Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
ERRORLESS | Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
The IUPAC name of `CH_(3)CHO` is :
The IUPAC name of `{:(CH_(3)-CH-CH_(2)-CH-CHO),(" |"" |"),(" "OH" "CH_(3)):}` will be
The IUPAC name of
`(CH_(3))_(2)CH-CH_(2)-CH_(2)Br` is
IUPAC name for the compound
The IUPAC name of the compound `CH_(2)=CH-CH_(2)-CH_(2)-C-=CH` is
The general molecular formula, which represents the homologous series of alkanols is
The IUPAC name of
The IUPAC name of
`CH_3-CH=CH-C-=CH` is
The correct IUPAC name of the compound
Which nomenclature is not according to IUPAC system
The structure of isobutyl group in an organic compound is
Structure of the compound whose `IUPAC` name is `3-`ethyl`-2-`hydroxy`-4-`methylhex`-3-`en`-5-`ynoic acid is
The IUPAC name of `CH_(3) -CH(OH) - CH_(2) - C(OH) ( CH_(3))_(2)` is `:`
Empirical formula of compound is `CH_(2)O`.If its molecular weight is 180 then the molecular formula of the compound is
IUPAC name of `{:(CH_(3)-CH-CH_(2)-CH-CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(" "CH_(3)" "CN):}`
IUPAC name of the following compound is
The compound having only primary hydrogen atoms is
The IUPAC name of `{:(" "CH_(3)O),(" |" " ||"),(CH_(3)-C-C-CH_(2)-CH_(2)OH):}` is
The correct structure of 4 - bromo - 3 - methyl but - 1 - ene is
The systematic name of `CH_(3)-CHBr - CH_(2)OH` is
IUPAC name of the compound is `{:(CH_(3)-CH=C-CH_(3)),(" |"),(" "CH_(2)-CH_(3)):}`
IUPAC name of `{:(" "H" "C_(4)H_(9)),(" |"" |"),(CH_(3)-C-C-CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(" "C_(2)H_(5)CH_(3)):}` is
The IUPAC name of the compound `{:(CH_(3)-C=CH_(2)CH_(2)OH),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}` is
The IUPAC name of the compound `CH_(3)-CH(C_(2)H_(5))-CH=CH-CH_(3)` is
The IUPAC name of the compound
`{:(" "OCH_(3)),(" |"),(CH_(3)-CH_(2)-CH-CH_(2)-OH):}` is
What will be the IUPAC name of the given compound ?
`{:(" "CH_(3)" "CH_(2)-CH_(3)),(" "|" "|),(CH_(3)-CH-CH -CH_(2)-CH-CH_(3)),(" "|),(" "CH_(2)-CH_(3)):}`
The structure of 2R, 3S-dibromocinnamic acid is
Alicyclic compounds are
Freon-114 used in refrigerator and air conditioners is 1, 2-dichlorotetrafluoroethane. Its structural formula is
IUPAC name of `{:(CH_(3)-CH_(2)-CH-NH_(2)),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}` is
The IUPAC name of
`{:(" "CH_(3)),(" |"),(CH_(3)-CH-CH_(2)-C-CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(" "OH" "OH):}` and `{:(CH_(2)-CH-CH_(2)),("|"" |"" |"),(CN" "CN" "CN):}`
IUPAC name of `(CH_(3))_(2)CH - CH = CH - CH_(3)` is
The IUPAC name of `CH_(3)CH(CH_(3))COOH` is
The IUPAC name of
`{:(H_(3)C-CH-CH_(2)-CH-CH_(2)Cl),(" |"" |"),(" "C_(2)H_(5)" "OH),():}`
IUPAC name of acetyl salicylic acid is
IUPAC name of teritary butyl alcohol is
IUPAC name of
`{:(" "OH),(" |"),(CH_(3)-C-CH_(2)-CH-CH_(3)),(" |"" | "),(" "CH_(3)" "CH_(3)):}` is
IUPAC name of the following compound will be
`{:(CH_(3)-CH=C-CH_(2)-CH_(3)),(" |"),(" "CH_(2)-CH_(2)-CH_(3)):}`
The `IUPAC` name of `CH_(3)CH_(2)C(Br)=CHCl` is
IUPAC name of the compound is
`{:(CH_(3)-CH-CH_(2)-CH(OH)-CH_(3)),(" |"),(" "CH_(2)),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}` is
The IUPAC name of the compound having structure
`{:(C_(2)H_(5)-C-CH-CH_(3)),(" ||"" |"),(" "CH_(2)CH_(3)):}` is
The I.U.P.A.C. name of `(C_(2)H_(5))_(2)CH.CH_(2)OH` is
Write the IUPAC name of `CH_(3)CH_(2)COOH`
IUPAC name of the following compound
IUPAC nomenclature of
`{:(" "CH_(3)" "CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(H_(3)C-C-CH=C-CH_(3)),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}`
The IUPAC name of `CH_(3)C-=C CH(CH_(3))_(2)` is
If `CH_(4)` is known as methane, then `C_(9)H_(20)` is known as
Cycloalkane has the formula
Name the alkene with molecular formula `C_(10)H_(20)`
The IUPAC name of compound
The IUPAC name of the following compound is
`HOOC - CH_(2)-underset(COOH)underset(|)(CH)-CH_(2)-CH_(2)-COOH`
