Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
ERRORLESS | JEE Section (Only one choice correct answer) |
Number Of Questions | 85 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Name the compound, that is no isomer with diethyl ether
Among the given cation,s the most stable carbonium ions is ?
The compound `C_(4)H_(10)O` can show
Maximum number of isomers of alkene `C_(4)H_(8)` are
Geometrical isomerism is shown by
The IUPAC name of the compound having the formula is
`{:(" "CH_(3)),(" |"),(H_(3)C-C-CH=CH_(2)),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}`
Resonance structures of a molecule do not have:
Which compound is 2, 2, 3-trimethylhexane
An isomer of ethanol is
The bond between carbon atom (1) and carbon atom (2) in compound `N-=underset(1)(C)-underset(2)(CH)=CH_(2)`, involves the hybridization as
The IUPAC name of the compound `CH_(2)=CH-CH(CH_(3))_(2)` is
Which of the following will have least hindered rotation about carbon-carbon bond ?
If two compounds have the same empirical formula but different molecular formulae they must have
The number of isomers of `C_(6)H_(14)` is
In `CH_(3)CH_(2)OH`, the bond that undergoes heterolytic cleavage most readily is
Polarisation of electrons in acrolein may be written as :
The `CI - C - CI` angle in `1, 1, 2, 2`, tetrachloroethone and tetrachloromethane respectively will be about:
The compound which gives the most stable carbonium ion on dehydration is
The number of sigma and pi-bonds in 1-butene 3-yne are:
All bonds in benzene are equal due to
Amongst the following the most basic compound is :
The formation of cyanohydrin from a ketone is an example of
The enolic form of acetone contains
The `C-C` bond length of the following molecules is in the order
Which one of the following behaves both as a nucleophile and an electrophile ?
Number of `pi` electrons in cyclobutadienyl anion `(C_(4)H_(4))^(-2)` is
Isomers which can be interconverted through rotation around a single bond are
Homolytic fission of C-C bond in ethane gives an intermediate in which carbon is
The maximum number of stereoisomers possible for `2`-hydroxy-`2`-methyl butanoic acid is
IUPAC name of `{:(CH_(3)-CH-CHO),(" |"),(" "CH_(2)CH_(3)):}` is
Which is the decreasing order of stability
(i) `CH_(3)-overset(+)(CH)-CH_(3)`
(ii) `CH_(3)-overset(+)(CH)-O-CH_(3)`
(iii) `CH_(3)-overset(+)(CH)-CO-CH_(3)`
Which has zero dipole moment
The IUPAC name of succinic acid is
What is the decreasing order of reactivity amongst the following compounds towards aromatic electrophilic substitution
I. Chlorobenzene
II. Benzene
III. Anilinium chloride
IV. Toluene
The following compound can exhibits
निम्न में से कौन-सी स्पिशीज सर्वाधिक स्थायी है?
The correct statement about the compounds A and B is
How many optically active stereoisomers are possible for butane-2, 3-diol ?
The optically active tartaric acid is named as D-(+)-tartaric acid because it has a positive
Carbon atoms in the compound `(CN)_(4)C_(2)` are
A solution of `(+)`-2-chloro-2-phenyl ethane in toluene racemises slowly in the presence of small amount of `SbCl_(5)`, due to the formation of:
The correct IUPAC name of
`{:(H_(2)C=CH-CH-CH_(2)C-=CH),(" |"),(" "CH_(3)):}`
Which of the following has the highest nucleophilicity ?
Which of the following compounds will exhibit geometrical isomerism?
Which of the following will not lose asymmetry on reduction with `LiAIH_(4)`
As `S_(N^(2))` reaction at an asymmetric carbon of a compound always gives:
The number of isomers for the compound with molecular formula `C_(2)BrClFI` is
Hydrogenation of the above compound in the presence of poisoned `Pd` catalyst gives:
Identify the correct order of reactivity in electrophilic substitution reactions of the following compounds:
Which of the following compounds exhibits stereoisomerism?
Which of the following hydrocarbons has the lowest dipole moment
Which of the following represent the given mode of hybridisation `sp^(2)-sp^(2)-sp-sp` from left to right?
How many structures of F is possible?
An enantiomerically pure acid is treated with racemic mixture of an alcohol having one chiral carbon. The ester formed will be :
Among the following, the molecule with the highest dipole moment is :
On monochlorination of 2-methylbutane, the total number of chiral compound formed is :
The major product obtained when `(Br_2)/(Fe)` is treated with
`C_(2)` is rotated anti-clockwise `120^(@)` about `C_(2)-C_(3)` bond. The resulting conformer is
Arrange in order of increasing acidic strength
Which of the following resonating structures of 1-methoxy-1,3-butadiene is least stable ?
`C_(5)H_(11)Cloverset("frictional distillation")rarr M` (isomeric product)
What are N and M
The `IUPAC` name of `C_(6)H_(5)COCl` is
Among the following, the least stable resonance structure is :
The number of stereoisomers obtained by bromination of trans-2-butene is :
The correct statements `(s)` about the compound given below is/are:
Hyperconjugation involves overlap of the following orbitals :
The correct stability order for the following species is
The correct acidity order of the following is
In the following carbocation, `H//CH_(3)` that is most likely to migrate to the positve charged carbon is :
`H_(3)overset(1)C-overset(H)overset(|2)underset(OH)underset("| ")"C"-underset(H)underset(3|)overset(+)C-overset(H)overset(|4)underset(""CH_(3))underset("| ")"C "-overset(5)CH_(3)`
The IUPAC name of the following compound is
In allene `(C_(3)H_(4))` the type(s) of hybridisation of the carbon atoms is (are):
The order of stability of the following carbocations
For which of the following molecule significant `mu ne0` ?
Isomers of hexane , based on their branching can be divided into three distinct classes as shown in the figure.
The correct order of their boiling points is :
In `S_(N)2` reaction, the correct order of reactivity for following compounds
`CH_(3)Cl,CH_(3)CH_(2)Cl,(CH_(3))_(2)CHCl,(CH_(3))_(3)C-Cl` is
Which of the following compounds will exhibit geometrical isomerism?
In Carius method of estimation of halogens `250 mg` of an organic compound gave `141 mg` of `AgBr`. The percentage of bromine in the compound is (atomic mass `Ag = 108, Br = 80`)
The distillation technique most sited for separating glycerol from spent lye in the soap industry is
At `300 K` and `1 atm, 15 mL` of a gaseous hydrocarbon requires `375 mL` air containing `20% O_(2)` by volume for complete combustion. After combustion, the gases occupy `330 mL`. Assuming that the water formed is in liquid form and the volumes were measured at the same temperature and pressure, the formula of the hydrocarbon is
The absolute configuration of
The correct order of acidity for the following compounds is
3-menthyl-pent-2-ene on reaction with HBr in presence of peroxide forms an addition product. The number of possible stereoisomers for the product is
Which of the following molecules is least resonance stabilised?
Which of the following salts is the most basic in aqueous solution?
The ration of mass per cent of C and H of an organic compound `(C_(x)H_(y)O_(z)) "is"6:1`. If one molecule of the above compound `(C_(x)H_(Y)O_(z))` contains half as much oxygen as required to burn one molecule of compound `C_(x)H_(Y)` compleltely to `CO_(2) and H_(2)O`. The empirial formula of compound `C_(x)H_(y)O_(z)` is:
JEE Section (Only one choice correct answer) questions and complete solutions for chapter GENERAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12