^(-1)mol^(-1))`

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  80. For a decomposition, the values of rate constants at two different temperature are given below:
    `k_(1) = 2.15 xx 10^(-8)L mol^(-1)s^(-1)` at 650 K
    `k_(2) = 2.39 xx 10^(-7) L mol^(-1)s^(-1)` at 700 K
    Calculate the value of activation energy for the reaction (R=`8.314 JK^(-1) mol^(-1))`

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  81. The rate of a reaction increases four times when the temperature changes from 300K to 320 K. Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction. `(R=8.314JK^(-1)mol^(-1))`

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  82. The rate constants of a reaction at 500 K and 700 K are `0.02s^(-1)` and `0.07s^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the values of `E_(a)` and A.

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  83. The first order rate constant for the decomposition of ethyl iodide by the reaction.
    `C_(2)H_(5)(g) to C_(2)H_(4)(g) + HI(g)` at 600 K is `160 xx 10^(-5)s^(-1)` , `T_(1)= 600K`, `T_(2)=700K, E_(a) = 209 kJmol^(-1)`.
    `logk_(2)= log(1.60 xx 10^(-5)s^(-1)) + (209000Jmol^(-1))/(2.303 xx 8.314J mol^(-1)K^(-1))[1/(600K)-1/(700K)]`
    `log k_(2)=(-5 + 0.2041) + 2.5989 = -2.197 = bar3.8080`
    `k_(2)="Antilog" bar3.8030 = 6.36 xx 10^(-3)s^(-1)`

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of S DINESH & CO CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12