Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 90 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
On oxidation of alcohol with
Structure of X is :
Structure of X is :
Complete the following reaction
Structure of A is :
Complete the following reaction
Preditct the major product of this reation
Arrange the stability of given gem diol in decreasing order : Select the correct answers from give code :
A and B are respectively :
Major product of reaction is :
The products of periodic acid oxidation of the given compound are :
Final product A is :
What is the total number of carbon atoms in
What are the most likely products of the reaction shown below ?
Phenol and benzoic acid is separated by :
Complete the following reaction
Select correct statement :
1, 2, 3 butanetriol undergoes oxidative cleavage of
The boiling point of isomeric alchols alcohols follows the order :
Identify the which upon addition excess Grignard's reagent will provide a secondary alcohol :
Which of the following can give immediate turbidity on treatment with Lucas Reagent?
Conversion can be carried out by :
Conversion can be carride out by :
The correct increasing order of boiling point for the following alcohols is :
Select correct statement about[x] and[y].
Which compound will not from during reaction?
Complete the following reaction
The correct order of relative rate of acidic hydrolysis of the following compound is :
Correct rate of reaction with PhMgBr is :
How many gms of cyclohexane will be formed in the above rection(Consider the yield to be 100% in each step)?
For the reaction
Final product is :
Major product is :
What will be the final product when elthyl benzene is treated with the reeagent listed, below?
(P)NBS, peroxide, heat (Q)alcoholic KOH,
( R )
Major product is :
Structure of X is :
End product of above reaction is :
D is :
The product is :
Struture of X is :
A is :
Product is :
Major product.
Following interconversion was done by Vandana and Upasana in ICL(International chemical Laboratory) New York.
Vandana's method :
(P) `CH_(3)MgBr (1 aq.) "followed by" " and " NH_(4)Cl
Find out the correct statement(s) based on above formation.
Best representation of A is :
A is :
Major product is :
X is :
Find out the correct order of rate of dehydration for given compounds with cone.
Select the correct statement about oroducts A, B and C.
Y is :
P is :
Select incorrect option :
Dehydration product of 1,4 -diol given below will be :
Solubility order in
will be :
Correct order of solubility of following compounds is :
1. Cyclopropane-1,2.3-triol
2. Cyclobutane-1,2-diol
3. Cyclopantanol
4. Cyclohexane
Final product of oxidation of
Rate of hydration of :
Redution of ester with
How would you get recemic mixtureof 1,2 butane siol from cis 2-butane?
Which one of the following can not be the product during dehydration of following alcohol ?
The product P is :
A is :
Glycol on heatingwith
A is :
Mojar product is :
Phenol with Hinsberg's reagent gives :
How many product are obtained in the gives reaction ?
Major product of above reaction is :
A is :
ture about this is :
Consider the reaction of HI with the following :
Which forms di-iodide on reaction with HI (excess) ?
product 'A' is : :
and B are :
In the following reaction, final product is :
Select schemes A, B, C out of :
I acid catalysed hydration
III oxymercuration-demercuration
A is :
Which of the following alcohols connot be prepared from an alkene?
On treatment with Lucas reagent , there is an appearance of a precipitate at once. This is a :
Which mechainsm is not seen during the hydrolysis of ester ?
Product of this reaction is :
An enantiomerically pure acid is treated with racemic mixture of an alcohol having one chiral carbon. The ester formed will be :
P is :
This reaction is called as :
STRAIGHT OBJECTIVE questions and complete solutions for chapter ALCOHOL, ETHER AND EPOXY of GRB CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12