Consider the following compound
IUPAC name of this compound is
Give the IUPAC name of the alkene
The IUPAC name of the following compound is
`{:((CH_(3))_(2)CH-CH_(2)CH=CH-CH=CH-CHCH_(3)),(" |"),(" "C_(2)H_(5)):}`
The number of primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary carbons in neo-pentane are respectively,
The IUPAC name of the compound `CH_(3)-CH(CH_(3))-CO-CH_(3)`, is
Which one of the following is a non-benzenoid aromatic compound
IUPAC name of the following compound
`{:(H_(3)C-CH_(2)-CH-CH_(2)-CH-CH_(2)CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(" "CH_(2)CH_(3)" "CH_(3)):}`
IUPAC name for the compound
IUPAC name is
IUPAC name of the following compound is
`{:(" "H),(" |"),(CH_(3)-C-CH_(2)-CH_(3)),(" |"),(" "C_(6)H_(5)):}`
The IUPAC name of `{:(CH_(3)-CH_(2)CH=C CH_(2)OH),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}` will be
The `IUPAC` name of the following compound `Cl_(3)C-CH_(2)CHO` is
IUPAC name of crotonaldehyde is
The `IUPAC` name of acraldehyde is
The number of tetirary carbon atoms in the compound `(CH_(3))_(2)CHCH_(2)C(CH_(3))_(3)` is
The name of `{:(H_(3)C-CH-CH-CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(" "CH_(3)" "OH):}` in IUPAC nomenclature system is
The name of according to `IUPAC` nomenclature system is `:`
IUPAC name of `(CH_(3))_(2)N-C_(2)H_(5)` is
IUPAC name is
IUPAC name of `(CH_(3))_(2)CH - CHO` is
IUPAC name of `(CH_(3))_(2)CH - CHO` is
The IUPAC name of `CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)` will be
IUPAC name of the compound is
`{:(" "CH_(3)),(" |"),(CH_(3)CH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(2)-CH-C-CH_(2)CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(" "CH_(3)" "CH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(3)):}`
What is correct IUPAC name for
`{:(" "H" "O),( " |"" |"),(CH_(3)-C-CH=CH-CH_(2)-C-OH),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}`
The IUPAC name of `CH_(3)-O-C_(2)H_(5)` is `:`
Which of the following alkanes contain primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary carbon atoms together
IUPAC name of Gammexane is
The IUPAC name of this compound
`{:(CH_(3)-CH-CH_(2)-CH-COOH),(" |"" |"),(" "C_(2)H_(5)" "CH_(3)):}`
Hexa-2-ene-4-yne is
Correct structural formula of compound 5-nitro-3-methoxy-3-methylhexanolchloride is
The IUPAC name of the following structure is `{:(CH_(3)-C-CH_(2)-COOH),(" ||"),(" "O):}`
The IUPAC name of compound
`CH_(3)-CH_(2)CH(CH_(3))CH_(2)COCl` is
The IUPAC name of `{:(CH_(2) = CH-CH-CH_(2)-CH_(3)),(" |"),(" "CH_(2)-CH_(2)-CH_(3)):}` is
Which of the following compound has wrong IUPAC name?
The `IUPAC` name of `CH_(3)COCH(CH_(3))_(2)` is
Which of the following compounds is not chiral
The IUPAC name of the compound shown below is
The IUPAC name of
The correct decreasing order of priority for the functional groups of organic compounds in the IUPAC system of nomenclature is
The IUPAC name for the formula
`{:(" "H),(" |"),(CH_(3)-C=C-COOH),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}`
IUPAC name of
`{:(CH_(3)-CH-CH_(3)),(" |"),(" "NH_(2)):}` is
The IUPAC name of the molecule
`{:(" "O" "O),(" ||"" ||"),(CH_(3)-C-C=""C-C-OH),(" |"" |"),(" "H_(3)C" "CH_(3)):}` is
IUPAC name of the compound is
The IUPAc name of the compound `CHO-(CH_(2))_(4)-COOH`
IUPAC name of the following are
`{:(" "CH_(3)),(" |"),(CH_(3)-N-C-CH_(2)-CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(" "CH_(3)""C_(2)H_(5)):}`
Write the IUPAC name of
`{:(" "H" "Br),(" |"" |"),(CH_(3)-C-CH_(2)-CH_(2)-CH_(2)-C-CH_(3)),(" |"" |"),(" "OH" "Br):}`
Write the IUPAC name of `{:(CH_(3)-O-CH-CH_(2)-CH_(3)),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}`
Give the correct IUPAC name of
`{:(" "CH_(3)),(" |"),(CH_(3).CH_(2)OCH.CH_(2).CH_(2)CH_(2)Cl):}`
Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds questions and complete solutions for chapter GENERAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12